Thunder's Place

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Kegel - the secret revealed

Originally Posted by Matt356
IC is for erection and Orgasm
BC is for urine and semen
PC (Kegel) is for urine and prostate
VIP Muscle (tail-bone muscle) is for anus and prostate

If you could explain this further please.

IC improves erection, but what does it do for the Orgasm? Delay it? Increase it?

BC, urine I get, you can cut your urine flow with this muscle, but what about semen? Do you mean you ejacuate harder and shoot further? Anything else?

PC, what do you mean by urine and prostate?

VIP, what do you mean anus and prostate?

Also which muscles (s) do you contract to have multiple dry orgasms?

Originally Posted by Damien84
I’m having trouble understanding Matt356’s message. I understand what manof10 is saying about focusing the contraction of the muscle closer towards the pubic bone (since the PC is a sling from pubis to coccyx). But it seems Matt is talking about pushing out and he mentions what seems to be the inguinal ridge, the “money maker”. That’s the line that goes from your hips to your junk and can only be seen on people (men mostly) who are really lean.

It seems he is suggesting pushing out to flex these muscles?

I don’t think he is talking about those muscles. They are huge relatively speaking and surely wouldn’t have such a purpose. I think those muscles run from your pelvis to your pubic bone, not to the base of your penis.

Originally Posted by man-of-10
I far as I am aware. You simply do a normal kegel. But in order to isolate the muscles at the front(either side of the base of the penis), you have to build the contraction slowly(so start with a very gradual contaction and then build it up for maybe 5 seconds to a strong one).

While you build up the contraction, focus your attention around the base of your penis(just behind/under the base)- you want to feel the tension here. I try not to contract the muscles further back like at the anus, as this brings the feeling away from the base, which isn’t good.

That is all I know; of course, it’s totally anecdotal.

When I do the kegel I cannot avoid any anus tension, it goes as a group and I cannot reduce the tension of the anus without reducing everything else with it.

A small amount of “anus tension” is fine. Make sure you are focusing on all the tension at your base, not further back. For me it is quite pleasurable(you know the feeling that travels up your spine).

http://en.wikip … vernosus_muscle

The ischiocavernosus muscle is a muscle just below the surface of the perineum, present in both men and women.

It helps flex the anus, and (in males) stabilize the erect penis or (in females) tense the vagina. Kegel exercises (also known as pelvic floor exercises) can help tone the ischiocavernosus muscle.

Ischiocavernosus compresses the crus penis, and retards the return of the blood through the veins, and thus serves to maintain the organ erect.

It arises by tendinous and fleshy fibers from the inner surface of the tuberosity of the ischium, behind the crus penis; and from the rami of the pubis and ischium on either side of the crus.

From these points fleshy fibers succeed, and end in an aponeurosis which is inserted into the sides and under surface of the crus penis.

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Originally Posted by sparkyx
http://en.wikip … vernosus_muscle

The ischiocavernosus muscle is a muscle just below the surface of the perineum, present in both men and women.

It helps flex the anus, and (in males) stabilize the erect penis or (in females) tense the vagina. Kegel exercises (also known as pelvic floor exercises) can help tone the ischiocavernosus muscle.

Ischiocavernosus compresses the crus penis, and retards the return of the blood through the veins, and thus serves to maintain the organ erect.

It arises by tendinous and fleshy fibers from the inner surface of the tuberosity of the ischium, behind the crus penis; and from the rami of the pubis and ischium on either side of the crus.

From these points fleshy fibers succeed, and end in an aponeurosis which is inserted into the sides and under surface of the crus penis.

It would be great to know the mechanism by which these muscles retards the return of blood via the veins. If it is by compressive force, then perhaps we should be aiming to increase the size of this muscle, as appose to it’s strength.

Originally Posted by man-of-10
It would be great to know the mechanism by which these muscles retards the return of blood via the veins. If it is by compressive force, then perhaps we should be aiming to increase the size of this muscle, as appose to it’s strength.

IF the towel routine is indeed exercising the IC, then it is progressive resistence training which should increase strength AND size of the muscle.

The old men that did this exercise were supposed to be amazing in their physical prowess.

Originally Posted by man-of-10

A small amount of “anus tension” is fine. Make sure you are focusing on all the tension at your base, not further back. For me it is quite pleasurable(you know the feeling that travels up your spine).

But how do you focus the tension at the base and not further back? The only tension I can make involves the anus and I cannot vary it at all. If I reduce any tension, the anus reduces with it, if I increase any tension, the anus increases with it. The balance of the tension and how it is distributed I cannot change. How do I?

Last edited by lack of size : 10-09-2009 at .

Originally Posted by lack of size

But how do you focus the tension at the base and not further back? The only tension I can make involves the anus and I cannot vary it at all. If I reduce any tension, the anus reduces with it, if I increase any tension, the anus increases with it. The balance of the tension and how it is distributed I cannot change. How do I?

It’s difficult. I would say it is more visualisation as appose to actually doing it. Although concentrating and waiting to feel nice and tight/contracted as close the the base of the shaft as possible is what your mind should be on. That way once you feel it you will know the feeling well.

This is very very interesting. If I’m understanding correctly the IC muscles are responsible for 2/3 of an erection. This makes their role of great importance. It’s time to learn a lot about the Ischiocavernosus muscles.

When doing kegels, it seems that it is the BC muscle that is activated and not the IC muscles which are along side of it, but attached away from it at their base.

But when I do a kegel with resistance by pulling and holding my penis at it’s unstretched length from my body, it seems that I can feel, with the fingers of the other hand, the IC muscles reacting to or participating in the exercise.

Is this the way to exercise the IC muscle, with a resisted kegel?

Last edited by here2learn : 10-09-2009 at .

Sparkyx - You are 100% correct. Man - of - 10 - that’s it - what You do. Damien84 try doing the same thing.

IC delays ejaculation.
BC - squeeze of this muscle throws our everything out from urethra: urine and semen. It pushes out.
PC - stops urinating, helps to increase to blood flow in prostate
Vip muscle - pulls prostate up and helps to close the anus

Man-of-10: the Mosley which goes from back of the pelvis towards the pubis it’s PC.

Lack of size - you are trying too much, it’s very very gentle feeling.

Here2learn - BC doesn’t help you to get an erection. It’s IC. BC is under the penis. They help each other but IC does the bigger work.

I am not getting the idea clear… Hey Matt are you going to make some schematics?

That will help a lot of people, I think. Thanks for your time.



I was experimenting with this some more. I was hanging a wt straight down and normally at that LOT I can get no “tug back” with a kegel. However, this time I can get the wt to swing, by contracting the IC.

I am hoping this will have a similar effect to doing the erect towel lifting exercise. I assume it will. If so, then this would be a great addition in that you can do it without an erection. Also it seems to pump my flaccid up, but not sure if that was a direct or indirect effect.


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