Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Edging 101

Originally Posted by OneGg
Will try, thanks for everything. I’ll post in about a week tell you how I’m doing.

Take care =P

Ok look forward to hearing the report.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!


Ok bro, weekly reply hehe:

Things that still concern me:

1- Ejaculation: after many edges sometimes in my session I decide to cum, my cum after edging is way less quantity, doesn’t shoot up as far, and it looks like its not mixtured well … the precum (transparent) with the cum… (white)… these two don’t seem to be well mixed I wonder why this is lol… getting me worried… and before I was able to shoot up a couple feet… I’ve tested it after doing a session and its .. ridiculous.. not hand away, its like if it doesn’t have any strength.

2- My mind still too strong: Here is a problem which I think you didn’t face, my mind has so much power over me, I’m fully going to stop watching porn from now on maybe it will be better. But sound,visualization (like a hot girl getting penetrated) or even thinking about my GF being on top of me.. triggers my PONR, and if that is triggered and i don’t stop stroking weather is 0.00001stroke per hour… I will cum.

3- I still have millions of PONR per session. I slow stroke when PONR but feeling doesn’t go away if I speed it back up I will have to slow it down quick or else I will cum. I can stop for a few seconds, but going back at it for less than 20 seconds will put me in PONR again.

***on the side note… when having sex with GF when she says “don’t stop” that is a PONR trigger for me***
I gotta learn how to go over this shit… I wonder what day she will say don’t stop and i will just give the fuck out to her … maybe I’m just too sentimental, I like when my partner enjoys… and when my mind thinks my partner its enjoying it just transforms that into pleasure for me and makes me trigger PONR… any sense?…

Another thing, the doctor told me a few months ago that i had a weak bladder ( I have problems with peeing my bladder doesn’t seem to work too well, it is weak apparently.
Since I’m young now my stomach is the one doing the contraction so pee comes out) I wonder if the bladder takes any part in the ejaculation process.

15 days until I see my girl, right now I don’t know if I have progressed at all.

If you could answer paragraph by paragraph to see your opinion on each of my problems I would appreciate it. Last time I had some of this doubts but didn’t want to bother you much.

Ok until next week then ;) can’t wait to see your reply hehe.

THANK YOU! in advance


Originally Posted by kingpole
How to:

1: Get an erection. Your going to be at it a while so privacy and no distractions are the best conditions to start an edging routine.

2: If you are a two second man ejaculate first, wait for the return then proceed to edge. (Masturbate)

3: Use a good lube, KY jelly is is to drying use a good hand lotion.

4: Stroke the base of your erect penis slowly move up toward the frenulum. The frenulum is the trigger zone this is what makes you cum to soon. Avoid the frenulum unless you decide it is time to cum. Remember edging teaches your mind to be in control not your biological sensations.

5: If you feel the urge to cum, start to move back down to the base again. Keep the strokes slow at first don’t stroke fast until you have mastered edging.

6: When you feel like you are about to cum(PONR) stop edging until the sensation leaves then resume edging (Masturbating)
PONR means point of no return. At this time you can play with your nuts. Explore for the “G” spots you did not realize you had in this area until the sensation to ejaculate subsides.

7: kegel while you are edging. The best type of kegel for this is a moderate pulsing of the BC muscle. When you decide it is time to blow relax the kegel.

You will learn when your shaft is loading up with cum to ejaculate. When you feel it in the base you can stop jerking off at this point instead of waiting for it to travel higher up the shaft.

After a few months of doing this those stoppages will become dry orgasms. (Ejaculating without cumming) This is a very spiritual experience.

This is similar to the taoist stuff. do you redirect the energy up your spine too?

Originally Posted by steve10
This is similar to the taoist stuff. Do you redirect the energy up your spine too?

Yeah, it has to go somewhere.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Yeah its called sexual kung foo (Taoist sexuality). If you haven’t tried it, then do, it’s exactly like edging except that build up of pressure you feel after getting close to the PONR a few times in a row, is dissipated up through the spine and to the rest of the body, making it much easier to control. Its only one step past what you’re doing right now. Also, the orgasms feel righteous, and, like King pole said; a very spiritual experience. And, since the orgasms are dry, you can last as long as you need to completely satisfy your partner. If anyone wants the info just send me a PM and I’ll be happy to tell you more about it.

Ok so I felt as if ejaculations had been hindering my gains so I have all out stopped ejaculating, tommrow will be day 8, the longest I have ever been without ejaculating ever since I knew how to ejaculate. Anyways I’ve been edging everyday as a part of my routine it’s usually at night before I sleep so the sessions have been from 1-2 hours. I have not cum at the end of my last 8 sessions and I am wondering is this bad or wrong to do or am I ok doing this? I want to see how long I can go before I blow.

My dick has been getting way more responsive and sensitive this way I like it, but want to make sure it’s healthy.

Originally Posted by MiddlEast_Beast
Ok so I felt as if ejaculations had been hindering my gains so I have all out stopped ejaculating, tommrow will be day 8, the longest I have ever been without ejaculating ever since I knew how to ejaculate. Anyways I’ve been edging everyday as a part of my routine it’s usually at night before I sleep so the sessions have been from 1-2 hours. I have not cum at the end of my last 8 sessions and I am wondering is this bad or wrong to do or am I ok doing this? I want to see how long I can go before I blow.

My dick has been getting way more responsive and sensitive this way I like it, but want to make sure it’s healthy.

Eventually you may want to blow.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by onegg
Ok bro, weekly reply hehe:

Things that still concern me:

1- ejaculation: after many edges sometimes in my session I decide to cum, my cum after edging is way less quantity, doesn’t shoot up as far, and it looks like it’s not mixtured well .. The precum (transparent) with the cum.. (White).. These two don’t seem to be well mixed I wonder why this is lol.. Getting me worried.. And before I was able to shoot up a couple feet.. I’ve tested it after doing a session and it’s .. Ridiculous.. Not hand away, it’s like if it doesn’t have any strength.

2- my mind still too strong: here is a problem which I think you didn’t face, my mind has so much power over me, I’m fully going to stop watching porn from now on maybe it will be better. But sound,visualization (like a hot girl getting penetrated) or even thinking about my gf being on top of me.. Triggers my ponr, and if that is triggered and I don’t stop stroking weather is 0.00001stroke per hour.. I will cum.

3- I still have millions of ponr per session. I slow stroke when ponr but feeling doesn’t go away if I speed it back up I will have to slow it down quick or else I will cum. I can stop for a few seconds, but going back at it for less than 20 seconds will put me in ponr again.

***On the side note.. When having sex with gf when she says “don’t stop” that is a ponr trigger for me***
I gotta learn how to go over this shit.. I wonder what day she will say don’t stop and I will just give the fuck out to her .. Maybe I’m just too sentimental, I like when my partner enjoys.. And when my mind thinks my partner it’s enjoying it just transforms that into pleasure for me and makes me trigger ponr.. Any sense?.

Another thing, the doctor told me a few months ago that I had a weak bladder ( I have problems with peeing my bladder doesn’t seem to work too well, it is weak apparently.
Since I’m young now my stomach is the one doing the contraction so pee comes out) I wonder if the bladder takes any part in the ejaculation process.

15 days until I see my girl, right now I don’t know if I have progressed at all.

If you could answer paragraph by paragraph to see your opinion on each of my problems I would appreciate it. Last time I had some of this doubts but didn’t want to bother you much.

Ok until next week then ;) can’t wait to see your reply hehe.

Thank you! In advance


Keep practicing, it is about mind control, controlling your emotions. The ability to cum when you want to. Instead of giving into the biological urge. Keep at it pretty soon it will take longer to reach the PONR.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by steve10
Yeah it’s called sexual kung foo (Taoist sexuality). If you haven’t tried it, then do, it’s exactly like edging except that build up of pressure you feel after getting close to the PONR a few times in a row, is dissipated up through the spine and to the rest of the body, making it much easier to control. It’s only one step past what you’re doing right now. Also, the orgasms feel righteous, and, like King pole said; a very spiritual experience. And, since the orgasms are dry, you can last as long as you need to completely satisfy your partner. If anyone wants the info just send me a PM and I’ll be happy to tell you more about it.

Great idea I wanted someone to help me slowly introduce the Taoists aspect, breathing control and diverting the energy up the spine and down the legs. There is a thread by Werner Ashford “Sweat rewards” which describes ballooning but I think it is over a lot of peoples heads. It was from werner I learned how to edge. I owe him a lot.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Does performing edging for about 30 minutes almost every day and kegel exercises cure premature ejaculation? Or is there something more one has to add to it?

Thanks a lot!

Originally Posted by serge_89
Does performing edging for about 30 minutes almost every day and kegel exercises cure premature ejaculation? Or is there something more one has to add to it?

Thanks a lot!

That pretty much cures it, it sets you in control instead of your emotions and biological urges. The premise for edging is to improve ejaculatory control. It also helps with ED as well.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Oh, okay. Thanks a lot for the thread, kingpole! You explain it very well. :D
Sorry, but what is ED?

Thanks again

Originally Posted by serge_89
Oh, okay. Thanks a lot for the thread, kingpole! You explain it very well. :D
Sorry, but what is ED?

Thanks again

Erectile dysfunction

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole
Great idea I wanted someone to help me slowly introduce the Taoists aspect, breathing control and diverting the energy up the spine and down the legs. There is a thread by Werner Ashford “Sweat rewards” which describes ballooning but I think it is over a lot of peoples heads. It was from werner I learned how to edge. I owe him a lot.

No problem at all, i’ll give whatever info i have but i’m not an expert yet. I was close to the legs part of the book but i fell on conctete and hurt my tail bone which has caused my pelvic floor to seize up making kegeling difficult, so i have to wait for that to heal, getting physio so i should be back on track in a few weeks.

I’ll start a weekly thread marking and describing my progress, maybe someone else can benefit from my experience. I dont post here very often, should i post in the edging 101 part or should i just put it into the newbie forum?

Originally Posted by steve10
No problem at all, I’ll give whatever info I have but I’m not an expert yet. I was close to the legs part of the book but I fell on conctete and hurt my tail bone which has caused my pelvic floor to seize up making kegeling difficult, so I have to wait for that to heal, getting physio so I should be back on track in a few weeks.

I’ll start a weekly thread marking and describing my progress, maybe someone else can benefit from my experience. I don’t post here very often, should I post in the edging 101 part or should I just put it into the newbie forum?

Oh ouch, I hate the sound of that. Did you get to the doctor OK?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!


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