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Dick Control: A Primer

Ck10n3, do not worry about pre-cum. Once you figure how to stop ejaculation, then you will decide whether to have precum or not. Sometimes I want it, sometimes I do not. It’s the same muscle that can shut off both. Thinking of it, sometimes I feel like ejaculating without an orgasm. And sometimes I can shoot pre-cum as if I am ejaculating, LOL!

Thinktank, this thread has more to do with satisfying your partner, rather that just with having a better than average orgasm. Having an orgasm without touching your dick must be a pretty cool masturbation technique, but your woman won’t thank you for that. ;)

Therefore, instead of concentrating on having pleasure, I would recommend concentrating on giving pleasure to your partner. It opens up the energy flow, instead of keeping all this energy inside, and I find it way easier to control ejaculation this way.

OneGg, I answered your first two questions in post #80. Maybe Ys could give you tips on relaxation.


- First off in spreading, when you begin stimulating yourself I’m finding arousal problems, is it necessary to reach a hard erection or is it ok to have a semi erection and start stimulating slowly?


I think in the Multi Orgasmic Man book he talks about a ‘small draw’ and a ‘big draw’. The basic concept with the small draw is to keep your energy level under control and far away from the PONR, while the big draw is a technique of more extreme spreading when you are on the edge (That’s my own interpretation. I don’t think he uses the term spreading in that book).

So if I understand your question right, you can start your spreading any time you have sexual thoughts or arousal at any level. You don’t need a full erection.

[QUOTE]- Full Body relaxation: I don’t know if I do this right, I try to relax and feel all those areas, but I don’t know if this is more a mind thing where we have to imagine then try to feel or what.. I mean I can feel the cold air on the tip of my toes, my hands.. Maybe the cheeks on my face.. But unless I touch them literally I don’t really feel anything.

This is about releasing tension in the muscles, not just feeling the air. I find this relaxation technique is most noticable in the face. You probably have facial muscle tension, even when lying in bed falling asleep. Focus on your forehead and relax until you feel the muscles release. Then the eyes, jaw, mouth etc. You should be able to feel a noticable “slackening” of your face. You neck and shoulders are also good targets. If you are trying to relax all these muscles and don’t feel anything, maybe you are already very relaxed.

Horny Bastard

Sorry I haven’t been keeping up with this thread very well, but I’ve been pretty busy.

I think in the Multi Orgasmic Man book he talks about a ‘small draw’ and a ‘big draw’. The basic concept with the small draw is to keep your energy level under control and far away from the PONR, while the big draw is a technique of more extreme spreading when you are on the edge (That’s my own interpretation. I don’t think he uses the term spreading in that book).

What I call the Great Seal in this thread is basically Chia’s Big Draw. The only real difference is that Chia’s exercises are all intimately connected to the practice of the Microcosmic Orbit, which involves moving the energy into your spine through your tail bone and "circulating" it. As I mentioned in the OP, many people consider this practice to be potentially problematic for beginners or those who do not wish to pursue Taoist teachings in a broader sense. Chia does not talk about spreading.

But moving the energy around—"circulating" it, "spreading" it, exercising to work it off, or otherwise managing it—-is an essential part of semen retention. In this thread, I advocate spreading as a safe, effective alternative to the Microcosmic Orbit. You could just as easily think of it as "diffusion." I borrowed the concept, as I said in the OP, from Julie Henderson’s wonderful little book, The Lover Within: Opening to Energy in Sexual Practice .

Thintank, The purpose of this thread is simple and pragmatic: to help normally-functioning guys to become better, more adept lovers by gaining mastery over their penis. While it’s true that the methods presented here can be applied to becoming multi-orgasmic, that is not the focus here. The focus is this: to be able to have control over if, when, or whether you ejaculate; to practice semen retention (for as long or short a period as one wishes) while leading an active and enjoyable sex life. I think an important aspect of this has to with getting away from the fixation on orgasm in any form, and getting into savoring and cultivating various states of arousal without feeling the need to orgasm. In my experience, this approach, in time, leads to experiencing sustained states of arousal that are far more pleasurable than a normal orgasm—but I think it would be misleading to call these states "orgasmic." That’s why I don’t make any claims about "crown chakra orgasms" or transcendental mystical states. I think these things become a distraction from the real practice of Dick Control. Once you’ve gained this basic mastery, you’ll find that you have many options for how you wish to work with the energy available to you. It becomes a very personal practice.

While I’ve made every effort to lay out the basics here, I strongly recommend that anyone who is interested in pursuing these practices further and more in-depth should read Chia’s book, "Taoist Secrets of Cultivating Male Sexual Energy" (in my opinion, "The Multi Orgasmic Man" is a watered-down, less clear presentation of the same techniques) as well as the book linked to above. Most of the material here has been synthesized and adapted from those two sources.

Last edited by cheeva : 04-03-2008 at .

I started to do Cheeva´s practice like around a month ago but I wasn’t too consistent. Now I’ve got more time and I’m trying to do it daily with the goal of being able to choose when I want to ejaculate during sex, not to be multi orgasmic.

So I have some more questions hope someone gives me some feedback:

- What should our mind be set on while stimulating?
1. Trying to really feel your dick and how the slow stimulation affects us in every aspect
2. Same as number 1, but adding thoughts of something really sexy that turns you on?
(This would be my case because stimulating without not thinking on some hot girl or something, makes my dick go soft real fast)

- What is the average TIME we should last stimulating before reaching PONR?
(While stimulating myself I can go from 10 mins to 1 hour if I want to it depends on how I use my mind really, if I’m constantly thinking about a hot girl and she doing things to me then ill go at 10min, if I don’t think about none of that and just slow stimulate I can reach a long time, so I would like to know more about how I need to proceed in this aspect)

- I’ve read some responses in this thread, and some are about stopping before PONR doing kegel,reverse kegel etc.. None of these were explained in Cheevas steps towards doing this exercise, is this something we should do or not?

- Mixing this exercise and having sex almost daily when should I cum? Should I cum on the day we have sex, while I keep doing my daily dick control exercises? Or should I also get to the PONR while having sex and stop there, and do something like 4 days not cum, 1 cum and so on?

C0rnholio : I did read your answer but I don’t think it’s really what I was looking for, I’m really trying to follow this exercise word for word, and I haven’t read anything about stopping at PONR and then going on and on like that.

Thank you for taking time in responding me, hope I’m not asking for anything that has already been answered.


Ps: I know this is off topic but since some people talking about kegels I’m going to go ahead and ask.
- What is the point of erect kegels?

Last edited by OneGg : 04-03-2008 at .

YS. Thanks for your advice. Why do you think multiples are not attainable at ages over sixty? Is that what you have read or do you have personal knowledge from sources close to you?

This morning I determined to clamp after pumping. I never got to clamp based on what happened to me that I now relate to this board. I got to the PONR relaxing deeply and instead of putting on the clamp, I determined to see what world happen next. I continued to balloon/edge and attempted to circulate the energy but more specifically, I began to try to pull the energy back to my butt which started heating up in an usual fashion in feelings very very rewardingly. This continued until I felt a rush over my whole torso that was like five to ten times the feelings/strength of a good orgasm, but instead it was total body like with my torso lit up like a Christmas tree and my legs moving involuntarily with pleasure.

I noticed a couple of drops of semen erupt from my pecker but the erection and the energy stayed strong in my body. I was euphoric at what happened and had to stop the session to get to work.

Can anybody tell me what is going on here? How would you characterize this event in my life which makes me feel very much like the discovery I made as a 12 or 13 year old boy trying out the equipment for the first time.


CORNHOLIO: DUH…………. Thanks for your input. The goal of getting married for us men is sex with wonderfully commited partners. After 35 years of sweet bliss, I believe I have that figured out. I read The Multiorgamic Man years ago and at Cheevas suggestion, I am ordering theTaoist Principles book today.

What everyone seems to be saying is that there is alot of solo work to this process keeping in mind the goal of ultimately using this for deeper initimacy with a spouse/partner. My sweetie is well primed. After that many years of marriage, this morning she said to me mischieviously on my way out the door, “What the use of a bigger dick, if you aint going to use it?” Tonight should be a good night…..Get my drift. Seems what my wife said is somebodys motto on this website.

Huh? Where did I write that they wouldn’t be attainable after some age?

I meant the take to read as:
Leave the age out of the equation, it’s got nothing to do with it (except of course when there would be an imbalance in the bodily hormones or otherwise organic reasons).

Everything I’m writing about (if not stated explicitly otherwise) is about my personal experiences with the various topics at hand that I write about ;)
Obviously the experiences I have are real, even though the interpretation I come up with has much more to do with me than the actual experience.. as it is with anything.

Anyways, what you described there in great detail sounds pretty similar to what I’m experiencing everytime I’m just riding the wave with no specific goal besides the default setting which is “riding the wave, the PONR, without toppling over”.

Obviously the experience itself is unique each time and deliciously different each time, but what you described is the main bulk of it :)

Play around with this.
Find out what happens when you focus more closely on just the rush of energy.. or when you focus more closely on relaxing and easing into the rush. or what happens when you focus on feeling the energy flow specific areas and hold them there, instantly feeling it draw away from the genital area.

From my experience, the more relaxed you are, not just in your body, but also in your mind, the easier and more laid-back the “controlling the experience” becomes. The moment you tense up any muscle, you feel it. Likewise the moment you relax muscles that you thought were relaxed, but now find out they weren’t; when you relax those muscles you can literally feel the energy first rush into those area and then ebb out like waves on a sea, until with some practising you can let it flow gently around all of your body, having a complete equilibrium of this energy in every part of your body.

That is about the most blissful, in-the-moment feeling I’ve gotten to yet.. But I’m still “practising” and there are probably worlds of experience to discover beyond that :)

A partner can obviously distract somewhat from the experience, but that’s not really a problem.. Both experiences are (in the widest sense) fun, they _are_ different and yet total and complete experiences in themselves.

Play with this and have fun with all of this. There is no rulebook or rule other than: Find out and do what delights you the most, when you want to :)


Originally Posted by OneGg

- I’ve read some responses in this thread, and some are about stopping before PONR doing kegel,reverse kegel etc.. None of these were explained in Cheevas steps towards doing this exercise, is this something we should do or not?

Cheeva talked about it in his first post, under the subheadings of “internal lock” and “great seal”.

- Mixing this exercise and having sex almost daily when should I cum?

This a question I have also. Some Taoist practicioners really believe in the benefits of reducing ejaculations to rare or minimal occasions. I don’t really buy into the whole sacred energy thing, but I would like to know from Cheeva or you other guru’s, if you think that there is benefit from reducing the frequency of ejaculation?

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by thinktank

Can anybody tell me what is going on here? How would you characterize this event in my life which makes me feel very much like the discovery I made as a 12 or 13 year old boy trying out the equipment for the first time.


Hey thinktank, it sounds like you achieved orgasm without ejaculation. Since you read the Multi Orgasmic man, you know that that is the ultimate goal! If you can learn to duplicate that at will, then you can last all night, having many orgasms, never ejaculating, and keeping your erection hard.

Horny Bastard

SORRY, YS: I value your opinion as what I have seen in your posts on Werner’s thread denotes a certain degree of accomplishment in this field. Thanks for being so specific about what I experienced. I wondered if it was some form of the Wave, but never having been there in over six decades of life, I had no experience to liken it to. This is wonderful stuff. I can’t imagine any man on this board who is taking the time to build a bigger weapon who would simultaneously not want to investigate this.

Dr. Lin is not well regarded on Werners thread. What we need is for Werner to chime in here and give his gloss on the subject. In my PMs with him, he has done as you have suggested to me. He has individually tailored his experiences to his belief system and is not into crediting eastern mysticism for what he has attained. While he did learn from Dr. Lin, he is not a Dr. Lin fanatic and is a very pragmatic man, father, and devoted husband. He just has this wonderful gifting that he has developed and is very thankful to God for it.

Again, thanks for taking time to help me, Ys.

MrAvg: Thanks. Are you there yet? It’s been so long ago since I read the book that I couldnt remember any of his methodology except to remember that he recommended solo work to learn the basic principles.

What about the couple of drops of semen? That puzzled me. It did not seem to be a full blown ejaculation. I would assume that this is the learning curve that must be conquered to make orgasming totally without any semen emission in any amount. Is that correct?

Do you agree with Ys that my experience this morning was some form of the WAVE? If so, I am really elated about it all because I have not been into this very long, have not really done alot of work in this area, and am one of the oldest guys on this board. This is mind blowing stuff. Its like I have lived my life as a man totally beneath the privileges that a male body can provide. As men we are all about pleasure sexually. This completely revolutionizes our sexual capacity and pleasure as men. Any input here?

MrAvg; Werner says he knows when his body needs release. He describes a building up of hormonal intensity which evidences itself conciously as a major compelling urge to ejaculate. I look forward to Cheevas answer to your question or anyone who can help us. Todays experiences make me wonder if Ponce de Leons search for the Fountain of Youth shouldn’t have started with exploring his God given masculinity. Where is Werner when we need him?????

thinktank, I don’t quite get, why you started the reply with “SORRY, YS”, still I’m always glad when I can help someone out with what little knowledge I have on the topic :)

Just a quick addition:
It is usually a wave when it happens unguided, and it is even more delightful when it is guided (in a relaxed fashion) to spread evenly throughout your body.

And yes, I would like to hear Werner’s response on this one (just as about any previous response from him) as well. Haven’t heard of him since last Christmas (I think) :)


YS. I misunderstood your suggestion. I thought you were telling me that multiples may not be possible at my age when in fact you were telling me to concentrate on orgasms without ejaculating. Just apologizing to you for mischaracterizing your remark.

The more I think about todays personal experience and Ponce De Leon, that guy should have never left home. If he had had you or Cheeva, or Werner around he would have discovered the Fountain of Youth. This has happened to me so fast with really very little time invested in the process that I am uninformed on alot of the subject. Does a non ejaculatory orgasm make you horny? That has been my response today and if that is true, we all have found the way to stay young and to drink at the Fountain of Youth whenever we want to. Poor Ponce.

Thanks again for your suggestions. I cant wait to try to guide the energy around my body. I will try to get Werner involved in this thread. He is at a different level and many guys seem to have dismissed what he has achieved as hooey, but he is a living sensory ball of sexual energy it seems when you read his posts on his thread.


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