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How to increase a Head glans size

How to increase a Head glans size

Is it a method or practise to increase a size of our head?
My is smaller than the shaft and I gone try to change it.
Many women say that the FUNGUS shape of penis is much more pleasant for them. What’s Your opinion?

I try ed to find any tip, but nothing special found yet :|

Thanks for any advice.

Regards D.

I have heard the opposite: that it’s usually us guys who seem to care about the size of our glans, and think it looks more appealing with a big, engorged soldiers helmet.

For most people the glans is a tough one and it only seems to get bigger by quite a lot of pressure. A vet will fill you in.

I think we need to distinguish between wanting to increase maximal head size, and wanting to increase how much the head actively inflates during an erection.

westla90069, would I be right in thinking that a consistent kegel routine, can help “cure” the problem of an uninflated glans during erections?

It might help, but I don’t think it would be a permanent solution. In men Kegel’s exercise compresses the bulbocavernosus (also, and more correctly, called the bulbospongiosus) muscle. This muscle surrounds the bulb of the penis which is the other end of the tube (corpus spongiosum or CS) between the glans and the bulb. Compressing the bulb transmits pressure through the blood in the CS to the glans making it larger. This happens automatically at ejaculation.

Note, however, that the erectile tissue of the glans is not surrounded by a tunica. It does expand with increased pressure, but returns to its original size when the pressure is released. Some, very few actually, have claimed to make the glans larger. It’s very difficult to do because of the elastic nature of the glans. Even during a normal erection making the glans larger with a kegel is only a temporary measure, in my opinion.

If you review Shunga’s picture thread, he has certainly made his glans bigger/longer. You can see it in the side view comparisons.

Shunga - Shunga’s progress thread

I have had some luck with these (included in westla's link), I think:

Sadsak’s Head Exercise - Repost from old Big Penis Forum

Not for newbies, wait until you are conditioned. I need to start doing them again.

Last edited by sta-kool : 08-16-2009 at .
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