Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Quitting Porn

Originally Posted by igigi
It’ll get even worse. 3D porn is already out there. It will become more popular an massive to have goggles and watch in 3d as you jerk off as being inside the scene, or on demand. Eventually, porn will completely erase our abilities psychologically and physically to interact with a real woman. And that is part of the global population control agenda.’

Eventually at some point, some politicians will raise the flag, talks will begin, and the solution will be to make dolls more easily accessible for men. Procreation, specially among those educated will go down to almost zero. While the uneducated without access to porn or dolls will still reproduce like rabbits, subsidized by the government.

Peak Bread & Circuses

Originally Posted by igigi
Procreation, specially among those educated will go down to almost zero. While the uneducated without access to porn or dolls will still reproduce like rabbits, subsidized by the government.

Intelligence, has always played a massive role in population control, since procreation among people with higher than average IQ is already down to a bare minimum. Me and my spouse are, without being braggy, above the average level of IQ for Bulgaria, and we don’t want to have a child yet, despite being at the foothills of our 30s. However, girls with IQ of a tomato already gave birth to a child, or two.

The problem is even worse in minorities, since Bulgaria is an incubator for low IQ gypsies, which make upwards of 6 children per couple, and they start giving birth at 13-14 at best. Imagine what a baby machine is a 30-year-old gypsie, making babies to get her hands on social programs. They even don’t know their names.

Intelligence, on the other hand, castrated people, since they are more concerned about a future home, a car, bills and food, rather than f*cking their brains out, eventually making a baby.
Just for the record, my spouse has absolutely ZERO sex drive due to overthinking and her dad’s upbringing. I am a sex drive monster due to discovering the world all by myself and experiencing all aspects of my sexual world. The opposite forces do not attract in sex. They push each other to a point of no return, so we decided to stop sex whatsoever, which also eliminates the chance of a pregnancy.
And, I believe, it is an increasingly alarming issue in our modern society. A part of an agenda? Possibly. But not without our help in it.

Starting point - 15.5 centimeters BPFLS=BPEL, 12 cm. MSEG /// Goal: 20 cm BPFLS, 18 cm BPEL, 14 cm MSEG

Let the marathon begin - Flowsky's progression

Originally Posted by steeldek
Can’t find any problems with porn but it instead helps to keep harder, longer erection for clamping works

Hey, if that’s what works for you, enjoy it. It is worth mentioning that this thread is about those of us that chose to avoid porn ;)

In all seriousness, having used/enjoyed porn for over two decades, I can attest to the negative side affects in my own life. After only a month without it, my erections are so damn powerful that my normal measured erect girth “MEG” of 5-1/4” is now almost always 5-1/2” when I wake up. In other words; my morning wood is girthier than my erections were previously! Yes, my wife has noticed.

One could argue that my PE regimen is the reason, but it’s doubtful that 3-1/2 weeks is adequate to gain 1/2”! On the other hand, I AM experiencing stunning hard erections that have my wife asking me to be cautious and gentle, and also experiencing orgasms that are almost painfully powerful.

Your mileage may vary, but I’m certainly not going back!



BPEL 6-3/4" MEG 5-1/4" on 8-2021. Goal: 7-3/4" to 8"BPEL x 5-1/2" MEG

5'-11" and 190# and working back down to decent ab definition. I expect this around 178#.

Originally Posted by Horseman1978

One could argue that my PE regimen is the reason, but it’s doubtful that 3-1/2 weeks is adequate to gain 1/2”! On the other hand, I AM experiencing stunning hard erections that have my wife asking me to be cautious and gentle, and also experiencing orgasms that are almost painfully powerful.

Your mileage may vary, but I’m certainly not going back!



I’ve been using porn since I was a teenager. Wondering if I’ve never been able to reach my “full potential” since I’ve been using as I was developing. Will be interesting to see.

long time user

Originally Posted by spenticus
I’ve been using porn since I was a teenager. Wondering if I’ve never been able to reach my “full potential” since I’ve been using as I was developing. Will be interesting to see.

I’m in my 40’s

I have used porn since I was about 12… Roughly 30 years. The realization that porn was hurting my sex life, AND destroying my self-control and discipline elsewhere (food, alcohol, exercise) was instrumental in waking me up to the detrimental aspects.

There have been numerous “TEDx” lectures dedicated to this; they confirmed my suspicions. PM me if you want links.

The real clincher was at the end of the first week I was porn-free, as mentioned in a previous comment, I had an orgasm so powerful it hurt my urethra. My wife also commented as she felt the force of the ejaculation and gasped; she then had one of her most powerful/memorable orgasms.

That helped me realize that I had been cheating myself, and my partner; it not only strengthened my resolve to cease porn use, but somehow took away the desire to use it altogether.

Sure, I’m still tempted, but nothing like the pure torment I had experienced in decades prior. I was a long term hardcore user. I’m not deluded into thinking the struggle is over, but I now have access to rational reasons to abstain. I limit my “solo time” to the shower and sometimes even tell my wife ;)


BPEL 6-3/4" MEG 5-1/4" on 8-2021. Goal: 7-3/4" to 8"BPEL x 5-1/2" MEG

5'-11" and 190# and working back down to decent ab definition. I expect this around 178#.

Originally Posted by Horseman1978
Hey, if that’s what works for you, enjoy it. It is worth mentioning that this thread is about those of us that chose to avoid porn ;)

In all seriousness, having used/enjoyed porn for over two decades, I can attest to the negative side affects in my own life. After only a month without it, my erections are so damn powerful that my normal measured erect girth “MEG” of 5-1/4” is now almost always 5-1/2” when I wake up. In other words; my morning wood is girthier than my erections were previously! Yes, my wife has noticed.

One could argue that my PE regimen is the reason, but it’s doubtful that 3-1/2 weeks is adequate to gain 1/2”! On the other hand, I AM experiencing stunning hard erections that have my wife asking me to be cautious and gentle, and also experiencing orgasms that are almost painfully powerful.

Your mileage may vary, but I’m certainly not going back!



I really put myself to the test with the no-porn lifestyle this last week while out of town. I was back at the same house I was staying in, all alone, once again, when I had my epiphany on 22 March that porn was actually preventing me from getting hard and cumming when it wasn’t on in front of me; that day I quit porn. So this past week I decided to begin a 7-day break of no orgasm or ejaculation, starting last Friday, so that I can erupt and cum my brains out today while my wife is out of town all day and tonight. Rather than have orgasms and enjoy the alone time in the amazing house I was staying in out of town, I decided to PE all 4 nights I was there. I have not done even 3 straight days of PE in maybe 10+ years, mainly to rest and heal, but now that I just successfully completed these 4 sessions on days back to back, I truly believe that it was porn on in the background while doing PE routines that might have dropped my urge/drive/libido/impetus to PE regularly and consistently. What wound up happening starting this past Saturday when I started my 4 days of PE was I was back in a bathroom, alone, with just the mirror, my lube, my pump, a clock, and nothing else.

Just like back in 2003 when I started PE: alone, in the bathroom, with a mirror and lube and a clock to keep time. I grew quite a bit during 2003 and I never once used porn prior to, during, or after my PE sessions.

Saturday I had hung out with my client, it was starting to get a little late, and I realized I was running out of time to get my planned PE round in. I just wanted to do 1-minute standard stretches in different directions and 500 jelqs. Just like old times. I doubted my ability to get hard. I thought about using porn. I wondered “can I actually pull this off, I feel a tad off right now” but alas, I was stranded in Bonerville and my session was a success! Perfect actually, I felt like I had crossed a milestone. It sounds like not a lot, but through this short and perfect little easy session I realized how tough it has been for years to get through sessions strongly. I got through them, but my EQ was weak: I’d stand in the bedroom at the monitor, stroke desperately to porn, get hard, and then race to the bathroom to get in the pump and I’d lose wood in just 3 seconds once away from the screen. This EQ battle stole over 20-30 minutes of my time from me as I had to keep trying to get hard for the tube. NO LONGER!! I’m hard in seconds with just me myself and I. It was so easy, it was so simple, why couldn’t all of my sessions the last 3 years be like this one?! Oh right, it was porn that was holding me back, I know it for a fact now.

Ok, one done, what about Sunday? I had more time and no hanging out so I took a bath for 20 minutes. Really nice and hot, and relaxing, but not too much: with a pretty tacky hand and not even that great of a feeling or sensation, I just kind of tugged on my flaccid and it jumped to life mainly because I had popped a generic 20mg cialis almost 6 hours prior. But I’ve taken it enough and although it can get me hard when I don’t even try to get hard, if I’m not feeling horny or confident its not that long-lasting of a boner. Good medicine, but you gotta be turned on. I wasn’t turned on much at all. But then, once that boner happened, I felt hot for myself. The water worked wonders as a great warm up, jelqing warm up was great, excellent EQ and a very horny heart (at 3 days of no cumming) made for a good 30 minutes of tube time. No spots or edema, just a plump hanger right before bed.

The fake cialis still worked Monday night although it was starting to lose its quality, but it was enough to help me stay horny for the same stretching and jelq session I did Saturday. Again, no spots, no edema. I felt like I was on a new streak or something!

Final session Tuesday night was unaided with modern boner science. 5 days of no cumming, I could have jizzed from anything. Rice sock warm up, warm up jelqs, 30 minutes of pump time. Same EQ quality as all previous 3 nights. No porn, once again.

I’ve been masturbating and PE/pumping without porn now for 25 weeks straight. But at home, not anywhere else. There’s always that feeling of “is someone there? Is someone watching me? Could someone just walk in right now?” when at a big house all alone and no one around; the property is a bit secluded and wooded so there’s a “backcountry” feel all the time although its in a town. Any of that feeling kills my boner, its gone right away. Porn helped me keep it up even though my nerves might have been popping off. Instead I feel a strong confidence, like “yah, here’s my erection if you wanna see it!” kind of feeling about it. Porn made me feel shameful in ways I never knew before. But when I quit it, that feeling of shame was obvious and clear as day to me. Now I feel so natural, so instinctual, so wholesome when I get hard to masturbate or PE. Especially so for my wife!! (But with her involved its another story and post!)

Bottom line: my EQ is better than it has been in maybe 10 years even though I’m now 45. It gets up almost twice as fast regardless of what I plan to do with it, even if it happens when I didn’t mean to get hard. I am louder uncontrollably during masturbation, which is very new for me, and I’m audible against my wishes when I’m nearing PONR and finally cumming. I have continuously had stronger and longer lasting Os as I’ve aged, but the last 6 months has brought me such hard Os and ejaculations they are almost dick-splittingly intense.

There really IS something serious to all of this. It really is a thing: porn does something terrible to our brains that provoke negative physiological effects. I read that if guys get “performance anxiety”, which I have had a handful of times over the last 20 years, this past spring being the ultimate worst of my life, but can get hard to porn, there isn’t anything to worry about: there’s nothing physically wrong since he can get hard to porn, he just needs to calm down to get hard for his female partner. WRONG!! That’s not it. I know now that the porn was keeping me in a state of performance anxiety-induced ED, and getting hard and cumming to porn was not a sign that “I was OK physically.” Brain affects the body!

Lets all stay healthy gents! We are turning the right page and there’s a whole lot of this book left to read and I don’t want to get to the end of the story anytime soon! :)

Starting length, Spring 2003: bpel 6 3/8", bpfsl ~6 1/2", flaccid ~3-4" (never measured flaccid stretched or hanging flaccid; starting girth was probably ~5"-5 1/4")

Summer 2004: bpel 7 7/8", bpfsl 8 1/8", flaccid ~4", erect girth 5.3"

Spring 2018: bpel 7 1/4", bpfsl 7 5/8", erect girth 5 1/8"; Spring 2020: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth 5 3/8". Current - August 2023: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth mid shaft 5 1/4" (5 1/2" at base)

Originally Posted by pumpedmember

Bottom line: my EQ is better than it has been in maybe 10 years even though I’m now 45. It gets up almost twice as fast regardless of what I plan to do with it, even if it happens when I didn’t mean to get hard. I am louder uncontrollably during masturbation, which is very new for me, and I’m audible against my wishes when I’m nearing PONR and finally cumming. I have continuously had stronger and longer lasting Os as I’ve aged, but the last 6 months has brought me such hard Os and ejaculations they are almost dick-splittingly intense.

There really IS something serious to all of this. It really is a thing: porn does something terrible to our brains that provoke negative physiological effects. I read that if guys get “performance anxiety”, which I have had a handful of times over the last 20 years, this past spring being the ultimate worst of my life, but can get hard to porn, there isn’t anything to worry about: there’s nothing physically wrong since he can get hard to porn, he just needs to calm down to get hard for his female partner. WRONG!! That’s not it. I know now that the porn was keeping me in a state of performance anxiety-induced ED, and getting hard and cumming to porn was not a sign that “I was OK physically.” Brain affects the body!

Lets all stay healthy gents! We are turning the right page and there’s a whole lot of this book left to read and I don’t want to get to the end of the story anytime soon! :)

So awesome to hear how abstaining from porn has improved your life bro.

From this thread there seems to be multiple guys who have experienced the same effects of quitting porn.

1) Less shame
2) Improved Intimacy
3) Easily more aroused by actual women in nature
4) Better EQ
5) More intense orgasms/ejaculation

Quitting is the way to go.

First, hope everyone is doing good and achieving your personal goals. If you’re quitting or trying to quit porn, or have succeeded, hooray! Keep trying and keep succeeding. It is all so worth it.

I’ve made it 8 months now, a little over 32 weeks, without Pornhub, xHamster, xporn, Chaturbate, MFC, and much of everything else that is and can be out there. I haven’t even been on Reddit for the r/bigclit subreddit in I think over 2 months now, I was looking maybe every 6 weeks just to see what kinds of female anatomy are out there (I’m into human variation and sexuality, like a LOT) and when I looked I was clothed and was just curious to see just how big clits are. But even just my biological curiosities of the human body are starting to dwindle because it involves finding stuff online, and surfing online for nudity, porn and all related is the poison I’ve quit and actively avoid. Its the “finding new material online” that is the hitch for me, the major problem, the cause of my shame over all things pornography. That time I spent for so long, searching and waiting patiently for “the biggest clitoris reveal” or “the biggest female squirt” or “massive convulsing pussy orgasms” and “biggest cumshot” that I cannot get back, all that time I spent waiting and waiting to see these things, and when the “it” was shown, revealed and then over, I always felt like “that’s it? I waited over an hour for just that?” and then I’d do it again later, and the next day, and next day, and weeks and weeks and weeks ad nauseum.

I’ve been feeling extremely good. I do not think about trying to see anything during the day working at home alone. I just don’t have those thoughts anymore. Nothing is nagging at my brain. Sure I pull my cock out and stroke it and appreciate it and how good it feels. I edge a little during the day here and there just for fun, to feel the sensations and stimulation, and then stop and wait till later for either my wife or alone time and a solo explosion. I do all my masturbation and play with no outside influences (all my prostate play has been without porn or anything related for the last 7 years). I’ve been able to go at it with myself for at least 20 minutes now, sometimes even 30 minutes if I’m feeling really strong and having a lot of fun. My first masturbation without porn when I quit in March this year I could only last 2 minutes for fear of losing my erection without porn to help keep it up. It took months to just get to 10 minutes; with porn in the past I’d stroke for a minimum of 30 minutes before I even committed to my fleshlight to fuck it so I can release, and most of my masturbation back then with porn lasted 45-60 minutes. The 10 to 20 minutes of edging and playing is much more fun than anything I can remember going back to when I was young, it feels very “teenagerish” now and the excitement of my erection, and just the “me being me” feelings are overwhelming, very very fun stuff. Exciting even! Fantasies aren’t really there, I don’t imagine porn women or scenes from the past, I don’t think of fucking my wife while I’m fucking my fleshlight, I just focus on my own body, my cock and the pleasure; I tunnel into the pleasure and live and breathe with it. My orgasms have been even stronger than they already were, which is so strong I close my eyes uncontrollably and have a hard time opening them, I’m wincing from the strength of my contractions, and my cumshots and semen volume are up. Like way up. Even if I cum 4 times in an afternoon, I’m still shooting off on orgasm #4, it might be a small tiny amount of cum, but it goes several feet. Lots more power behind everything related to my sex now.

I get hard so much faster now than I have in the last 10+ years. Sometimes it would take well over a minute for the blood to finally fill me up completely. Now I’m getting hard just from the first few kisses with my wife. That first gentle stroke and touch of her vulva and pubic hair. A kiss on her breasts and nipples. Just looking at her react and moan from my touch is enough to make my cock engorge and become hard on its own with no touch at all. This is not what I’m used to! For 20+ years I’ve needed direct stimulation of my cock to first get hard and then stay hard. Now its hard and bouncing around when I move around the room, if I have to go grab more towels, the lube is on the other side of the bed and I have to get up to go get it, etc.: I’m staying hard throughout this and it is new and awesome and welcomed!!

I am restoring my glans, too. I’ve been at it for almost 10 weeks straight now and it is physically different. Deeper red color all the time. Silky smooth its so soft and smooth. I can’t explain what it feels like. Both my wife and I are beside ourselves with how it feels. Like real silk but its skin. Its amazing and unreal that’s all I know! When I get hard my glans is always fully swollen and firm, the skin on the glans is stretched to the max and the light reflects off of it like a mirror. It is bright white light reflecting off my glans, this is very new. Anyway, even though glans restoration is increasing my sensitivity and ability to feel brand new pleasures and sensations in my life, the lack of porn is increasing my EQ and it shows in my glans. Bulbous now more than ever. No-porn has helped make it that way for sure.

PE and pumping is better now. I get hard fast and on demand for my pump. I stay fuller longer in semi state for jelqs. Blood flow seems better: I get few to no red spots and my edema on my foreskin still pops up when I pump over 30 minutes, but I think the glans restoration I’m doing is making my foreskin more sensitive and more susceptible to edema, sadly. Even though there is small edema, its still less than before when I used porn. So I warm up more carefully and don’t push it. In the past I’d watch porn the entire time and my EQ during pumps was horrible. I’d spend like 5+ minutes trying to get hard, sometimes even just 80% hard, to get in the tube and now I spend like 15 seconds and I’m rock hard just alone in the bathroom in front of a mirror. I’m telling you, quitting porn is making all of this stuff easier. So much easier.

I have a new found excitement for sex with my wife. Its been growing in strength the last few months, but the last month its reaching an almost fever pitch. Just thinking of her naked makes an urge deep inside my body start to grow and show itself. This kind of urge or feeling is new to me. I’ve had something like it, but not like this. Not like now. The anticipation while I wait for her to come to the bedroom is not stressful in a “will I be able to get hard and perform for her and me?” kind of way, but more so a “I cannot wait to give her my big hard on and help her cum over and over and over and I cannot wait to feel my hard on inside her mouth, her hand, and her body!!” I mean I’m getting fully hard in this state in just seconds. When I was on porn she’d be sucking me and it wouldn’t make any blood move at all. Now I’m hard just thinking about what she’s going to do to me. Even if its barely anything, its still way exciting, but not stressful. No anxiety about any of this like this past spring when I suffered major ED with her. I laugh at those days now: all that fear I felt, the shame, the embarrassment, the swearing off sex for good so I didn’t have to face the stress of it anymore—those thoughts are gone and I’m so much better off now I don’t have those fears to face.

To those who’ve quit porn, how is it going? Seeing any positive changes? Feeling anything new happen? To those trying to quit but go back to it, how did it feel when you were off it? Were you off it long enough to feel a difference? I guy I write with online said he quit everything for a few weeks but “didn’t feel anything different” so he went back to it, but now just looks at cam rooms. I felt something happen in just 2 days: fear. Fear of not being able to function sexually without porn. Those first times masturbating without porn was harrowing. But I got through it and the rewards after were sweet and delicious :) If you don’t “feel” anything different you might not be registering exactly what the changes are if you are expecting something to be so different it is abnormal. Like men who chase prostate orgasms: they expect something “bigger” or “newer” or “better” than what they currently know, but the new sensation might not be as big at all, and the subtle new feelings might be as big as it can be and that’s all it should be. Like if you take a pill for larger semen loads and there isn’t an instant amazing change, and you ditch the pills because change wasn’t noticed. You can’t get inside your brain to see how your neurons are acting after you quit porn to see if there’s monumental change or improvement in your life mentally. Change and improvement from quitting porn might just be that you smile a little bit more than normal, or you appreciate a tree or a flower or birds or clouds a little more than normal, or when you talk to someone you open up just a tiny bit more than normal. Maybe imperceptible to you, but its change nonetheless. And positive change at that.

Good luck everyone! The benefits of this journey are so worth it I wish I had come to this realization years and years ago and wish that crisis was not the impetus to make this change recently. Quit now before you get behind. Quit before crisis sets in. If you feel you are in crisis mode sexually by all means assess your life and situation and make changes. Just don’t wait till you’re crying in the bedroom with your limp dick in your hand while your wife is waiting for you to give it to her!! Avoid that moment by all means necessary.

Starting length, Spring 2003: bpel 6 3/8", bpfsl ~6 1/2", flaccid ~3-4" (never measured flaccid stretched or hanging flaccid; starting girth was probably ~5"-5 1/4")

Summer 2004: bpel 7 7/8", bpfsl 8 1/8", flaccid ~4", erect girth 5.3"

Spring 2018: bpel 7 1/4", bpfsl 7 5/8", erect girth 5 1/8"; Spring 2020: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth 5 3/8". Current - August 2023: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth mid shaft 5 1/4" (5 1/2" at base)

Ditched porn two moths ago, when I entered the PE realm, and, with some minor hiccups, I have been off the porn to actively masturbate since.
Meanwhile, I opened up to real user communication, which in turn opens completely new doors to imagination and sexual confessions.
Which, in my opinion, is the key into maintaining a proper balance between my kinky and pervert self and The “No SEX” Ordeal In Long-term Relationships, in which I described the problems in sexual attraction in my relationship.
The open communication actually contributes to me being more relaxed and not so eager to fuck, and building greater intimacy.
Yes, it happens on a sex-focused site, but the girl I am chatting with is great - supportive, kinky as fuck, and shares her fantasies with me, I too confess what I crave to do.

Prior to the porn quitting, I never communicated with the guys and girls around there, just finding the right video/photo content to best suit my kinks. I sometimes went on a massive masturbation marathons, which resulted in premature ejaculation when and if I got to have sex with my girl. Just a couple of minutes into the game and I am done, which, after all of the struggles to get into my wife, really is not worth the effort.

Now, two months into PE and no sex during this time, I feel the arousal building, but I rely only on occasional masturbation and a couple of PONR releases. However, I think the abstaining from sex can lead to performance increase, and the kegel/jelq combo may yield some good results for my girl as well, since she is more than happy with my current BPEL and MSEG.

Starting point - 15.5 centimeters BPFLS=BPEL, 12 cm. MSEG /// Goal: 20 cm BPFLS, 18 cm BPEL, 14 cm MSEG

Let the marathon begin - Flowsky's progression

Just an update and to find out how everyone who quit porn is doing. Hope y’all have been good!

In 6 weeks I’ll hit my 1-year mark of no porn! Feels weird. I quit counting weeks in December and just last week decided to see where I’m at in weeks. Seems like the 1-year mark came up quick.

I still haven’t used porn for anything. I look at magazines very infrequently, I think once a month maybe for a few minutes, bikini model magazines only. Women are still hot and I still like to appreciate an awesome female body! Its barely casual perusing at this point.

No videos online or surfing for content, ever. I do think about it, the act of sitting down to do it. I think, “Am I thinking about this right now because I don’t want to work on or do what I’m currently doing or have to do soon? Am I thinking about looking up random porn to just pass the time? Do I even feel the need to be aroused right now??” The thoughts of looking up porn on my computer is kind of a vacant thought. It seems like something I know how to do very very well but I’m just not compelled to start looking. And I move on to continue what I’m doing or do what I plan to do next.

I still have easy-to-get erections and my solo play time is the best ever. The sensations are extremely stronger now, I feel like my cock is intertwined with my whole body now and edging is vibrant and really exciting and fun. On porn, edging was very mindless and the sensations were pleasurable but really just penis-focused and there wasn’t anything extra going on with it. Sex with my wife is out of this world now. Its always been hot sexy and great but now the sensations and just the physical and mental act of making love is overwhelming and very very fun and invigorating. When I PE my erection is better than I can remember it being when I’ve done PE the last 15 or so years.

The benefits are great and I have found that the longer I stay off porn the less interested I am to act on interest and less likely I am to feel any urge or will to look at it. I think at the 8 month mark or so is when I realized thinking about looking at porn when I plan to masturbate is more of a turn off and my arousal drops when I consider using it. So I’ve thought even less of it when I’m going to play with myself.

I hope everyone who started the journey of quitting porn is still doing good and hope you are are getting what you hope for from quitting!

Starting length, Spring 2003: bpel 6 3/8", bpfsl ~6 1/2", flaccid ~3-4" (never measured flaccid stretched or hanging flaccid; starting girth was probably ~5"-5 1/4")

Summer 2004: bpel 7 7/8", bpfsl 8 1/8", flaccid ~4", erect girth 5.3"

Spring 2018: bpel 7 1/4", bpfsl 7 5/8", erect girth 5 1/8"; Spring 2020: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth 5 3/8". Current - August 2023: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth mid shaft 5 1/4" (5 1/2" at base)

That’s really inspiring, I still struggle with it. Need to break free.

Originally Posted by spenticus
That’s really inspiring, I still struggle with it. Need to break free.

You can do it. It sucks at first. I hated not seeing anything when I wanted to pleasure myself. My heart would race over the thought of needing it. I would feel pretty low and disappointed in myself over my thoughts—my self induced reliance on porn to get and stay aroused. The first few weeks were hard. Very hard to get through. Masturbation sounds kind of boring without porn if you use porn to jerk off and then imagine jerking off with just yourself all alone with nothing on, it sounds uneventful and bland. I think the problem is that the thoughts start to race into the brain and then inner dialogue starts and it hurts arousal. Try to take a mindfulness/meditative approach to self pleasuring. Stimulating your own cock is amazing! The sensations are great. You can generate amazing sexual energy and highly explosive, well earned orgasms all on your own, and not even from fantasies or other mind work. Pure focus on the sexual stimulation and sensations can lift you up and elevate your body and mind to very high heights.

You can do it! Stay focused on your body, ignore the thoughts whatever they might be, believe you are capable of doing yourself because you are amazing and you can do it, and begin to shed the porn from your life. Good luck you can totally make it happen!

Starting length, Spring 2003: bpel 6 3/8", bpfsl ~6 1/2", flaccid ~3-4" (never measured flaccid stretched or hanging flaccid; starting girth was probably ~5"-5 1/4")

Summer 2004: bpel 7 7/8", bpfsl 8 1/8", flaccid ~4", erect girth 5.3"

Spring 2018: bpel 7 1/4", bpfsl 7 5/8", erect girth 5 1/8"; Spring 2020: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth 5 3/8". Current - August 2023: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth mid shaft 5 1/4" (5 1/2" at base)

Originally Posted by pumpedmember
You can do it. It sucks at first. I hated not seeing anything when I wanted to pleasure myself. My heart would race over the thought of needing it. I would feel pretty low and disappointed in myself over my thoughts—my self induced reliance on porn to get and stay aroused. The first few weeks were hard. Very hard to get through. Masturbation sounds kind of boring without porn if you use porn to jerk off and then imagine jerking off with just yourself all alone with nothing on, it sounds uneventful and bland. I think the problem is that the thoughts start to race into the brain and then inner dialogue starts and it hurts arousal. Try to take a mindfulness/meditative approach to self pleasuring. Stimulating your own cock is amazing! The sensations are great. You can generate amazing sexual energy and highly explosive, well earned orgasms all on your own, and not even from fantasies or other mind work. Pure focus on the sexual stimulation and sensations can lift you up and elevate your body and mind to very high heights.

You can do it! Stay focused on your body, ignore the thoughts whatever they might be, believe you are capable of doing yourself because you are amazing and you can do it, and begin to shed the porn from your life. Good luck you can totally make it happen!

Thanks for the encouragement. I’m really going to try to break free

1 year of no porn is today! I feel fantastic. Had sex with my wife last night, she actually initiated it earlier than we planned to do it, and it was very hot and I was beyond turned on by her advances. I got hard and stayed hard for like 30+ minutes regardless of who was touching who, where her mouth was, and what I was doing to her. It was very exciting and energetic.

To think that through the month of February last year, my wife was in lingerie, posing on the bed, mood lighting, hot and wet and swollen for me, begging for my hard cock, and I was limp noodle down there against my will, and it was primarily due to porn, I’m just beside myself. Now, one year after my terrible realization that I couldn’t get hard or even cum without some kind of porn on, I can’t even imagine what life would be like if I had continued to watch porn on a daily basis, several times a day, while my wife was wanting me more than ever before. I just cannot believe that my ED was caused almost purely from dependence on porn to get off. I could get off if I was with her, but it wasn’t easy and sometimes I wasn’t hard no matter how hot she was or how into me cumming we both were. Masturbation was sitting in front of a screen for 30+ minutes, wet stroking my hard on, and then finally fucking a fleshlight for like a minute before I couldn’t hold out anymore and explode. Now I fuck my fleshlights without porn on for 15-30 minutes nonstop, hard and fast, slow and soft, whatever, and its easy and I last longer in them and I’m harder throughout it all. I’ve finally gotten back into myself and I appreciate me and my body and its abilities more now than I have for the last 5 or more years. Maybe 10 years, I don’t know.

All I know is this: if you have quit porn and feel like its not making a difference, just stay off it and wait and see. Change doesn’t always happen overnight, we all know this is true for many things in this world. Don’t let porn be the thing that drives you to “chase that feeling” like gambling or drugs do. We’re talking about sex with real people, your erection and its quality of hardness, your orgasm and the strength of it, and the person you might be in a relationship with. All of those are not worth jeopardizing over fake ass shit on a screen. If you say “but I can get hard without it” then do it. Get hard without it on the screen, or just get hard far away from a screen. Can you look yourself in the eyes in a mirror as you stroke and get yourself hard? See if you can. Its easy when you’ve been off porn that’s all I know ;)

If you can get hard without porn, can you do PE without porn? I learned how to and it was very hard to do. It was so hard that I felt like I didn’t want to do PE anymore. (Sadly, right now I cannot do PE because my wife’s poor vagina is really unable to take my cock when I’m not doing PE and pumping, so any addition of size or girth will be terrible and I’d rather have sex than have a larger cock right now!! I hope by this summer when she’s been able to get on meds to help her hormonal imbalances from menopause that her vaginal tissue will be healthier and more able to handle plain old fashioned sex. By that time, if she’s better and we can get back to normal, I hope to resume my PE and pumping. Lord knows I sorely miss it!) I was able to do PE last year without porn on, it took a few tries, but I managed and then found my erection was 100% better without porn while doing PE and I actually finished my pumping routines much earlier because I didn’t have to work so hard on my erection.

Break free y’all! What is it worth? If pop ups or anything comes up when I’m looking at things online, it kind of grosses me out to see images of porn. I know its fabricated, not real, fake shit. The women look cast to me now, like its always been fake and I knew it but its more so now. Its just so completely uninteresting now. I have thoughts during the day, “I wonder what kind of hot shit is out there right now?”, and then I instantly say, “Why do I care?” And I don’t look for anything.

I hope I’m not making this sound easy. Because it is not. In no way is this easy. It took weeks before I could get and stay hard and masturbate to orgasm alone in a room with just me and nothing on. It took months before I could masturbate longer than just 5 minutes, and a few months before I could last longer than 10 minutes. Now I can fuck a fleshlight hard nonstop for like 20 minutes before I just can’t make myself do it anymore. I can have sex with my wife for even longer, granted her pussy can handle it.

I just made it a year. No PornHub, Xvideos, YouPorn, Xhamster, whatever. No more Chaturbate, MFC or anything like that. No OnlyFans or Patreon. None of it. All gone. Not missed. Don’t care. Fuck all that shit. You know what I’m glad I don’t see anymore? Constant consistent reminders that my cock doesn’t get hard anymore from all the ED medicine ads!!! You notice how aligned internet porn and ED medicine ads are? Its like the whole industry is designed to make you addicted to jerking off to porn while at the same time telling you that your dick can’t get hard without medicine or some “technique.” What? Talk about in-you-face counterproductive sex!!!!! I didn’t even realize all that was paired or what it meant or felt like until about 6 months of not being on it at all anymore had passed. I was that numb to it. Hell, even that shit ‘Semenax’ tells you you don’t cum enough, so when you don’t, you feel small or puny, like your load isn’t big enough for whatever reason.

So your dick doesn’t get hard and you don’t cum enough. These ads are on the side of the porn you are watching. And then the porn that’s on the website is all incest-related or something stupid like that. If you don’t see how fucking sick and wack this is, try to assess it all in these ways and think about what you, a man, are subjecting yourself to. Its 200% counterproductive. It is designed to make you have ED and then get hooked on ED meds. Its obvious that’s what’s going on. Plain as day. But I needed to close my eyes and unhook myself from the “machine” to see what it really looks like, what it is trying to do to us all.

I hope y’all are having a positive and successful journey if you have indeed quit porn and found that it has improved something in your life. If you quit and started back up again, don’t feel bad. Instead, think about what led you back to it. What was it like off of it and what happened that made you get back on it? If you still can’t decide to quit, or feel like you don’t need to, but know something is wrong or lacking in your life, I hope you can take my words and year-long experiences as motivation and/or hope that you too can stop porn and reap the benefits. Take care everyone!

Starting length, Spring 2003: bpel 6 3/8", bpfsl ~6 1/2", flaccid ~3-4" (never measured flaccid stretched or hanging flaccid; starting girth was probably ~5"-5 1/4")

Summer 2004: bpel 7 7/8", bpfsl 8 1/8", flaccid ~4", erect girth 5.3"

Spring 2018: bpel 7 1/4", bpfsl 7 5/8", erect girth 5 1/8"; Spring 2020: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth 5 3/8". Current - August 2023: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth mid shaft 5 1/4" (5 1/2" at base)

Hey, P M,

Just writing in support of your last statement about the brainwashing. I’ve been married just over 2 years and was experiencing the same limp dick issue you described. Beautiful wife, hot and ready and there I was , wet noodle man child.

I thought a lot about the issue. It was that I was treating my relationships like porn. The woman had to play a role, suck me to hardness, act like a porn scene. That’s all well and good but I wasn’t treating it like humans need to be treated.

I pumped and dumped way too many quality chicks over 10 years. It was because of my association with porn scenes. I haven’t quit porn, because I’m no quitter LOL . But I barely use it now. My brain, and memories of hot past experiences are way more productive and satisfying. Congrats on your success


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