Originally Posted by Xxwilly wankaxx
I am a beginner of PE so should I be following the recommended beginner routine or is there different routines designed for whatever LOT you have?
Welcome to Thunders Wanka (I couldn’t resist :D )
The 2 Routines you should be looking at are the Linear or Newbie Routines. I prefer the Linear as it starts off easier than the Newbie (the Newbie was too much for me when I started).
Follow that for 4 to 6 months at least before starting to worry your head about the more advanced techniques or theories. (thoughtfulgold is correct on the LOT).
During that first few months you will hopefully enjoy the newbie gains, which didn’t take much effort in my case… so there is no point over doing it.
Remember, injuries are more common at the start, so take it easy and build up slowly… conditioning takes time.
While you are doing the Newbie Routine, read as much as possible here at Thunders and things will begin to make more sense as you progress.
Slow and steady wins the race!
Good Luck ;)
Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)
Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)
The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)