Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Dick Control: A Primer

Please don’t be shy about posting any suggestions, tips, or questions you might have. :)

Thanks a lot for taking time to reply in detail. Your description of the three key areas makes sense.

It also helps “demystify” the stirring and swirling when you attach it to some kind of muscular movement, albeit very subtle and maybe even subconsciously-driven. I.e., “But just let whatever happens physically happen as your body follows your mental focus, and stay as relaxed as possible (when I say “relaxed” I mean overall—obviously there will be isolated muscle movement and contractions as you do the exercises.)”

There’s a lot to work on here, but I’m indebted to your OP… even my wife notices. That’s a real compliment, I’d say!

When you do the first exercise—isolating the perineal center—outlined in cheeva - Dick Control: A Primer, also try imagining a rubber band squeezing the very base of your penis and tightening/loosening it. You can get a spiral motion going around your perineum/base and then imagine moving that spiral up the penis to the glans. This actually stimulates the branch of the pudendal nerve that runs along the top of the penis, and with practice you should feel the sensations moving up and down.

Originally Posted by Josh 14-11
Thanks a lot for taking time to reply in detail. Your description of the three key areas makes sense.

It also helps “demystify” the stirring and swirling when you attach it to some kind of muscular movement, albeit very subtle and maybe even subconsciously-driven. I.e., “But just let whatever happens physically happen as your body follows your mental focus, and stay as relaxed as possible (when I say “relaxed” I mean overall—obviously there will be isolated muscle movement and contractions as you do the exercises.)”

There’s a lot to work on here, but I’m indebted to your OP… even my wife notices. That’s a real compliment, I’d say!

Thanks Josh. That really means a lot to me. :up: Your questions are very incisive and have stimulated me to think more about this stuff and try to articulate it better. More to come. :)

Finding your dick in the dark

Originally Posted by awstev
A question for the guys who have good dick control.

Do you have a strong sense/awareness of your penis?

What I mean is that if I close my eyes and concentrate on my index finger, I have a strong sense of where it is. I can move my concentration all around my finger, and it feels very defined in my mind. Hard to explain, but from my limited knowledge I think what I am describing is called proprioception ?

On the other hand, if I try to concentrate on a point on my back, it feels a bit "blurry". It is impossible for me to zoom in on any one point. Again from limited knowledge I believe this is because my back has less nerve density than my finger.

When I put my concentration on my penis, it also seems a bit "blurry" like my back. I can move my concentration from my anus to the perineum to around my sack and then the penis, but I can’t seem to zoom in like I can with my finger. If I touch anything, I have no problems feeling that, but absent any touch, I don’t feel that I have good awareness of where everything is down there.

I spent some time yesterday trying to improve my awareness by concentrating on one point on my flaccid penis and then trying to move that point of concentration around (especially trying to get down into my internal penis which I never knew was there before I found Thunders). A side effect of this is that I felt that my penis got a bit warmer and maybe a bit fuller.

Is this something that you are aware of, or something that has developed for you with edging/ballooning and cheeva’s spreading exercise? Do you have the same kind of awareness of your penis as say your index finger?

This particular posting (#23 in the thread) got me doing something that awstev and others might find helpful. As someone once observed in another thread, sometimes he can’t tell he’s even got a hard-on unless he touches it. I can relate to both that guy, and awstev’s questions.

I remember hearing once that a blind guy developed/maintained his hand-to-hand awareness in this way: He would simply extend the fingers of both hands and then tap his hands together, but only at the finger tips. Try it yourself! Close your eyes, spread all your fingers and then try and "clap" with only your finger tips instead of your palms. It’s tougher than you think.

After reading awstev’s questions, I’ve tried this with my stiff dick. I’ll close my eyes while doing the dick control/edging thing, and then try to only touch the urethra (pee hole) with the tip of my index finger. It can be difficult to do, even when the other hand is steadying the base of my dick.

This has two benefits: (1) General "dick awareness" like awstev is asking about—knowing where it is and what it’s doing. (2) Specific "dick awareness" in love making. I think I grew up using a firm grip for masturbating, and so I always knew when it was 100% erect. But when I go to penetrate my wife, that "firm grip" is gone and I start to feel like I’ve lost my erection. For some guys that’s not a problem, but for me it can lead to some psychological ED. "It doesn’t feel hard, maybe it isn’t hard…" and you lose it in a self-fulfilling prophecy. Some of you won’t know what I’m talking about, but if you do, then I’d recommend a routine of finding your dick in the dark.

Soon it will be a year since Cheeva began this thread. There is so much good reading material on this site that has consumed quite a bit of my time that I have not felt an urge to jump in until now. This thread is abundant with great insights of the potential and influence we have over specific areas of our bodies through the mind. Well done!

I finally did the super pulling kegel, but my wang gets a little soft after I do it. Dose this mean the rules still apply during dry orgasm

Welcome aboard, Quill. Glad to see you diving in. :)

Originally Posted by Siegfried87
I finally did the super pulling kegel, but my wang gets a little soft after I do it. Dose this mean the rules still apply during dry orgasm

I’m not sure what rules you’re referring to, but yes, a super pulling kegel will “pull” energy away from your unit and bring the arousal level in your penis down. If you hold it long enough, and at the same time concentrate on the “energy” moving up through your body, eventually the erection will completely subside. Furthermore, if you do this right at the PONR, you can have a “dry orgasm.” You can also use shorter pulling kegels to manage arousal in your unit, pulling just enough to keep away from the PONR but not losing your erection. All of this comes with practice and experience. So don’t worry, you’re not doing anything wrong—on the contrary, you’re finding out what’s possible. Keep it up! :UP:

Can you explain the difference between the super pulling and super pushing kegels? I’m having trouble with learning what the difference is. Is a super pulling kegel like a normal kegel when you stop yourself from urinating? And a super kegel is when you force out the urine? Thanks!

Thanks for the questions, race. What you described are normal kegels and reverse kegels. “Super” kegels are different. I call them “super” because they utilize all of the muscles of the pelvic floor, and “pushing” and “pulling” describe the direction of force of the contraction. With a normal kegel there is no “direction of force,” just a squeeze (contraction); and with a reverse kegel there is no contraction.

So to do a “super pulling kegel,” start by doing a normal kegel, but then pull up and in so you’re also contracting your anal sphincters and continue to increase the intensity of the squeeze. The harder you contract, the more surrounding muscles will become involved. Hold for a slow count of five, release completely, and repeat. It might also help to begin the contractions on an inhale, hold for several breaths (increasing intensity throughout) and releasing on an exhale. You might also begin the clench by starting with your anus “pulling” the perineum (where you kegel) into the contraction—that might help get a sense of the pulling action.

A “super pushing kegel” might be a little trickier to master. It’s certainly harder to explain, but I’ll try. Here, you are also involving all of the muscles of the pelvic floor (hence “super”) but in order to get a sense of what it means to “push” the force of the contraction out it might be helpful to try and do some of the “stirring and swirling” exercises in post #150, and also practice just feeling the sensation of a normal kegel with the force going into the body of the penis. There are three major components to directing the force of contractions: muscles, nerves, and the brain. So it’s important to actually visualize pushing and pulling when doing these exercises. While there are no actual muscles (other than smooth muscle) in the penis itself, there are a shit ton of nerves and those nerves pass through the muscles of the pelvic floor to get to the penis. When your brain and muscles are applying pushing force, the nerves send signals in that direction as well, and there is sensation involved. So with the pushing kegels you are internally stimulating the penis, while with the pulling kegels you are pulling nervous stimulation away from the penis.

That said, here’s an exercise that should help you get the concept of a super pushing kegel:

Start by sitting in a comfortable chair (maybe with a towel under you) and with your unit free and available. Stimulate yourself until you are just semi-erect. Now stop and try to continue arousing yourself by just kegeling. Imagine “pushing” your unit into full erection while you do this. Again, the “stirring and swirling” exercises can really help with this. Also try starting the contractions on an exhale: as you finish the exhale push the air out from your lower abdomen as you start the kegel.

Another way to think of pushing kegels: it’s like trying to do a reverse kegel (like you would try to force more urine out—pushing out like when you’re taking a dump) while holding a kegel. You are applying some internal pushing force while holding a contraction. But simultaneously you are imaging the clench extending from the perineum up the shaft of your penis.

Final thought: In an aroused or semi-aroused state, pushing kegels will actually push blood into the penis; pulling kegels will not (and might even pull blood out of the penis.) In a flaccid state, pulling kegels might cause a slight turtling effect during the contraction, or at the very beginning of it, while pushing kegels will either not effect the penis visibly, or may cause it to jump or twitch a little, and it should feel mildly pleasurable/stimulating in the shaft and glans.

Hope this helps! :)

Last edited by cheeva : 11-23-2008 at .

How did I miss this! Great post.

2005: 5.5 EL & 5.6 EG, FL: 4in > Now: 7.5 NBP & 6.1 MEG, 5.8 BG (Goal: MORE !)

Stumpy1's Progress Thread

Everytime I Visit Thunders, I Do 50 Kegels or More

What’s up bros.? I’ve decided to go ahead and put in the time to learn how to finally tame the beast. I’m 47 years old and have always been a quick shooter. I’ve read through the post that started this thread and I have a couple of questions that I’d like to ask. First one does edging help to control ones’ orgasm? Since there are no muscles involved, are you just simply training your brain that penile stimulation does not necessarily mean orgasm?

Orgasm happens when you let your dick do whatever it feels like, which is usually shiver like crazy and spit out loads. Do not let it. Stop the uncontrollable contractions and relaxations. You can either stop the contractions by relaxing, or stop the relaxations by contracting. I usually do the latter because it is easier and less mental. But the former works too after some mental practice, and it is also useful.

Originally Posted by BullDick

are you just simply training your brain that penile stimulation does not necessarily mean orgasm?

More to it than that but the short answer is, “Yes, exactly!”

Running a Massive Co-Front.

BullDick, who ever said there are no muscles involved?


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