This is going to be hard to do, but you have to reclaim your power, your mystique. All guys should stop asking for sex and pretend you don’t give a shit. She’ll start to wonder why you don’t care anymore. Guys who get girls clamoring after them are not asking for sex, yet it’s offered. Guys who ask, expect, sulk, whine, text and beg never get it. Become mysterious again. I’m not saying this is your issue, you sound very well self-aware, i’m writing this to the general public. Guys who are asking their wives for sex are going down the wrong path where they continue to lose respect and eventually she will fuck someone else. And yes, it’s a bad pattern when you first meet a girl and suddenly sparks are flying sex is happening constantly and then they stop. This is true of the stripper, the massage therapist, the girl at the shop etc etc. After they hook you in, they have measured you, now you’re stuck and become a fraction of the man you used to be. Next time you’re in the situation where she asks you if you want sex, say “nah, maybe next time, I have to do ‘xyz’ (insert your own alpha excuse). Act like you don’t care.
We are not meant to be beggars but fucking kings. Take it back and be a king.
I read No More Mr. Nice Guy and Married Man’s Sex Primer and they both point to this philosphy.
My wife had gotten to the point where we were near divorce and not having sex for months at a time. We were also sleeping in separate rooms. The more I tried the more she pulled away and became what I can best describe as the behavior of my 7 year old on her worst possible day.
One day this all clicked and I said fuck this, I’m miserable. I just stopped caring. I still did stuff she asked but I didn’t stick around for a thank you, I pretty much avoided her.
Things changed within about 2 months. She started touching me and teasing me which I ignored. Then she started coming to the bed, which I again ignored. Finally she started initiating sex.
Things have turned around dramatically since I’ve started caring about myself and focusing on my goals, my PE, business, and fitness journey.
We will see if this continues but at this point, I’m neutral. If she wants to leave go ahead I own a business, am getting in shape, and am getting a big dick.
If she stays, that would be good as well. It seems Shaun has this mentality figured out but a lot of us guys don’t so I wanted to echo your post.
Starting: 9/1/18 NBPEL 5.0 BPEL 6.5 EG 5.0 Current: 3/8/19 NBPEL 6.25 BPEL 7.25 EG 5.5
Goal: NBPEL 8.0 BPEL 8.5 EG 6.5