Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Dick Control: A Primer

My thoughts on breathing (I’m no expert on this stuff but breathing control is one thing that has definitely helped me).

As I get more aroused, my breathing becomes more rapid and more shallow (I think this is pretty universal and also tied to a more rapid heart rate).

By being aware of my respiration rate, and keeping it slow, deep and regular, I can control the arousal level. If I forget to think about breathing, then I inevitably start breathing more rapidly and arousal increases.

If I am near the ponr, I can start slow, deep breathing and usually relax myself enough to back away from the ponr.

The other thing, which Cheeva mentioned, is “belly breathing”. I think this term is used in “The Multi-Orgasmic Man” book.

When doing deep, slow breathing, be sure your belly is expanding with each breath, and not just your chest. It helps with relaxing and spreading the energy.

Horny Bastard

Thank you Cheeva, good work.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Listen well ye’ who are noobs to the mighty subject of Dick Kontrol- here lies the way to conquer the slipperiest of slopes.

I especially liked the dialogue on ‘spreading’.

In my personal experiences, I’ve found that ‘spreading’ and the ‘super lock’ are king. I use some of the other techniques from time to time, but ‘spreading’, especially, transforms sex into some monumental Big Fun shit.

‘Spreading’, for me, basically means focusing on the “primary” area of intense arousal (genital/perineal) and then “pulling” this intense arousal outward from it’s point of origin which has the trait of dilluting it somewhat. This allows one to control the state of super-excitation which usually precedes orgasm.

Then, when I’ve ‘spread’ the area of sexual pleasure outward, to continue to pump the new boundary of excitation with the sexual energy until it gets orgasmically intense- then I ‘spread’ the sensation outwards yet again.

This is repeated until the orgasmic love buzz has saturated everything which is a pretty cool feeling and which is doubtless a very healing/rejuvenating enterprise.

From this point the super kegel and internal locking are used to refrain from orgasm. However, my chick and I have been actually ‘spreading’ our energy into each other for quite awhile which is really fun and very weird…blurring the line between who/what is fucking who/whom.

Great stuff cheeva! :up:

Cheeva, what have been the results that you got with these techniques? I tried to some degree these techniques (a long time ago) and I must to say that although a few times I got to something, it was more like the exception. I would like to know how has been for you or anyone that had tried it.

Good stuff.

I am testing out the spreading technique, will report back… eventually.

Spread all that energy around, from the toes to the head swirl it take it to the navel and then push that energy right back into your penis. Wow! The dry “O” from doing is is intense. Of course I’m referring to Werner Ashfords new post a few days back in “sweet Rewards.”

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Cheeva, thank you for your wonderful posts!

While it is still early days for me, by using your techniques I believe I was able to balloon last night, and this morning I woke up with my hardest morning wood for years. Good feelings all around!

Yesterday morning I tried your spreading exercise and refrained from ejaculation. For the rest of the day, my flaccid felt fuller. I did ejaculate last night, but after waking up with my best morning wood for a long time, I was very motivated to do the spreading/no ejaculation exercise again this morning.

I started PE 1-2 months ago and my EQ has been improving, but this was a big jump for me.

I only recently joined Thunders, and while PE is my main focus, it has been interesting to discover these discussions by you and others (especially kingpole, kazzoplayer, avocent8, Mr Happy, Werner .. I am sure I have missed someone).

I guess I was a believer in what you guys have been discussing because at times in my life I have felt, but to a lesser degree and with much less control, what you have been describing. My problem was that I could never replicate the feelings/sessions. I knew it felt great, but I couldn’t do it on demand.

My first taste was around three years ago. I was watching an erotic/non-porn movie and masturbating. I wanted to get to the end of the movie, so I slowed things down. It felt better and better .. Mini orgasms .. And when I finally ejaculated, it was like nothing I had ever experienced before. Full body heat and tingling throughout, especially in my legs/feet and toes. For about an hour after, I could clench my groin and feel very pleasant tingling/electric contractions in my feet and toes and up my legs. The next day when thinking about what happened, I could still feel “echoes” of it.

I seriously wondered at the time (I was 35) whether I had just had my first real orgasm. As you could imagine, I went looking for those orgasms again. I had mixed success, sometimes I got there (mostly through trying to control my breathing), but most times the cycles took longer, and the final ejaculation was weak and non-satisfying. At the time, I reasoned that I was having two types of orgasm. Multiple “female orgasms” which felt amazing but had no release and a “male orgasm” which didn’t have the whole body/tingles, but a good release at the end.

As time went on, I found that going for the “female orgasm” was tiring me out and draining me the next day.

In hindsight, with the reading I have been doing here at Thunders, I am now re-evaluating my experiences. I think what I was mostly doing was going too close to the edge and having retrograde ejaculations. This was why my cycles were getting too long and I was having weak ejaculations at the end. The fewer times I didn’t get as close to the edge, I had multiple dry orgasms, and everything came together sweetly.

As far as ballooning goes, this is something else that rang a bell with me. A feeling similar to what is described in some of the ballooning threads posts happened to me a few times (it took a lot of reading of those threads before I realised this). Each time I was sitting on a reclinable chair at a computer desk reading a good erotic story. At the time, I thought it was just because the stories were good :) But, what I realise now is that I was actually pressing down on the balls of my feet and kind of rocking the bottom of my pelvis up and out. Without thinking or knowing about it, I was doing combinations of Cheeva’s “Super Pulling Kegel” and “Super Reverse Kegel”. What I remember more was that my penis felt like it had extended further out from my body than ever before, at a higher angle, and felt extremely full (especially at the top of the “newly extended” base, which I was naturally rubbing). It also felt very non-fragile, like I was in no danger of losing it. This feeling of fullness persisted after I ejaculated for much longer than usual.

I didn’t get the opportunity to do that often, and while the feeling of a very full penis was nice, it wasn’t something that I went after at the time. However now that my focus is on PE, this is something that I want to try and do more often.

All that brings me up to yesterday. Yesterday I applied some of the exercises and I was much more aware of what my PC/BC/perineum/anus and tailbone? Areas were doing. I experimented with different contractions/relaxations along with my breathing. Towards the PONR, I also put a finger on my perineum to try and notice what was going on. The difference was like night and day. While I was not able to achieve the kind of intense feelings I had stumbled into in the past, for the first time I felt like I had some control over where I was going and I can see that with the awareness, I could grasp onto some control, and I could go a lot further.

What surprised me the most was all the contractions/relaxations that I must have been doing subconsciously for years. It was like a symphony of movement down there .. Now it has a conductor (in training)!

Thanks everyone!

A question for the guys who have good dick control.

Do you have a strong sense/awareness of your penis?

What I mean is that if I close my eyes and concentrate on my index finger, I have a strong sense of where it is. I can move my concentration all around my finger, and it feels very defined in my mind. Hard to explain, but from my limited knowledge I think what I am describing is called proprioception ?

On the other hand, if I try to concentrate on a point on my back, it feels a bit "blurry". It is impossible for me to zoom in on any one point. Again from limited knowledge I believe this is because my back has less nerve density than my finger.

When I put my concentration on my penis, it also seems a bit "blurry" like my back. I can move my concentration from my anus to the perineum to around my sack and then the penis, but I can’t seem to zoom in like I can with my finger. If I touch anything, I have no problems feeling that, but absent any touch, I don’t feel that I have good awareness of where everything is down there.

I spent some time yesterday trying to improve my awareness by concentrating on one point on my flaccid penis and then trying to move that point of concentration around (especially trying to get down into my internal penis which I never knew was there before I found Thunders). A side effect of this is that I felt that my penis got a bit warmer and maybe a bit fuller.

Is this something that you are aware of, or something that has developed for you with edging/ballooning and cheeva’s spreading exercise? Do you have the same kind of awareness of your penis as say your index finger?


This takes practice but you will develop awareness of every inch. You develop awareness of the most sensitive parts. You will learn to make the entire penis an erogenous zone. Not just the frenulum and glans.

It helps to relax the rest of the body. Get rid of distractions. Put the cat out so it won’t kneed your testicles. Turn off the cell phone. Turn off the porn. Start at the base and slowly stroke your way up.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Beautiful job, very fine and helpful thread.
Just one question..what is a kegel????

Hey, I’m just kidding!

Originally Posted by awstev
Do you have a strong sense/awareness of your penis?

Yes, pretty much. I can do what you are describing with pin point accuracy and crystal clarity anywhere on/in the body.

I can’t say how hard it would be for you to master this stuff or how far you would want to take it but it is something that you can learn if you wish.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Thanks kingpole and iamaru. I will start practicing this.

Thanks for sharing these powerful techniques with us, cheeva!

I do believe that praticing PE exercises to have a bigger/longer penis, and being able to last longer in bed go hand in hand. So once again, you did a good job by putting this down. Peace

Big Money, Big Dick : and You'll have wild success with Females ! That\'s no secret

Before : 16cm *Now: NBPEL 7.91" (20.1 cm) x EG 5.9" as of 19-Mar-2008 New Short Term Goal : 21 cm

Back! El Presidente FrankWhite :moon2: 8 is NOT enuff Retirement from PE @ 22cm :!:

I have a couple questions cheeva, hope you will see this and have time to reply sometime hehe.

- When you start stimulating yourself is it ok to watch porn just to get aroused at first? I know that I won’t get the same kind of hard on unless I do this or if I’m with my girlfriend..

- Should we try to get to the PONR fast? Once again here if I’m not with my girl or watching porn I think I could go for a really long time, and if not going rather fast I know I won’t reach a fully erection and probably take ages to reach the PONR.

Manual Lock:
- You have said it can cause a mild discomfort, to me who I’m pretty ignorant on all this I would say that it is probably bad to ejaculate inside, since naturally it is supposed to get out no? Hehe. So my question here is if there is any knowledge on if there is any danger to ejaculate inside.

Well those are my questions for now.
I want to thank you personally for the thread it has encouraged me to keep on trying with my quest to stop being a premature ejaculator, since my main problem is the first ejaculation.. I’m at a moment of my life with my girlfriend at a pretty active sex relationship, and I have no problem to keep on going after ejaculating once, then I can control myself to go as long as I want and to ejaculate when I want (the second time that is).


Ps: how many times a day you recommend doing the spreading?


I ramble on quite a lot about how to control PE on this thread: Patience… from that quote onwards.

This is an excellent thread, I am really starting to get somewhere with the spreading but my privacy is limited at the moment.


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