Originally Posted by Ectospasm
Might be of value to share your methods.
First and foremost, I rely on my faith and the strength of God through prayer and reading of scripture. I rely on friends who also struggle with porn addiction. If I feel tempted, I call them for reassurance. I keep NOTHING from my wife which is a big deal to us since we both consider porn a form of cheating. Following 1 Corinthians 17:5, my wife gives me everything I need to strengthen me. Finally, knowledge. Admit that you have a problem. Arm yourself with the knowledge of what porn does to you and those around you. Learn what it does to the actresses and actors who create these videos. There are exceptions, but I can’t support an industry that causes such harm to people. Porn also corrupts the integrity of moral values. If you don’t believe this, think back when you first realized your own sexuality and how porn has turned that into something else. The things that excited you then dont do the same for you now. You always want more and vanilla isn’t good enough. Think about how many relationships have been damaged by porn. Perhaps even your own.
The above mentioned methods work for me. They might not work for everyone. Especially those who don’t consider porn morally damaging. If you don’t think its an addiction, stop looking at it for a month or more and see how hard it is to break the chains.
Some other methods:
Quit watching TV or only watch “safe” programs.
Get rid of all the porn in your house
Ask a trusted friend of family member to enter a password into an adult content screening program on your computer
Stay busy (Idle hands are the Devil’s workshop)
Control your eyes when you are around women
Choose to be around friends who help you not hinder you
Join a porn addiction support group
In the end, my biggest ally in the war against porn is God. He has changed me for the better. I do understand that many people will not walk the same path as me but the other methods will help.
Started: 01/01/2015 ~ BPEL: 7.2 inches. EG: 5.5 inches. [05/01/2015: BPEL: 7.6 X 5.5.] [08/06/2015: 7.75 X 5.5] Goal: Better EQ
All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. ~ Proverbs 14:23
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