Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Girth exercises

Girth exercises

I have been doing PE on and off for a little while now after reading about it and thinking it was a pretty cool idea. I guess I was satisfied enough with my size that I didn’t really take it seriously. After some half-arsed PE, I maybe added half an inch in length and pretty much 0 girth gains. I have also had impressive flaccid gains. Does anyone know what error is made that increases flaccid size more than erect? I’m thinking I should be more erect while doing squeezes and jelqs and less erect during stretches (which is where I think I’ve been successful). Also I think protein helps because it repairs “damaged” tissue, which is a similar concept to taking protein after working out and it almost seems to add a bit of a flaccid pump.

I really would like to know what people who are successful with girth gains have been doing and if it can be done through manual exercises. Please give a detailed explanation on your exercise(s). IE. Technique, grip strength, pressure, reps, sets & time between sets etc.

I think some people here are holding out on their successful exercises. I would too if this was a really popular forum, but it’s not seen by too many people so the odds of you and some guy ending up in the same locker room or banging the same girl are pretty low :P We’re here to help each other.

Originally Posted by Curt
I think some people here are holding out on their successful exercises. I would too if this was a really popular forum, but it’s not seen by too many people so the odds of you and some guy ending up in the same locker room or banging the same girl are pretty low :P We’re here to help each other.

Pffff. What? I dont think people are holding out bro.

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

Yeah I should edit that out. I haven’t seen many topics on girth exercises in particular

I’ve been clamping for around a year and have gained very very little. So different exercises work for different. people.

Try manual girth exercises, no one is holding out on your buddy, people are here to share with you.

Trust me :-)

Thanks mansun2008. Through trial and error I think I might be onto something. Check out the other girth post near the top of this forum.

Originally Posted by Curt
I have been doing PE on and off for a little while now after reading about it and thinking it was a pretty cool idea. I guess I was satisfied enough with my size that I didn’t really take it seriously. After some half-arsed PE, I maybe added half an inch in length and pretty much 0 girth gains. I have also had impressive flaccid gains. Does anyone know what error is made that increases flaccid size more than erect? I’m thinking I should be more erect while doing squeezes and jelqs and less erect during stretches (which is where I think I’ve been successful). Also I think protein helps because it repairs “damaged” tissue, which is a similar concept to taking protein after working out and it almost seems to add a bit of a flaccid pump.

I’d really like to know what successful people with girth gains have been doing and if it can be done through manual exercises. Please give me a detailed explanation on your exercise(s). For instance: Technique, grip strength, pressure, reps, sets & time between sets etc.

I think some people here are holding out on their successful exercises. I would too if this was a really popular forum, but it’s not seen by too many people so the odds of you and some guy ending up in the same locker room or banging the same girl are pretty low :P We’re here to help each other.

I never believed in Penis enlargement exercises until I found this forum like 1 year ago. I wanted to gain a bit in girth as my current size 14.5-15 cm is k for my wife. I read few posts then watched the vids of dry and wet jelq video, stretches and I started to do them. Well mostly wet jelq combined with some stretches. Porn to keep my arousal state and did them for several hours/day of course took breaks from time to time. Like do them for 10-15 mins then stop for half an hour. Depends how my penis felt after each exercise. Saturday and Sunday no exercises.

I didn’t tell my wife because I thought she will be a bit upset thinking those exercises won’t do good, more, they might harm my penis as I used to believe until I found this forum.Anyway after 2 week,was in bed rock hard waiting for wife to jump in:) )) and she stared a bit at my penis and asked if I am doing something as it seems more thick. I said I hadn’t ,we did our stuff. After 2-3 more days she asked again and this time I told her I do: I told her about this site. She was amazed that worked and happy of course:D .Since then I started to do jelq Sundays too but only 10-15 mins not more. After 1 month and a half I noticed that gains in girth are less and less noticeable and after 2 month I stopped doing them because I read somewhere on this forum then once you start to gain less and less you should stop as your penis might start to deform.

So in like 1 month and few days I took 1 - 1.5cm in girth, can’t say exactly but it is very very noticeable. Now I do dry jelq like once in 1 or 2 month and not much just 10-15 mins.
I didn’t followed an exact routine, when I had spare time, I sit on my computer open some porn movie to get my penis in a stated of semi hard on so I can start my exercises. Once it get to 90%+ hard I stop and wait to get a bit limp and start again, and so on. Can’t comment on how much pressure. Because everyone is different, you can feel how hard you can squeeze, stretch. How much your penis can take. And once you are done it is better to ejaculate, also you might have some problems with erection because you keep your penis aroused for a long period of time. So if you have a wife/df it is better to tell her. If during the period you doing this exercises you noticed that you don’t get any morning wood for 2 days in a row, I advice you to stop pe until you start get those.

Think this is all. Good luck!

Last edited by Tweaking : 07-20-2010 at .

Fla6230 congratulations of your first post!

Kurt if you want girth, pumping and clamping (not for newbies, eg AT LEAST more than 3 months experience jelqing)! All the info’s out there, (advanced search for titles, if you didn’t already know!)

Hanging for girth? :-)


Originally Posted by Curt

I really would like to know what people who are successful with girth gains have been doing and if it can be done through manual exercises. Please give a detailed explanation on your exercise(s). IE. Technique, grip strength, pressure, reps, sets & time between sets etc.


Girth Routines

04.27.2009: 6 x 4.5 (BP)

12.01.2009: 7.5 x 5 (BP)

Did I mention they are flaccid measurments?...Kidding! :p

Thanks for the link Cyclope.

@ Fla6320 that’s impressive gains for just over a month, especially considering you had good size to start with. Congrats.

Does anyone know if there is a benefit to reverse jelqs? For example starting the grip closer to the head (not dangerously close) and squeezing downwards? Maybe a kegel when getting close to the base.

Originally Posted by Curt
Thanks for the link Cyclope.

@ Fla6320 that’s impressive gains for just over a month, especially considering you had good size to start with. Congrats.

Does anyone know if there is a benefit to reverse jelqs? For example starting the grip closer to the head (not dangerously close) and squeezing downwards? Maybe a kegel when getting close to the base.

I was very determined:D
Never did reverse jelqs,but I did kegel wile doing wet or dry jelq but only wen penis was 60-70% errect and ofc my daily rutine of I said in my 1st post,never belived PE will work untill I found this forum.after reading some posts,I looked at all vids and to it seemed very logic to me that wet and dry jelq will help gain in girth,but didn’t thought will be so visible after so short time.Ofc it depends of how much free time you got.if you have a lot,you should do it like crazy ,ofc with brakes.but you should know better how much you can do it.

going to read this in a little bit…

Ahora:Longitud: 18 BP Grosor: :littleguy avanzado a los 14 EG.

Metas:Longitud: 20 BP Grosor: 15 EG.

Fotos y progresos avantasia

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