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A Peyronies Injury; be careful with you cock!

A Peyronies Injury; be careful with you cock!

Hi everyone,

I haven’t been on the forums much at all over the last few years. I’m still interested in PE. I’ve come so close to giving up forever. Procrastination always got the best of me.

I have been reading about PE since the age of 17 (a book first back in 1997, after finding it on a pumping website). I’m now 36. At the age of 34 I injured my penis while dry humping a woman that turned me on tremendously. We weren’t going to have intercourse that night, so we kept our pants on, barely. Well, I smashed my penis too much. I injured it. I have had some hour glassing below the head at the frenulum, and 1/3 from the base. Some pumping helped reduce the hour glassing at the base. I didn’t stick with it though, just as every other attempt in the past years. (2.5 months was my longest stint of sticking with it way back in the early 2000’s).

Well, I’ve lost about a half inch in length, and a quarter inch in girth. It is a horrible thing to happen to someone that always wanted a larger penis. I’m pretty sad about it.

I’m wanting to start pumping and jelqing again, but I don’t feel confident about sticking to a routine.

I suppose I’m here looking for a little bit of sympathy, but I definitely also want to tell all of you to be careful with your penis because it is easier to injure it than you might think.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

Sorry to hear that. DId you consider using two hothands hands warmers for a few (at least 2-3) hours right before doing light pumping? The idea has gained quite a bit of popularity on peyronie’s forum. A thorough warm up could be fine too. I would be very careful with jelqing.

Thanks Walter, I’ll look into that heating idea. It is new to me. I definitely think heating is very important for making changes to the tissue.

I’ve done 50 jelqs at moderate erection levels (before going into the tube - and this 3 times over) a year after the initial peyronies appearance. It feels fine. I’m being careful with the jelqs and paying close attention.

I’ve felt like 7hg was making a difference more so than 5 hg when I used my pump, but after visiting the forums again last night, I’m not so sure that 7hg is a good idea. If it gives me petechial hemmorages, that’s a pressure that I want to stay below. It gave me just a few on one week. As ususal, I didn’t stick to a routine though.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

Had a similar injury many years ago, couple of years back I used DMSO and iodine combined with some massage and pumping, I’d say it 95-99% removed the scar tissue and the indentation.

Wow, thanks for that info capernicus1.
How do you know the scar tissue is gone? Did you get an ultra sound done?

The doc felt plaques in my shaft.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

Pumping is one of the best way to battle indentations and peyronie’s. Apparently Old man at peyronie’s forum has a lot of good advice to offer. If you warm up very thoroughly before doing your routine you may see even better results.

This includes interesting links : All day heat

Originally Posted by Kojack10
Wow, thanks for that info capernicus1.
How do you know the scar tissue is gone? Did you get an ultra sound done?

The doc felt plaques in my shaft.

I only know it’s gone as I can no longer feel it, it used to be quite obvious as a hard lump.
I never had any medical intervention.

DMSO + Iodine Experimental Treatment for Deflated Glans and Firm Flaccid

Something similar happened to me in Sept 2015. I was overdoing it a bit and getting impatient for better results after 3 years and went at it a bit too hard at one point. It led to an injury while sleeping of all things. I ended up with an indented right side 1/3 from the base and later a slight kink/curve in the left at base. Because I had two small scars on either side I didn’t have a lot of bending or much length reduction. It was an ‘hourglass’ indentation. Over time there was a narrowing at the base that grew into a longer narrowing on both sides. This was the scar tissue beginning to stretch out. No real length decrease. I was more worried about the girth. It also began curving to the left because that side had deeper scarring closer to the base. The scar on the right created an indent that went almost half way up the shaft. I was worried but having some understanding of biology and some hope I didn’t feel completely defeated by it. ( ‘Hope is the last to die’ - saw that as a quote from an author at the Opening of the Olympics ). I knew what mechanisms were at work and confident that at the moment major breakthroughs in tissue remodelling and modification are possible. People who had this injury years ago were not as lucky. If you know something and dig a little bit you can find things to try that can work. It’s weird when you have scar tissue that on regular skin would just sit out and be hard and tough, whereas inside a penis it makes it softer and not fill out with blood as well making it indented. When I was a teenager I used to have some temporary peyronies like erections that wouldn’t fill out on one side completely and kink for a few seconds or the head wouldn’t completely fill out when erect. It would only happen once on the rare occasion. Those was a vascular anomalies. This is different.

So far I have tried:

Acetyl L-Carnitine
vitamin e as tocotrienol form.
betaine and phosphatidylcholine.
Near Infrared light therapy ( with 850nm and 960nm spectrum LED lamp ).

It seems just over the last few weeks to be filling out more and getting more stable. For a while it was touch and go. I stopped all jelqing to prevent creating more possible inflammation. I occasionally did some light stretching with an extender and used the almost useless bathmate once or twice a week.
November to March was tense as I saw no changes at all. Just a narrowed shaft on two sides that was a bit too soft and flexible and hard just above it. Erection from the side looked normal. I also noticed that it increased my girth from midway to the tip. The base was being strangled slightly by the scar tissue and ended up ballooning the end into a baseball bat shape. After 9 months the base started thickening slightly and there was more stability though I still have to careful in case of re-injury during sex. I only recently started using the NIR light a few weeks ago. It’s a learning curve and also debatable whether stimulating fibroblast activity via infrared will enhance tissue repair or help form more, tougher scar tissue. As it’s recently been used effectively in wound healing and repair in some limited studies I’d go with the former. Infrared in the 650nm range has been shown to rejuvenate and thicken the skins outer epidermis. The corpus cavernosum and tunica are a smooth/connective tissue type that may respond to a 900nm range and above as it lays beneath the epidermis. Not sure at this point, it’s too early too tell what effect it might have but in the name of science and all that is holy…….

The DMSO and iodine I’ve heard of and may try depending. I’ll read what oldman posted as well. I know that topical verapamil has been cited as good then not as effective and then re-investigated as much more effective than previously thought.

Start: June, 2011 BPEL: 7.4" EG: 4.8"

Current: March 2015 BPEL: 8.1" EG: 5.1"

Goal: BPEL: 8.5" EG: 5.7"

Last edited by Pavlovsdog : 08-08-2016 at .

Pavlovsdog, thanks for replying. It’s encouraging to hear that you’ve had some thickening again and just to read your confident words about tissue remodeling.

I haven’t stuck with pumping. I’m feeling motivated again to start a routine.

Lately I’ve been reading the subreddit smalldickproblems and it is theraputic in some ways, but also scary. I was about to start a new thread here, but remembered that I had started this one.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

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