Help discerning the true cause of my premature ejaculation.
Last night, I told my girlfriend I wanted some sex. She said that was fine, but she was exhausted and did not want any foreplay. I entered her, and unlike normally, I did not orgasm quickly, and I did not orgasm at all.
I had thought I was a premature ejaculator (PE) because of my anxiety. I also thought it may be related to performance anxiety, and a multitude of factors such as arousal. I am trying to determine which factor is probably the greatest contributor to my PE.
When I am very aroused, I usually orgasm very quickly, in less than 1 minute. I have a strong urge to orgasm, even though I know I don’t want to. I also want to do good for my partner, and I don’t know if that could cause PE or not, since I am so comfortable with her. I also thought that since I have symptoms congruent with anxiety (I used to take Paxil) and slight depression, I could have low serotonin and that would cause PE. So, I seem to have several things working against me.
But last night, I was not that aroused (it felt more like a central arousal around my genitals, not a full body arousal), and I had no intentions of performing well because I knew she would not be into it and that it was strictly for my pleasure.
So, with all that being said, how do I control these factors in the future? Normally, she has an orgasm before sex and I am very aroused. Additionally, I want to last a long time for us and that may cause performance anxiety. I think controlling my arousal will help to control my performance anxiety, as opposed to the other way around.
Does anyone have some literature for me to read? Any encouraging thoughts? I would like to be able to have sex nightly and maybe only reaching orgasm half of those nights.
I have been doing a consistent kegel routine and it has seemed to improve the low-end of my erections (reaching much stronger erections with less arousal) but has done little to improve my erections at its peak (erections are not stronger at full arousal). The kegel routine is also not improving my PE but I started for the EQ and not the semen retention.