Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Dick Control: A Primer

Is it advisable to go from swirling to the great seal passing all the steps between? I can hold a kegel for a long time and shut off the flow of precum. Can you swirl and do the great seal at the same time?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I don’t see why not. Try it and see how it goes!

Wow, beautiful article.

Originally Posted by cheeva
I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong. It’s true that glans expansion comes from doing a strong erect kegel (have you experimented with the difference between a Super Pushing Kegel and a Super pulling Kegel?)

To get a sense of what an erect reverse Kegel feels like, place your hand on your perineum (around Chia’s “Million Dollar Point”—I think that’s what he calls it, if I remember correctly) and do regular kegel, then a reverse kegel. You should feel your corpora spongeosum/urethra expand when you do this. With a reverse kegel, you’re expanding the bulb end of the penis and holding the urethra open (instead of pinching it as you do with a regular kegel.) Check out the “Extreme Kegel” described in the OP for an example of how a reverse kegel leading into a Super Kegel works—using it in combination like this is a great way to get expansion, as well as a “lock.”

Good luck, and I hope this helps.

I tried it thanks for the tips. I can see it’s like letting a fart out that would be embarrassing now if that realy came out. I also see that my glands expand bigger when I pull my kegel but it works both ways.

I did the spreading course then applied the great seal. It seems the great seal gave me great wood. I also did erect kegels, or should I say erect kegel for a bout 55 minutes. This is the longest I timed a kegel.

To add even more dimensions to girth and length while you kegel apply your finger to the base of you penis on top (the sweet spot) By doing this your penis gets even bigger.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I’d actually like to learn parts of the tantric essence to this practice if you would not mind. I am a pretty avid psychonaut and have always been extremely interested in energies. For some reason I thought about it the other day and did a search and was lucky to find this article. I feel really open to this type of thing right now, and have been practicing these kegels walking to classes and driving. I really hope to open up a spiritual realm to my sex life.

I have experienced the dry-multiple-full-body-wave orgasm once or twice before. I was high both times. I have quit smoking since then, but I remember it being one of the greatest feelings I have ever had. If I could reproduce that I think I would be on a good path to learning about myself, my body, and mind.

I found out what kegels were when I was young so I have been doing them a while. I don’t quit understand the reverse kegel still after reading and searching for it. Pretty much you try and squeeze a poop out? I can flex all the muscles, but I am not sure what is being flexed and if I can flex them separately.

Thanks a lot cheeva

P.S. This is what part of the alphabet looks like without Q and R

5/16/06 - BPSFL: 7" BPEL: 6.5" EL: 6" EG: 4.75"

Goal - 7.5"x5.5"

"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all."

Originally Posted by cheeva

It sounds like you’re doing the basic Spreading exercise correctly. At this point, you should have a good sense of what Spreading feels like—you should be able to “Spread” any time during the day now, just by remembering to do it. Spreading is actually a somatic memory/creative visualization type exercise. It’s about diffusing your sexual energy throughout your body, and ideally being able to focus or “condense” it anywhere you wish (but that’s beyond the scope of this discussion.)

So once you’ve got the basic idea of Spreading down, you can integrate it into your active sessions (solo or with a partner.) Think of it as going hand in hand with cycling. When you pull back and move to a lower state of arousal, you simultaneously “remember” to “spread” the energy around and suffuse your entire body. you can even visualize passing energy to your partner through a kiss or a caress (or through your dick, but be very careful with that, since there’s a good chance you’ll end up giving her more than just “energy”!) So ultimately, you shouldn’t need to do the full body relaxation part of the exercise in order to Spread (although it’s always nice, if you have the time. After lovemaking I’ll often spread—it’s not so different from the “afterglow” of normal sex after you’ve come. You just lay there in a blissed out state for a bit and “circulate.”) But while making love, you can still “spread” just by remembering to move the energy around—you don’t need to stop doing what you’re doing. Once you know how to do it, it’s all in your mind.

Once you’ve got Spreading down by doing the exercise in the OP, you might think of it as “mental kegels”—a simple exercise you can do anytime, anywhere.

I hope this makes it a little clearer. :)

Thanks for clearing that up. I’m just trying to grasp the visualisation bit. I’m going to resume all this in a month or so.
You make it sound so easy, but having said that, 4 months ago I wouldn’t have had a clue where to start. I think a lot of other guys on this forum are in the same boat too. Thanks again Cheeva as always.

Jan 01/08: BPEL-6.78" NBPEL-6.25" EG-5.5"

Jan 21/08: BPEL-7.25" NPBEL-6.70" EG-5.7"

Aiming for 1.0" gains all round.**newbie routine currently on hold due to severe porn addiction. No gains lost yet-23/03/08**

Originally Posted by ck10n3
I don’t quit understand the reverse kegel still after reading and searching for it. Pretty much you try and squeeze a poop out? I can flex all the muscles, but I am not sure what is being flexed and if I can flex them separately.

To do a “reverse kegel”, simply do a normal kegel, then when you relax, push past the point of relaxation. You are applying internal pressure from your abdbomen (but it’s the opposite of a contraction) into your perineum to expand the bulb of your penis and hold your urethra open, thus short-circuiting BC contractions. To get a sense of it, next time you urinate try pushing out the urine stream as hard as you can, so that it comes out more forcefully. That’s basically how you do a reverse kegel. As with normal kegels, they feel completely different when erect versus flaccid, although it’s the same action.

Or, when erect, place a couple of fingers on your perineum and do the same “pushing down/out” motion as above. You should feel the bulb of your penis expand when you do this. (You won’t feel it when flaccid, or if you do, will be very subtle.)

I’m not sure I can explain it any better than that, and if you still don’t get it, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Reverse kegels are not essential to Dick Control (although it’s nice to have them in your repertoir.)

Okay, I have been encountering a problem. For the beginning edging exercise I would completely relax and start to stimulate. I would eventually get an erection (without porn) but I just can’t get to my PONR unless if I contract my BC and PC muscles. Should I keep trying or just use the BC and PC muscle to get there and just back off and repeat?

Nice work.

Originally Posted by ar15fan
Okay, I have been encountering a problem. For the beginning edging exercise I would completely relax and start to stimulate. I would eventually get an erection (without porn) but I just can’t get to my PONR unless if I contract my BC and PC muscles. Should I keep trying or just use the BC and PC muscle to get there and just back off and repeat?

Sorry for the delay in responding, ar15fan. Somehow I missed this post.

Try this: Do the Spreading exercise, but instead of getting all the way to the PONR, which you seem to have a hard time doing (not necessarily a bad thing, by the way), just stop when you are as stimulated as you can get without contracting and do the “spreading” part, then wait an hour or two and repeat. After repeating two or three times you should be able to get to the PONR.

The main thing is to get the knack of “spreading” or moving your “energy” around in your body, and staying relaxed. So if you’ve got that down, you can just move on to the other exercises.

Good luck!

Nice article, cheeva.

Just found it accidentally and it made me realize lots of the things I discovered accidentally (like the various kegel-style moves or the “internal lock”) were completely natural to begin with, once you have two things down:

a) Going at it (solo or more) in complete relaxation (of mind and body) _and_ b) going at it WITH A SPECIFIC INTENT (which helps not just here but generally in life)

a) Learn to be relaxed during sex (of any kind) and watch it becoming more and more normal / natural to you with practice.

b) Focus your mind on what you want to achieve and stay with that as good as you can in the moment.
It can happen that your focus slips, but really it’s just a process of learning how to do it until you can do it naturally (“by habit” if you will). Besides the “punishment” for “failing” isn’t really too harsh for this topic. ;)

First and topmost priority: Relaxation
Second topmost priority: Going ONLY for ever better feelings
Wrapping your mind totally around ONLY those two ideas for the time you want that
The expected result and often quite pleasant surprises

Just make sure that you really want to achieve what you want to achieve (for me as apparently for cheeva it works pretty well to go at it with the mindset of “Hmm, let’s see how much better and more natural this can get.”) and then stay with that.


You bring up some good points, ys. Starting out, it is a good idea approach it with the goal “I am not going to ejaculate.” That’s a good focus for all of these exercises. Later, with a partner, you may take the non-goal oriented approach of “Let’s just see how this plays out.”* The challenge is to stay relaxed at the same time, and to remember to have fun with it. If (when) you do ejaculate (which will almost certainly happen as you explore life on the edge, so to speak) don’t view it as a failure but rather as part of the learning curve. Stay mindful and focused throughout, taking mental notes on what put you over the edge—you’ve gained valuable information about the PONR. Just keep practicing. Make it fun!

*Incidentally, the non-goal oriented approach can expand into larger areas of your life, particularly in relation to women. Having an attitude of non-attachment to outcome (“I don’t care if she goes home with me or not, if I get laid or not, I’m already content in myself…”) translates as a quiet self-confidence that women find incredibly attractive. Even in the bedroom, the first time you’re hooking up with someone, this casual, relaxed attitude and non-pushiness can be a huge turn-on (especially if she can feel the passion underneath the self-control—you don’t want to give her the impression that you’re completely uninterested…but these are finer points.)

Has anyone been practicing these techniques? How’s it going?

Hehe, nowadays I usually intend for “let’s see what happens when I focus like this or that” in the act so-to-speak.
It’s funny, even the feeling of actually “cumming” (i.e. pushing way beyond the PONR) can be dissipated easily just by intent focusing, obviously focusing on the “feeling” not leaving the dick but staying in it .. or even going back into the body.

After some ten orgasms like this, there usually comes a point where it seems like just too much work to me and I just wanna get on with it, like, RIGHT NOW.. which is when the actual thing keeps proceeding on ;)


The attitude you speak about.. I would call it selfreliance, as in “I only rely on myself when it comes to living, deciding, thinking, feeling.” .. There is obviously a quite strong attachment to outcome in this “selfreliance”, but since all possible outcomes must be by defintion good/”love”.
There is no “bad” outcome unless you allow yourself to judge something that way.
There is no “bad” expectation unless you allow yourself to let your thinking drift in such a way.

Another way to achieve something akin to this statement of mind is obviously complete and utter non-attachment to outcome.
Fair to say, it’s a nice idea, albeit it’s not exactly my tin of beans ;) .. I like the selfsufficient, solely selfserving and selfrelying approach much better.

Only when you _are_ love, as in being a lover of everything, you can really relate to other (and help them). Especially by not joining them with their usual less-than-pointful thoughts that support and recreate the structure of their reality.

Ok, enough of this doodoo-ology.. It works for me and it doesn’t need to do that for anyone else but me. Some may understand the sentiments or ideas depicted, some may not, but when you happen to be one of the some, this post was for you ;)


P.S: Hm, if it’s self-control, doesn’t that mean it’s tense and noncasual ? I prefer being relaxed and casual to self-control.. May be just me though :)

Originally Posted by ys
P.S: Hm, if it’s self-control, doesn’t that mean it’s tense and noncasual ? I prefer being relaxed and casual to self-control.. May be just me though :)

It is a bit of a paradox. The way I see it, the approach I’ve outlined is based on semen retention, which, by definition (at least at the outset) is all about self-control. The paradox is that in order to successfully practice this form of self-control, one must learn to relax and “surrender,” but at certain well-timed moments “tense” (even if very subtly) certain muscles and/or use mental commands to well-trained neural pathways. It is akin to, say, surfing. A skilled surfer, I imagine, needs to be simultaneously relaxed and controlled to ride the big waves. Maybe that’s a definition of skill?

One of the benefits of these exercises is that ideally they will be very satisfying, and will lead to the sense of “self-reliance” you speak of. Beyond that, there should be a sense of being literally self-fulfilled, i.e. content within oneself. Since you’re already charged with potent, orgasmic sexual energy, you don’t need anything from anyone else. You have a sparkle in your eye and a sense of humor, and might walk with a bit of a swagger without even knowing it. Woman will want to know what’s up with you—what’s your secret? Especially since you don’t come off with that awful hungry, desperate vibe that smells like “Babe-Off.”

This is where it starts relating to all that “inner game” stuff. Instead of trying to validate a fragile ego by proving that you can pull mad honeys, you become more discriminating, and it becomes about who is worthy of you, not just as a projected front, but genuinely, from the inside out. If you genuinely don’t need to get laid, or receive external validation from random chicks, you can be patient and wait for the “right” (meaningful, real) connections that will invariably develop naturally and with time. And those people who are worthy will be naturally drawn to you. Your vibe starts to act as a natural filter.

Like a good friend of mine used to say, “game recognize game.”



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