In the quote above on Maca it said that histidin will lead to premature ejaculations. Now, ironically, I noticed that the zinc I have been taking regularly for about half a year contains histidin. The package says that histidin is good for your nervous system.
Just wanted to remark this as others might use similar zinc/histidin combinations.
Regarding SSRI’s I feel very tempted to go to a doctor and ask for a prescription and give it a try. However, I’m weary of the side effects. With Paxil for instance there seem to be very strong withdrawal symptoms. I found this link, which states that despite its site’s name it does not intend to convince people not to take Paxil but to inform on the withdrawal problems:
By the way, I’ve had about five acupuncture sessions, but unfortunately haven’t really noticed any significant change in my other PE. I’ll go for five more sessions and continue taking the herbal concoction. But then that’s it. It’s a pity. I had high hopes after reading others’ successes.