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Do you get engorged - hard whilst manually stretching

View Poll Results:

When stretching your penis do you:

(A) Become semi-erect but can still feel a good stretch


(B) Become semi-erect but the effectiveness of the stretch is reduced


(C) Stay flaccid but can feel a good stretch


(D) 50/50 hard to flaccid

Total Votes: 44. You may not vote on this poll

Do you get engorged - hard whilst manually stretching

I’ve finished with some decon breaks so hopefully I’ll have an ability to gain again easier. Now getting back into PE with a newbie type routine. I still find my dick always gets hard when stretching, it’s so annoying because I’m under the impression there can be little to no benefit if this happens. IE no fatigue, no lig ache thus no growth.

I remember in the past the only thing I used to do that would help is tire my cock out so much by jelqing 100’s of times before the stretches. I’m currently just started with a newbie routine of 40 jelqs, I don’t want to go overkill with the jelqs straight off.

So just wondering how common it is for most people. If they’re making gains whilst manually stretching semi-erect dicks. Or they’re always perfectly flaccid. So please answer the poll and explain if you feel being engorged/erect whilst stretching will reduce the results. Also have people gained successfully without feeling much pull whilst stretching.

Need more poll answers + comments.

All my stretching is done completely flaccid, and stays that way.

The only time that I’ve noticed I start to get hard is if I stretch upward, which I don’t do as part of my PE routine.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

I was trying to stretch last night after a pumping session and couldn’t stay soft for the life of me .

Current 8 bpel /7.25 nbp 6.25 eg .

Goal , I be happy with 8 NBP so I can relocate her kidney.

I get hard while stretching so I just stretch harder.

Originally Posted by cantlook
All my stretching is done completely flaccid, and stays that way.

The only time that I’ve noticed I start to get hard is if I stretch upward, which I don’t do as part of my PE routine.

Really strange, upwards seems to be an angle where I get less engorged. Of course the ultimate one is BTC.

Need this bumped.

I have ED so I take 10 mg of Cialis daily. Since I started this regemin about nine monts ago, I started to get semis (40%) about 50% of the time while doing stretches. I personally feel the semis help my stretches because I not only feel the stretch, but I can feel blood being forced up into my glans. With a bigger head, I can get a better grip which seems to improve my stretch.

So you’re saying having an engorged unit gives you a better grip behind the head so you can pull harder?

This happens to me all the time, it’s why I hang instead. Much better than pulling.

How long was your deacon? I am in my last week of it and it is killing me.

Like 3 + months and a couple of months before that. I got used to no PE but still constantly looked at my dick and judge it’s size. So back I am ;)

Gotta say being consistent, I’m finding I’m getting less semi’s. It’s best to tire your cock with some jelqs first then stretch straight away. As soon as I take a few minute break and sit down when I stand and stretch again the semi’s come back easy. But if you keep going through with it and tire it out, it’ll get more flaccid again.

And, the good news is I’ve definitely felt more of a stretch especially when pulling to the left(for some reason) since the semi’s have eased up. It definitely makes a difference and the results here reflect this.

I stay flaccid throughout even when I hang. Maybe you should beat off before trying to stretch? I’ve read where that is part of some people’s routines. They start out by tiring their dick & senses a little so they can work with it I guess.

Pre-PE 11/11 BPEL 5.9 EG 5.3

Started PE: 3/12 BPEL 6.0 EG 5.6 * Current: BPEL 7.0 EG 5.9 BPSL 7.4 Nut Lgth 2.5" * Goal: BPEL 7.3 EG 6.3 BPSL 8.00

Mind over matter. All of life is transitional.

Stretching is the best way I know to kill a hard-on, or the part hard-on I want for jelqing.

i get a hard on when i do BTC stretches sometimes or when I do JAI stretches for some reason…

BPEL - 5 5/8" --- Goal 6"

MSEG - 4.5 " ---- Goal 4.75 "

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