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Base girth Advice

Base girth Advice

Hey, I’ve been jelqing mostly for about a most month, And I’ve gained at least .35 in girth mid shaft and head during erections. It hangs longer and my boners are hard as steel. But, what can I do to improve base girth? It has grown only the tiniest ammount near base. And as far as stretching goes, Anyone care to share a quick routine? I really dislike because I have ADD and I get bored easily, jelqing is fun though. But I emphasize on base girth here? Any advice?


Originally Posted by danman88
Hey, I’ve been jelqing mostly for about a most month, And I’ve gained at least .35 in girth mid shaft and head during erections. It hangs longer and my boners are hard as steel. But, what can I do to improve base girth? It has grown only the tiniest ammount near base. And as far as stretching goes, Anyone care to share a quick routine? I really dislike because I have ADD and I get bored easily, jelqing is fun though. But I emphasize on base girth here? Any advice?


Hi Dan.

It’s rather difficult to give you aroutine if you have the problem od ADD, somply because the routine does need some time committment.

All I can suggest is you do a search for ‘Base Girth’ which will bring up a number of thoughts on the subject and then do several of these different ideas to keep you attention . That is flit from one to another .

It’s not an ideal routine but that’s all I can suggest.

Hope that helps.


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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

I heard hanging give you great base girth. But I never tried before :/

My base girth got bigger after pumping for 2 or 3 months. I did not get any girth gains before that. I had to quit pumping several months ago for privacy reasons. Girth gains have held nicely. I am going to start up again as soon as I can.

NOTE — YOU SHOULD WAIT UNTIL YOU HAVE DONE THREE MONTHS OF NEWBIE before adding in a device. Newbie gives you the knowledge you need about your penis.

Pumping could work with ADD, as you just get an 80% or so erection, apply suction, and then watch TV or whatever, doing kegels.

Quick outline of thunder’s vets pumping guidelines:

Low pressure and multiple short sets is the way to go

Low pressure = no higher than 5.0HG
Short sets = 10 to 15 minutes
Multiple = 2 to 4 sets

And build up your time gradually over several weeks.

When I was pumping, I did either 2 or 3 sets of ten minutes. Between sets I would come out and work up a new erection.

Another thing that might be good if you have ADD is this:

I found pumping to be very relaxing and calming. I did not expect this, but it is the mental feeling of well being that you get say from a really good massage or I guess meditating. It seems like it causes the brain to release "Feel Good Chemicals."

If this sounds interesting to you at all, take a look at this post here:

Vacuum Pumping 101

also Selecting Your Cylinder Size

and of interest is:

Vacuum Pumping when you have ED; the short version, according to Avocet8

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