Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How soon after using my extender tension instrument


How soon after using my extender tension instrument

Can I have sex?

Also, I have a golds extender tension rod. Anyone have experience with one?
How soon for results?

Any ideas on building girth?

You can and should have sex exactly as much as you want to, whenever you want to. I recommend putting your extender back in its box for a few months, and focussing on this:

START HERE ——-> NEWBIE ROUTINE <——- Important Newbie Threads/Info

It will give you length and girth, and most importantly, condition your penis so that when you do advanced exercises for advanced PEers you are much less likely to hurt yourself and will be more susceptible to gaining well (due to the conditioning), at this stage you should pull out your extender again :)

Originally Posted by tkilla
Can I have sex?

Also, I have a golds extender tension rod. Anyone have experience with one?
How soon for results?

Any ideas on building girth?

It is recommended to take at least 1hour for cells healing process before sex.

About the extender, all are pretty much the same they only differ in brands

Originally Posted by horsedick99

It is recommended to take at least 1hour for cells healing process before sex.

Really? By who? Where?


When is someone conditioned??

Originally Posted by Tweaking
You can and should have sex exactly as much as you want to, whenever you want to. I recommend putting your extender back in it’s box for a few months, and focussing on this:

START HERE ——-> NEWBIE ROUTINE <——- Important Newbie Threads/Info

It will give you length and girth, and most importantly, condition your penis so that when you do advanced exercises for advanced PEers you are much less likely to hurt yourself and will be more susceptible to gaining well (due to the conditioning), at this stage you should pull out your extender again :)

Well it is really a subjective phrase, everyone is different. Basically 3 months is what’s recommended for being a staple amount to get you into it, though some people will keep doing it for 6 months.

I recommend you keep doing it untill you stop gaining from it, that’s a good rule to follow.

Has anyone been tracking their EXTENDER results, tension settings, correcting curvature, and share their progress?

1) I found a website that I feel is far more realistic about gains then what’s promoted by advertisers. One person (I have website but not sure if I can share on this forum) specifically says that it’ll take 1,000 - 1,200 hours, on average (some sooner, some take longer) to gain 1/2 inch in length. At 4 hours/Day, 5 Days a week, I figure I can gain 1/2 inch length in about 1 year, 3 mo’s to 1 1/2 years. Studies on girth are more subjective, and from what I can tell, a person can gain virtually 0% (nothing) to I’m estimating 30% girth gain (summarizing studies I’ve read) to the gain in length. So, for example if person gains 1 inch in length, they can realistically expect 0 to 1/3 an inch in girth. It would be great if other members using extenders could comment. I realize that if you’re also doing PE for girth, that it would skew the results and inapplicable to the stats I’m showing.

2) I have a slight bend to the left. From what I can tell, I’m guessing it is due to the upper-side ligament pull, which is obviously to the left in my case. I’ve also read that tension should be set equally to both sides. However, after pondering this recommendation, I would think it would be more beneficial & quicker results to set the tension slightly higher on the inner side of the curve; in my case the left side. I’m thinking it could work the length of the left side quicker, to catch up with the right side. As a side benefit, straightening out the left side alone should add overall length to the penis as well.

You may share any website you like as long as it is not a direct link to porn or one that you are commercially linked too (unless you get a commercial account).

I primarily use my extender and have tracked my data in the PE database (doesn’t everyone?) ;)

/pedata/ … ername=cantlook

Starting January 2011, the first 9 months I performed 2 minute manual stretches any and every opportunity that I get throughout the day, spanning my exercises across the entire day as evenly as possible while going no more than 2 hours between these quick manual sessions. Additionally, using my homemade extender, I perform a 60 minute session at 5 pounds of tension when I wake up in the morning, and sometimes an extra session in the evening. In this time I gained over 1” in length. For the remaining 3 months of the year I performed only the manual stretches. Looking at these 3 months as de-conditioning/maintenance and I gained possibly 1/8” and certainly lost nothing.

As of January 2012 I’ve added the extender to my routine again, restarting the cycle and hopefully adding another inch over the next 9 months!

I am not sure if increasing the tension on one side of the extended will do anything other than over stress your extender.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

I actually visited my urologist today and talked to him about extenders. I recently ordered a VacExtender and wanted to get his opinion on efficacy.

What he said kind of bummed me out, because we talked about the scientific research that is done with the extenders and they only talk about flaccid length gains and stretched flaccid length gains (average length gain of 1,8cm), but nowhere do they mention erect length gains and he himself did not believe erect length gains would be attainable.

So the guys here that have gained with extenders on Thunders, you do mean erect length gains right? I don’t want to spend 6 hours a day extending for 6+ months for a bit better flaccid hang, obviously.

Originally Posted by alik
I actually visited my urologist today and talked to him about extenders. I recently ordered a VacExtender and wanted to get his opinion on efficacy.

What he said kind of bummed me out, because we talked about the scientific research that is done with the extenders and they only talk about flaccid length gains and stretched flaccid length gains (average length gain of 1,8cm), but nowhere do they mention erect length gains and he himself did not believe erect length gains would be attainable.

So the guys here that have gained with extenders on Thunders, you do mean erect length gains right? I don’t want to spend 6 hours a day extending for 6+ months for a bit better flaccid hang, obviously.

I would expect most reported gains (including my own) on Thunder’s are referring to erect length.

The ads that claim 3 inches in three months are usually referring to flaccid length as it is “easier” to gain initially.

You probably shouldn’t expect to gain erect length without at least an equal increase in flaccid.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Originally Posted by alik

I actually visited my urologist today and talked to him about extenders. I recently ordered a VacExtender and wanted to get his opinion on efficacy.

What he said kind of bummed me out, because we talked about the scientific research that is done with the extenders and they only talk about flaccid length gains and stretched flaccid length gains (average length gain of 1,8cm), but nowhere do they mention erect length gains and he himself did not believe erect length gains would be attainable.

So the guys here that have gained with extenders on Thunders, you do mean erect length gains right? I don’t want to spend 6 hours a day extending for 6+ months for a bit better flaccid hang, obviously.

Generally a gain in stretched flaccid length will correlate strongly with erect length gains.

Glad to hear that! I will get my extender hopefully this week.

I will post about my experience in the near future!

After fifteen months, I can report an erect length gain of 1/2 inch. Probably put in about 1500 hours. My flaccid is up less than 1/2 inch. Flaccid stretched length, however, is probably up over 1 inch.

The studies did not report on erect length gains because erect length can vary significantly, for a variety of reasons. Also, I doubt the researchers were able to find enough volunteers to measure the patients’ erections.

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