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Do You Loose Gains


Do You Loose Gains

I’ve read a few topics about people loosing gains once they’ve quit PE. Most were clampers. Are clamping gains the only ones that deminish, or do gains from all methods?

I think they all go away until proven otherwise. I’m terrified that if I stopped I would go back to “real life”. There is a defenite shortage of guys checking in after quitting for sure, I’ll continue being paranoid. I love it.

Try searching for threads with “permanent” or “permanence” in the title. There have been some with dozens and dozens of posts from guys who did all sorts of PE.

Here’s a great long one:

PE and "Permanence"

I guess you should keep going to cement gains

I think length gains caused by lig stretching will be permanent, as basically once ligs are stretched to maximum they will lose there elastcity and therefore not retract. Gains to the tunica and CC via jelqing I suspect in most cases will not be totally permanent and therefore require a maintanance routine.

No, even length gains are not 100% permanent. I recently resumed PE after a full 7-month break, cold turkey. And I had been at the size I was at prior to the break for many, many months - so there weren’t any “new” gains to quickly lose.

After the 7 month layoff, I lost 15% of my total EL gains, and 17% of my total EG gains. That’s inevitable.

I will say this, however, the longer you’ve been at a given size, the longer you will hold onto it. For example, I didn’t even begin to lose any size at all for quite a while into my break. But, like I said, the losses are inevitable - but I don’t believe they will gain speed like a landslide.

Btw, my PE was all manual - no pumping, no hanging, no clamping. Pumpers, it appears, lose their gains the quickest after stopping. Sometimes those losses are dramatic. The good news: an effective maintenance program is nothing like doing PE for gains. Maybe 10-15 minutes every 3-4 days or so should do the trick.

My take is that so long as you maintain plenty of good daily/nighly erections, then ‘relative’ stasis isn’t too hard to achieve. By that I mean erections are enough of a workout to maintain a good proportion of gains, but clearly not enough to increase them or keep all (eg. PE=Weightliting, Erections=Non sedentary lifestlye, No Erections= Bed bound muscle loss).

Originally Posted by Wad
That’s inevitable.

No. As you know from the long thread I linked to (and to which you were a big contributor), some guys experience no losses whatsoever, even after several months off. I am among them.

I would suspect that your experience is more typical, however, especially for those whose gains came from “manual pressure” types of exercises (rather than, say, hanging).

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
No. As you know from the long thread I linked to (and to which you were a big contributor), some guys experience no losses whatsoever, even after several months off. I am among them.

I would suspect that your experience is more typical, however, especially for those whose gains came from “manual pressure” types of exercises (rather than, say, hanging).

Actually, if you’ll recall, the thread specifically addressed the question of size loss after years, not months. And we didn’t really agree on whom might have met that criteria to offer any definitive information. Some mentioned that they had done “very light, sporadic PE,” but not “regular workouts.” Again, what really constitutes a maintenance program?

Have you in fact taken 7 months off - cold turkey? As I’ve stated, I didn’t begin to experience any size losses for quite a while. Furthermore, what’s the difference between length gains from hanging or extensive stretching? I would think the operative processes were identical; merely the technique differs (both result from traction).

I was not stating that everybody would lose size with 7 months specifically. However, I will reiterate that I believe size losses are inevitable. I thought you were aware that its common accepted within the medical community that most men will actually experience size losses when they age - and this is regarding natural size. How can you then conclude that artificially constructed size will remain 100% permanent for the remainder of a person’s life, long after ceasing PE?

Originally Posted by Wad
Have you in fact taken 7 months off - cold turkey?

Yes. I lost nothing.

Originally Posted by Wad
Furthermore, what’s the difference between length gains from hanging or extensive stretching?

By “manual pressure” I meant things like jelqing and squeezing — sorry for the unclarity. Seems to me that some of the gains through those kinds of techniques (and, say, pumping) — girth gains especially — might be through different mechanisms than long-duration traction techniques. Furthermore, a choice quote from the thread I linked to above**:

Originally Posted by Wad, 11/21/2004
I tend to agree that hanging-induced length is probably the most likely to retain the highest degree of permanence - but even that is within limitations.

Originally Posted by Wad
I was not stating that everybody would lose size with 7 months specifically.

Good. I thought you were.

Originally Posted by Wad
However, I will reiterate that I believe size losses are inevitable.

Key words: I believe. There is no definitive evidence that everyone loses PE gains without a maintenance program. (Which was all that I was trying to say.) Some men report keeping their gains indefinitely; others report drastic, nearly immediate losses. Most fall somewhere in between.

Originally Posted by Wad
most men will actually experience size losses when they age

Yup — most men do, presumably from reduced blood-flow and general fattening. Hell, when we get old enough, most men lose some height, too. I don’t see how age-related losses tell us anything about PE losses, however. Obviously if a guy gains 2” through PE at age 20, stops cold turkey, and then notices at age 40 that he has lost 1” from his maximum size, we can’t know for sure whether the loss was simply due to age (i.e., would have been equivalent regardless of whether he had ever PEed) or was related specifically to his having “uncemented” PE gains. Assuming that I will probably eventually lose some size due to age — regardless of whether I had ever PEed — I am currently trying to overshoot my goal by a bit.

Look, my only point is that blanket statements are inappropriate on this topic. As demonstrated in that thread I keep referring to, guys’ experiences with long-term PE losses vary a lot, and we don’t have nearly enough dudes who have taken 3-5 years off from this game to know what kind of losses to expect at that point. But I agree with you that even if PE gains are impermanent for many guys, a pretty minimal maintenance routine is probably adequate to retain gains — and that’s what matters most.

If a ligament is stretched enough (eg sports injury or long term trauma), then it will never fully regain its original state. Disuse and lifetime remodelling could conceivably shrink a tissue due to reduced numbers of cells over the long term, but a viable cell is a viable cell. The body will only act if there is a reason that the cell is not viable in its environment. This applies to anything in nature, including relationships, economies, species etc.

For example, a large muscle cell that is consuming lots of energy in a low workload environment will be handed it’s notice or told to downsize. A ligament (or tunica) cell has much less overhead and is low in the metabolism chain under normal circumstances (trauma and therefore increased bloodflow changes all that). In this way, low consumers (connective tissue) are not the first in line when cutbacks occur. The tissues might thin out, or more efficient structures might gradually replace them, but if it’s doing its job then there’s no reason to think that it would be lost.

I’m conviced that much of the losses people talk about are in a transient zone (aka cementing), since the remodelling has not completely finished. In connective tissue this can be weeks or months, or in severe (rupture) cases years. The way I see it, once the cell is time served and remodelling is complete, only a lack of viability will cause its job to be terminated. In that sense, the latest gains will be first to go, but the longer you’ve maintained them then the more permanent they are.

Sorry if that’s a little unscientific, but it’s the only way I could think of describing it without getting in too deep in several diverse yet interconnected topics to explain something simple :)

I have the solution. Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop. :D


The result of a good PE regiment is the optimization of the erectile circulatory system. Blood flow characteristics and vascular widening and weakening of attachment physiology are the primary goals. Once these elements are achieved and you reach your optimal erectile condition you must do periodic maintenance to maintain optimization.

It is not unlike other activities for example cardio fitness or muscle tone, there must be some restorative activites to maintain levels of fitness. The good news is that once a large boner has been achieved it only requires minimal efforts to maintain it. Another words, the time in the shower can be used to effect maintenance activities. An extra 5min after urination can be used to retain physiological changes. It nolonger requires the concentrated amounts of time to insure a wide smile on your gal’s face. But it will require some attention…..but, attention is good. Hang long, hang tough.

Banned for posting bullshit again - previously Salvo

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