I’m feeling pretty clear headed. One of the nice things about porn detoxing (for me) is that the images of all the porn I’ve watched recently start to gradually fade. During the binge periods, I’ll have images/clips of whatever porn I was watching in my head for at least 24 hours after I stop watching, and if I watch again later that day or the next day it starts all over again. With the break, things start to clear out.
On a separate note, I really need to get laid. The woman and I haven’t had sex in almost a month because she’s usually beat from working (I am as well half the time) and some of the time it’s like the spirit wants to have sex but the flesh doesn’t feel up to it. Also, for the past couple weeks she’s been in a deep funk since her dog died. I don’t blame her, it was pretty much the cutest dog you’ll ever see. I still come close to bawling myself when I think about it. The point being, however, that I can compartmentalize such things (especially after 2 weeks) and it doesn’t diminish my desire to be intimate with her.