Thunder's Place

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30 Days No Ejaculation Experiment

Tsuga, now that’s some solid experience. Please tell us more, how do you feel, what makes this experience so unique sexually for you?. 13 years is quite a bit, no?. You have extra energy?. You just feel relaxed?. You actually never ejaculated in this 13 years?. That’s insane, are you Testosterone levels alright?. You were a “sexual” guy during your teen years and 20s?. Are you a “sexual” guy now?. Are you a “spiritual” guy?. Whats your motivation to do this?. I think this experiment is going to be very interesting.

And : you do like coke or pepsi?

Maybe I asked too much… :) .

Just kidding a bit. ;)

Penismith, it´s good to know that you felt that way on the third and fourth week, since testosterone seems to regularize after week 1. Did you had any experience with PE or sex in those times?.

UFGator, you are welcome to give this a shot if you want, and tell us how you feel here.

I slept less than 5 hours today, flacid hang is (5/10). I wont be doing morning PE today.

Originally Posted by penismith

I’ve gone 65 days.

What were the exercises?

Would be difficult to describe in words, and they were part of the ‘secret teachings’ which we were made to promise not to teach anyone who had not done a formal ‘discipleship ceremony’ with us. And I’m not into all that!

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by 8inchM

I think this is a valuable experiment, I will keep going. 30 days. Firegoat and penismith give us more details please. How your levels of horniness evolved on week 1, week 2… and so on. Did you have ups and downs?.

First week I just got hornier as the week went on, first half or so of the second week things levelled out and I didn’t feel much different to ‘normal’, but people kept telling me how well I looked! After that, I just felt generally well and young and enthusiastic about life, but I was constantly aware of my penis. It was hanging slightly fuller than normal and more sensitive; it felt like it had a life of it’s own - like I said, it felt like it was 16 again. I won’t say any more than that as I don’t want you to end up feeling a certain way because you expect to. I’m interested in hearing what your personal experiences are.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by 8inchM
Cock Kent, how old are you?. You never founded masturbation satisfying?. Whats the maximum period of abstinence that you went through?. If you wont masturbate can you post how you feel on day 9 and 10?.

I’m just around the corner to turning 49. Masturbation was satisfying in my early 20’s. My wife has a good sexual appetite and we have sex 1-2 times a day, so when we’re together I’m satisfied with no need to masturbate. It’s been like that over 20 years. However, I do have to travel on business and the maximum I go without ejaculating is 7 days on those trips. If my business trip is longer than that then I’ll whack off every 3 or 4 day since that’s when I start not being myself.

This trip I’m on now is unusual cause we’ll be apart from June 27 to July 22. During times like this wife would fly in for 1 or 2 weekends but work is preventing her this time.

I’m on day 9 right now and feel edgy, irritable, trouble concentrating and things just piss me off now that normally I’d shrug off. I’ve also noticed that my flaccid isn’t hanging as full and my morning wood seems “less big” during this period of no sex. My body seems to be the “use it or lose it” type. I’m definitely blowing one out tonight and not going longer than 3-4 days during this trip.

We’re all built different and wish you luck on the experiment. Going to follow this thread see how your body reacts.

Almost 2 days in. No ill effects yet. But I did have raging morning wood this morning for what’s that worth- it’s not that usual for me.

Originally Posted by 8inchM
Penismith, it´s good to know that you felt that way on the third and fourth week, since testosterone seems to regularize after week 1. Did you had any experience with PE or sex in those times?.

Sex but not much PE while doing this. Sex is great in the first couple of weeks but then fear of ending the run affects pleasure and performance some.

Originally Posted by firegoat
Would be difficult to describe in words, and they were part of the ‘secret teachings’ which we were made to promise not to teach anyone who had not done a formal ‘discipleship ceremony’ with us. And I’m not into all that!

I respect that.

I know what you mean Cock Kent, been there. What I am conjecturing is that maybe If you go past those days you will start to feel good again. You know I have ups and downs on the first week. Maybe its just a pattern.

74zowee86, we are going to make it to the 2 days mark, just 28 days to go… :)

Can you tell us Firegoat, you TP fellows, if the time invested to learn those secrets teachings was worthy?. No one is going to go to Asia anyway (I assume). Regarding your experience conditioning how I am going to feel, its a valid point. I wont let that happen, so keep posting your experiences.


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