Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Edging 101

I am learning to Balloon. Edging is great, but add ballooning to it, and you can have multiple waves of what feels like the beginning of an orgasm. When you start ballooning, your thighs can go numb, and tingle, as well as your arms. It gets to a point with edging and ballooning, that you find yourself not wanting to ejaculate because you want to prolong the “pre-orgasm/ejaculation” feeling.

Fun stuff, but watch out for the dht buildup.

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

Originally Posted by Acid Jazz
I am learning to Balloon. Edging is great, but add ballooning to it, and you can have multiple waves of what feels like the beginning of an orgasm. When you start ballooning, your thighs can go numb, and tingle, as well as your arms. It gets to a point with edging and ballooning, that you find yourself not wanting to ejaculate because you want to prolong the “pre-orgasm/ejaculation” feeling.

Fun stuff, but watch out for the dht buildup.

You can also use Saw Palmetto for this, to block some of that DHT. Also cut back on beer. Yeah I been there what you describe.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole
Oh ouch, I hate the sound of that. Did you get to the doctor OK?

Yeah found a really good physio and she’s sorting it out but getting really tempted to start again but i wont i’ll wait, it’ll be quicker in the long run

OK. I’ve read several threads on edging and started doing it. But every time I’m about to come I do a strong kegel and hold it until the sensation passes. None of the threads said to do this, but I thought that’s what doing kegels was for, to be able to hold your load. Is this wrong. Should I kegel when I’m about to come, or should I stop a bit before and just relax?

Nice post kingpole, do you ejaculate after edging? And I read somewhere that you shouldn’t ejaculate 4 hours before a PE routine or afterwards, I tried edging after my routine one day without ejaculating and didn’t feel like I was doing any bad to my penis.then sometimes I tried to do my PE routine after having sex and felt like my penis was more flaccid, which was cool because I was able to stretch it more.I have one question tho, isn’t kegeling while edging or masturbating bad for your penis?I thought it would somehow associate both and then when you have sex you would get involuntary kegels, that make you cum faster?. Thanks dude

Originally Posted by parnassusleap
OK. I’ve read several threads on edging and started doing it. But every time I’m about to come I do a strong kegel and hold it until the sensation passes. None of the threads said to do this, but I thought that’s what doing kegels was for, to be able to hold your load. Is this wrong. Should I kegel when I’m about to come, or should I stop a bit before and just relax?

Your doing fine. You can stop stroking altogether and play with your nuts until the urge to cum leaves.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by pipipride
Nice post kingpole, do you ejaculate after edging? And I read somewhere that you shouldn’t ejaculate 4 hours before a PE routine or afterwards, I tried edging after my routine one day without ejaculating and didn’t feel like I was doing any bad to my penis.then sometimes I tried to do my PE routine after having sex and felt like my penis was more flaccid, which was cool because I was able to stretch it more.I have one question tho, isn’t kegeling while edging or masturbating bad for your penis?I thought it would somehow associate both and then when you have sex you would get involuntary kegels, that make you cum faster?. Thanks dude

Kegel during edging but when you decide it is time to cum stop kegeling. If you want to crank a hard kegel to stop the cum you can also do that. It is OK to edge and cum. It is also OK to edge and not cum. I think it is more beneficial and healthy to ejaculate after a long edging session. Also PE is good to do post edge or sex as well.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Ok, i’ve heard about watching out for DHT. But if you know about the effects of DHT what’s bad about it?

Besides possible male pattern baldness, what’s so bad about DHT build up in your tissues? It makes your more masculine and that’s it…?

I’ve read in various sources that having DHT is bad, and DHT build up happens doing edging, but doesn’t DHT happen during sex too? So i still don’t understand why people say you should watch out for DHT build up, or “go sweat out the DHT” or something ridiculous and they don’t have a scientific basis to back it up and it’s driving me nuts.

Originally Posted by dchz
Ok, I’ve heard about watching out for DHT. But if you know about the effects of DHT what’s bad about it?

Besides possible male pattern baldness, what’s so bad about DHT build up in your tissues? It makes your more masculine and that’s it.?

I’ve read in various sources that having DHT is bad, and DHT build up happens doing edging, but doesn’t DHT happen during sex too? So I still don’t understand why people say you should watch out for DHT build up, or “go sweat out the DHT” or something ridiculous and they don’t have a scientific basis to back it up and it’s driving me nuts.

It is though that DHT may lead to prostate issues. Other than that it is fine. This DHT thing is part of a conspiracy to de-masculinize men, this of course is my opinion. I would rather have less hair than less of a dick. Believe me I have been there having ED for about 6 years.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

To my understanding: DHT is simply testosterone that has been hydrogenated after it enters tissue, simply because DHT is not carried in blood.

So saying you have a lot of DHT is simply saying you have a lot of testosterone… i really don’t see any negative side effects for grown men. (except for hair loss, but i believe that’s more hereditary than anything, such as some enzyme isn’t produced at the scalp rather than pure DHT effects)

Oh dear!! That wonderful website at

Mentioned earlier in this thread has now disappeared and I can’t even find a cached or archived version anywhere. It was there in January 2009, but it seems to have vanished without trace now.

Can anyone help by directing me to a cached/archived version or a pdf

Loved your tips kingpole.


Originally Posted by vna1611
Loved your tips kingpole.


Thanks :) :) :) :)

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Hey kingpole and others that edge.

I have been edging a lot without ejaculation, sometimes for days. Last time I didn’t ejaculate for around 6 days with about at least 20 mins of edging per day. I felt more edgy, for the lack of a better word. I didn’t sleep as well and wasn’t relaxing as well. Also i feel like sometimes I am clinching my BC muscle so tight that my erect size is smaller than it would be if I had ejaculated more frequently.

My question:

Do you guys get similar effects?

I think i am going to edge and ejaculate at least once every 3 days from now on.

Also do you guys do a lot of kegels on top of this? How many per day? do you guys have any good kegel routines?

Is this recommended as a daily exercise?



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