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Ejaculation vs Orgasm

Ejaculation vs Orgasm


I found this very interesting article online.

http://www.reun … ex_in_the_brain

I think we should understand what chemical cascade happens after before and after ejaculation.

I’ve been recently toying with the notion of "orgasms without ejaculation" (Taoist beliefs), using reverse kegels to stop ejaculation, and multiple daily sessions of edging without ejaculation.

I think we need to realize that our preconceived notions of sex dictate that in order for sex to be "good" and "complete", that us males "need" to ejaculate. After experiencing my first orgasm without ejaculation, I have come to know "life outside the box"!

After reading about the diminishing effects on the body after ejaculating, I thought god has played a cruel joke on us males. Then, after emotions had subsided, my reality mindset kicked in. I realized, coupled with the experience of "knowing" an orgasm without ejaculation, that we have be brought up to BELIEVE that the goal for sex is to ejaculate and have never been taught the difference between orgasm and ejaculation.

Just the thought of going to see a prostitute and not getting my rocks off dumbfounds me!! Why would I pay $$$ for sex without reward??

Time to break up the old belief patterns of the mind guys!! Learn to orgasm without ejaculation!

Thoughts about this guys?


Shouldn't you be Jelqing?

You’re probably aware of these threads:
Ejaculation Process
Kegels for ejaculation control
Male Multiple Orgasm???

Plus all the others listed in this post: westla90069 - How to Multiple Male Orgasm?

The “diminishing effects on the body after ejaculating” is an Eastern philosophy position not accepted as universal truth. It’s true that due to the release of neurotransmitters such as epinephrine one feels “tired” after ejaculation. That does not mean the body is being damaged or the “energy” or “chi” is reduced or harmed.

Multiple male orgasm and PE go together quite well; both require extended periods of time playing with one’s penis, when often in the US at least masturbation is typically learned as a “stroke, stroke, blow” type of exercise to be done hidden away, quickly, discretely, and one should be mortified if caught.

The nice thing about multiple male orgasm is that whether you really have the dedication to get there or not, just the practicing of most of the exercises will teach you far better control over your penis and arousal.


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL

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