New member here and first post. Great site! I can’t believe with all the web surfing I do I have never stumbled upon this; I guess I was just never really looking for it. So much good stuff here.
Anyway, I too am removing and abstaining from ALL porn. I have come to the conclusion that you don’t have to watch porn for hours at a time every day to be considered an ‘addict’. I’ve never done that but I have watched it regularly for several years now since the proliferation of internet based porn. I don’t need anymore evidence whatsoever to be convinced porn, generally speaking, has few if any positive benefits and a trainload of negative aspects. I don’t have an addictive personality so I’ve never had problems with drugs or alcohol but with porn I can see how it affects you in the exact same way. Quite frequently I feel that intense desire to watch it and I know that is what it must feel like for any addict. And that is going to stop right here and now because I inherently know that is about as unhealthy as it gets. Good stuff here fellas. I’m in.