Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Dick Control: A Primer

I have been trying to advance my skills in this area, and would like to share my observations. Any of you guys who have this control thing figured out, I would appreciate your thoughts.

There seems to be three parts to this.

-First, keeping the arousal level low and avoiding the ponr.

-Second, learning to reduce arousal level once you are close to the ponr.

-Third, being able to orgasm without ejaculation, which is the best way to reduce arousal, and allows one to get maximum enjoyment and continue fucking indefinitely.

Do you agree, or am I making this too complicated?

For part one (keeping arousal low), the breathing and spreading ideas seem to make sense, and work for a while, but eventually I approach PONR (sooner than I want).

So, at part two (need to reduce arousal because close to ponr), the reverse kegel seems to work the best for me, but only for a short time. I can reverse kegel or just stop and breath, but once I start thrusting again, I almost immediately regain the previous level of arousal. So I am not really getting rid of the energy. it is just hiding for a second and comes right back with further stimulation.

So it seems a dry orgasm would be the way to get rid of that energy. Do you use kegels to achieve that energy release? Can you explain this in more detail?

Horny Bastard

Will practice this for sure.Nice article.

“Spiritual” ?
Not that being spiritual wasn’t a good thing, but that was as spiritual as an athlete visualizing top performance to surpass his goals.

In other words that make it harder for you to classify them as something that “isn’t me”: It’s always in the software, never in the hardware.


P.S: Why go through the struggle of exercise when it’s all in your mind anyways? Not that this particular exercise isn’t fun to do.. But why bother? This is such a pure mental problem (compared to, say, grandmastering a type of martial arts), so really about any exercise you can do is only about creating a big enough excuse for yourself to allow yourself to be the solution to the problem that you created in the first place. Don’t overthink things emotional / mental. Your brain isn’t the doing the fucking, your dick is (or at least I hope for your gal :P ).

If you are doing the exercises for the sake of doing the exercises, you are totally missing the point. Not that you’d ever need, have to or even want to get it. Doesn’t change the fact though :)

My problems with Dick Control: A Primer

Couple problems/questions during my exercises with Dick Control: A Primer, maybe you can add advice or better explanation for my better understanding of this technique.

- First off in spreading, when you begin stimulating yourself I’m finding arousal problems, is it necessary to reach a hard erection or is it ok to have a semi erection and start stimulating slowly?

- While stimulating myself I find as well that unless I close my eyes and sometimes envision my girl or something sexy it’s extremely hard for me to get to the PONR.

- Full Body relaxation: I don’t know if I do this right, I try to relax and feel all those areas, but I don’t know if this is more a mind thing where we have to imagine then try to feel or what.. I mean I can feel the cold air on the tip of my toes, my hands.. Maybe the cheeks on my face.. But unless I touch them literally I don’t really feel anything.

So please, can someone give me some advice on how to do these better, will appreciate it.


I think I could give a personal tip on how to stay on the “plateau” and not go up or down. Once there, you could experiment with relaxing, mind control, visualization, etc, etc. But one has to be able to first get to the plateau, and then not fall down, or go over the top.

Getting to the plateau is easy. You just stimulate yourself up to the PONR and stop. If you start losing erection then stimulate a little more. If that is too exciting, or too boring, then try adding or removing visual or other stimuli as needed in order to be able to get on the plateau quickly but not automatically continue to the PONR.

Once on the plateau, and by that I mean a hard erection and a medium-high sensitivity, you should find your own ways to stop yourself before reaching the PONR.

Stopping any stimulation is one such obvious way. And this is an okay thing to do when you are by yourself and your girl is not wondering why you stopped. But that’s not really sexy, is it? Although sometimes it is very useful and you just have to stop for a moment and catch a deep breath. Do not rush. Just stop, breathe deep, let the pulse slow down, and then continue slowly where you left off.

The other way that used to work for me well in the beginning was holding a kegel. Just hold one as hard as you can, your penis will engorge with blood, grow into a huge monster, and after a few seconds the glans will lose some sensitivity. Even if your kegeling does not engorge your glans fully, then it will still reduce your sensitivity. After a few more seconds the erection will start going down. Then you can still keep that kegel and continue going.

Try contracting your stomach muscles very hard, if you can thrust a little but can’t take any additional stimulation. That will move your mental concentration away from your genitals to the stomach. You will turn red in your face, and that will definitely do some energy spreading for you, LOL! You can combine that with a reverse kegel, which would engorge your glans and desensitize it a little.

Once your figure out now not to fall from the plateau, you should learn to relax, channel or spread the energy, and do all the other things that make sex fun. But just being on the plateau for an extended period of time will already make you feel like THE MAN.

As far as orgasms, I would not be too concerned about them. If I get close to the PONR then I feel lots of contractions that feel pretty damn like a real orgasm. Some of them are dry orgasms, but if I get one that is too intense then I may lose some erection for a while. It is pretty damn hard, if not impossible to have a dry orgasm while still continuing any penile stimulation. After about 15 years of practicing and experimenting, I am still finding this part the most difficult, the least consistent, and even sometimes unpredictable. I would recommend to the beginners to stay away from that area in the beginning. You will get close to the orgasm whether you want it or not eventually, so do not rush it. In the beginning your goal should be NOT TO HAVE an orgasm because in your mind, and in your muscles, you haven’t learned to separate the orgasm from ejaculation just yet. So just do not go there in the beginning. Your goal number one should be to maintain the erection and be able to do sets of multiple thrusts without going over. If you can do that, then you are already on your way to a greater happiness! Good luck!

“In the beginning your goal should be NOT TO HAVE an orgasm”

Or to put it in a more positively-worded, goal-oriented phrase:
“Your goal is to find as much pleasure and joy as you can without going over the edge.” (without having to resort to ejaculating ;) ).

It’s not that you could avoid the pleasure when exercising in this area (even though you can easily be so relaxed to can go for hours without having too much fun or pleasure either.. Kinda like deep sleep fucking.. No-go.).


I have always had a pretty heavy pre-cum. When reaching the PONR I have found that after stopping at least once I start to pre-cum. It isn’t just a drip too. It’s about 20 drips. I’d say a teaspoon through the whole process of stopping and going 5 or 6 times. Is this a sign that I am not closing off the right valves while I am doing this? How can I prevent the pre-cum. I have found it makes sex much shorter, because it adds that much more lube. Ideas?

5/16/06 - BPSFL: 7" BPEL: 6.5" EL: 6" EG: 4.75"

Goal - 7.5"x5.5"

"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all."

I have found on exhalation when coming close to the PONR I get much closer. My inhalation takes away the stimulation for some reason.

I also feel when I hold a kegel I cannot breathe in fully because my stomach muscles seem to be clenched. Am I not focusing on my PC/BC enough when kegeling?

How do you relax completely when having sex? I feel like your body is tense the whole time especially when you are on top holding yourself up.

5/16/06 - BPSFL: 7" BPEL: 6.5" EL: 6" EG: 4.75"

Goal - 7.5"x5.5"

"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all."

Last edited by ck10n3 : 04-01-2008 at .

It’s a sign you went past the PONR and didn’t just reach it ;)
Erections are usually somewhat weaker for a 5-8 second count after such passing over the goal (for me at least). Happens every once in a while. No biggie.

If instead going on forever is the main priority for you, find out which feeling/motion is the last wave before you get close to your PONR.
When you notice this last wave starting, concentrate on something else completely (and if this is “concentrating on totally removing your focus from this last wave and focus it somewhere else completely” you will notice that the “energy” of the last wave follows this focus as well).

If you are into “sorcery” you can redirect the energy with your focus into an idea of yours at which point it will simply vanish completely (IF you focused only on the desired outcome) ;)

This “sorcery” can be used for anything including deliberate changes of your beliefs.

“Sorcery” is just the word I used to put a mystic spin on this. It’s a completely natural process.


edit: *drumroll* Let there be a flood of rantings done unto thee by religious nutcases. Ok ok, I’m overdramatizing. But orgasm surely can be a spiritual experience (not a “religious” one. Religion is the spiritual ideas put forth by an organization where each organization has its own rules on how to achieve the desired outcome :) )

I have to respectfully disagree with most of the technique advice that ys has given in this thread. I think ys is full of bs. Sorry, could not contain myself. No pun intended. :)

There is no way that someone could go pase PONR and not know it.

Guys, if you have questions, please post them here in the thread instead of PMing me. For one thing, I’m not the only dude around here with insights about this shit. There are plenty of other folks who know what they’re talking about (probably more than I do.) Posting in the thread allows them to answer as well, or disagree, or whatever—the more perspectives the merrier. Also, others with similar questions can benefit from the answers as well. So I will no longer be answering questions via PM, unless you wish to remain (even more) anonymous for some reason. In that case I will respond if and when I have time, but the question and answer will be reposted here without using your user name. By PMing me a question regarding this thread, you are agreeing to these conditions. Cool?

I’m glad to see this thread is taking on a life of its own, and that others with some experience are chiming in. Good stuff.

Keep it up. :up:


Going past the PONR would result in ejaculation, right? Well, I am just talking about pre-cum. I get it sometimes not even close to the PONR. Is this a sign that I am not closing off the right valves while I am doing this? How can I prevent the pre-cum.

5/16/06 - BPSFL: 7" BPEL: 6.5" EL: 6" EG: 4.75"

Goal - 7.5"x5.5"

"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all."

MrAvg. I’m glad to see you into this.

Cheeva. How is what you have achieved different/better/? than what Werner Ashford says he has achieved. I have been PMing Werner about his wonderful circuitry. This man has wonderful whole body orgasms out of the blue with no warning and without laying a hand on his dick. If what he has achieved is possible for us all, we are the biggest fools as men not to expend the time and energy to accomplish multiple orgasms. I congratulate you man on what you have achieved and in challenging the rest of us to maximize our sexuality. We as men expend months and years building a bigger dick so why not expend the time it takes to become multi orgasmic. I dont see anything about supplements that you take. Werner takes lots of supplements to up his sexuality. How old are you man? For me at age 61, I have in about six weeks accomplished Werners orbiting sensations utilizing exhaling and drawing the energy up to my forehead and then inhaling slowly and drawing the sexual energy down into wonderfully intense tingling sensations in my dick, anus, abdomen, and nuts. However, due to my age, I wonder if I will be able to achieve what you and Werner have achieved. I am a tough old goat so if I dont achieve it, it wont be because I didnt give it the old college try. How long did it take you to become multiorgamic?

Keep teaching us the mechanics with lots of details to methodology and the time it takes to accomplish it. I bought Charles Runnells, M.D.’s best selling book on this subject. It is weak on methodology. Someone need to give us a good road map on how to do this. Thanks man for your time.

c0rnholio, no pun taken ;)
It’s a choice to learn and do things at extra difficulty. It’s a choice to ease into the learning and just do it. :)

ck10n3, no clue really. I know what you are talking about from by beginning experiences in this. Someone recommended doing more kegels and it surely stopped this kind of precum (but had other less positive sideeffects at least for me, despite what myriads of other people may say here and elsewhere :) ).

If I were you I’d try doing kegels (aiming for more length and intensity in holding them than sheer repetition). Even _if_ you get unlucky like me and have less than positive side-effects, all you have to do is to stop doing them. Muscles vanish into thin air the moment you don’t seem to need them any more.. In fact I believe there is something like the tooth fairy, only that guy is into tasty muscle fibers. Gotta have your portion of fibers everyday! Yum! ;)

even though I’m just a young toad ;) , if I were you I wouldn’t worry so much about becoming multiorgasmic in itself, but would play (you just can’t call this “work”) on maximizing the fun you can have without ejaculation.

The exercises like what Werner explained for ballooning or cheeva in this thread are only training wheels. The real deal is what happens when you get so used to doing this kind of stuff, that they become inhibiting to your progress. Not that they ever need to become that. But it’s a possibility. People are different and so are their experiences, thank god :)


Can someone give me some advice on the questions I posted almost on the top of this page? Thanks!


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