Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Edging 101

I try to edge at least 5 times a week. Infact I usually edge on my days off as I feel the blood flow to the area aids healing.

I also keep my ejaculations down to 2 or 3 times a week which is a HUGE help to my PE growth and recovery.

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

Originally Posted by kooljohn
I try to edge at least 5 times a week. Infact I usually edge on my days off as I feel the blood flow to the area aids healing.

I also keep my ejaculations down to 2 or 3 times a week which is a HUGE help to my PE growth and recovery.

I edge 2-3 days per week. This is one of the reasons I don’t refrain from ejaculating.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I obviously have no evidence to back this up, but this whole dht buildup thing is being way exaggerated in my opinion. We’re just playing with our dicks guys, I doubt any possible buildup is anything to worry about.

Originally Posted by rnrrx
I obviously have no evidence to back this up, but this whole dht buildup thing is being way exaggerated in my opinion. We’re just playing with our dicks guys, I doubt any possible buildup is anything to worry about.

Have you ever edged? Something builds up!

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Oh yea, there is definitely build up.

I think, and this is my opinion, that life sustaining hormones build up when you edge.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Has anyone edged for a long time and realize you have to pee? and the fact that you have to pee makes your edging and PONR much closer than it usually is when you don’t have to pee?

It may be me, and the fact I just drank 2 glasses of water.

Originally Posted by dchz
Has anyone edged for a long time and realize you have to pee? and the fact that you have to pee makes your edging and PONR much closer than it usually is when you don’t have to pee?

It may be me, and the fact I just drank 2 glasses of water.

You got it right. Don’t drink water before edging or masturbation/sex for that matter unless you want to prematurely ejaculate. Doing so would make you come faster. It’s not just you. :)

Cross post from a thread I started:

Lately, I’ve realized I have been completely neglecting my kegel exercises.

I am trying to master the 5 second squeeze Kegel. However, I can only seem to squeeze really hard when I am erect…

Anyone got any tips on how to perform better kegels and doing them with proper form, and anyway to monitor that you are doing them very well and squeezing hard without being very erect?

Also any general tips on kegels would be helpful, I am also having trouble performing the “push” or “pull” reverse kegels, any tips on performing those better would be awesome. Thanks

Originally Posted by dchz
Cross post from a thread I started:

Lately, I’ve realized I have been completely neglecting my kegel exercises.

I am trying to master the 5 second squeeze Kegel. However, I can only seem to squeeze really hard when I am erect..

Anyone got any tips on how to perform better kegels and doing them with proper form, and anyway to monitor that you are doing them very well and squeezing hard without being very erect?

Also any general tips on kegels would be helpful, I am also having trouble performing the “push” or “pull” reverse kegels, any tips on performing those better would be awesome. Thanks

Don’t hold a hard kegel hold a moderate kegel longer. Reverse kegels, hmm, push out slower, no need to strain your self or you may end up shitting yourself.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Ok, so I’ve been edging for a while now and today I did it again, but this time it was different and I got a couple of questions, so today I started my edging routine and I didn’t rush to a PONR I went slow and my first PONR was in 20 mins approximately, then I kept on edging for a while sometimes going fast and sometimes slowing down for a little bit and stopping every time I felt like I was getting close to a PONR but then I got too close like if I was gonna cum already and I held a really strong kegel for like 10 seconds, and I didn’t cum at all , I had like a really drop of cum but it didn’t even looked like precum so I kept on edging for a while so I could master that, because I could still hold a good erection after that and I reached several PONR again but I didn’t get too close, so then after like an hour I got really close to a PONR again and I held another kegel but this time I couldn’t hold it tight enough or maybe It was too late to do it I don’t know so I ejaculated..

Well my question is should I keep practicing and hold a strong kegel when I feel about to cum? How am I supposed to do that with my gf, I don’t wanna look stupid and pull out my penis and hold a strong kegel for 10 seconds making a weird face, she would be like what’s wrong with you or something haha,.. Another thing .Is it bad that I held a kegel and still came?I mean I couldn’t hold it hard enough but is that like teaching your penis to cum when you kegel?so should I just let it go if I feel like I’m gonna cum anyways or try to hold on the ejaculation. Thanks

Starting @ NBPEL: 6.125 .. 05/15/09: NBPEL:6.500-6.563 , BPEL: 7.313 EG:4.750

12/07/09 NBPEL:6.813, BPEL: 7.750 EG:4.813[MSEG]

Short Term Goal: 7 NBPEL , 5 EG; Long term Goal: as big as I can get but a 8-9NBPELx6EG would make my heart happy =D

Edging takes practice and your doing fine. Next time when your in girlfriend and you want to delay cumming don’t rely on a hard kegel so much but shift you position

Away from the bottom of your penis near the glans where your trigger zone is and focus on the roof of her vagina with the top less sensitive part of your penis. The “G” spot happens to be on the roof of the vagina hit that with the top of your penis and she will be in orgasm heaven.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I’ve started edging lately. I used to try it but didn’t have the mind power.
I’ve never had this orgasm with out coming. But the last time I tried edging I had the opposite. I came without orgasming haha. Like a full load, and I was able to keep going afterwords. This could be a nifty trick in bed especially with head (I can’t wait to see that WTF look from the girl) but it wasn’t the point of the exercise.

Can any one guess what I’m doing wrong?

Starting: NBPEL: 5.75" EG: 4.75" (widest point)

3.5 Months: NBPEL: 6.175" EG: 4.75"

Goal: Goliath

I’ve been doing PE (newie routine) for about 2 months now, resting 1 day every week.

No obvious gain yet.

I also started edging about 3 weeks ago and usually edge for about 20 to 30 mins after PE.

I try to cum only on the off days.

I noticed that on PE days when I edge, it takes a much longer time (more than double the time) to reach PONR than edging on off days.

I kegel alot during edging.

Anyone has same experience and whats the reason?


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