Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I need new curve correction training suggestions

I need new curve correction training suggestions

Hello every body, I’m in this forum for some years but still a newbie.

I always train newbie routine with the only addition of erect bends at the end of it, I wanna correct my curved thing but my feelings tell me that no more progress will appear with my actual schedule, so please if someone who have had succeeded in curve correction can give me some advise it would be great.

Thanks in advance and sorry for my English.

Start: 19x16 cm (7.5''x6.3'')BP 21º left | 2009: 21x16 cm (8.25''x6.3'')BP 13º left

Current: 21.5x16.5 cm (8.5''x6.5'')BP 12º left | Goal: 23x16.5 cm (9''x6.5'')BP 0º


Try a search on curve correction. There are a lot of hits there, so you might find someone who has a solution for you.

Hope that helps.

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

You can correct curves?

Thank you petitfaun for your advise I really didn’t realize that I could make that search, I’m a bit E’stupid.

And about the curve correction, I’m sure it can be done, in fact I have achieved it a bit, here are mi pics, what I have done is Jelqing only with left hand, 3X2’ Erect bend to the right, “play” with my bunny with left hand only, and always trying to set my penis looking to the right in the underwear.

saludos and sorry for my English.

Start: 19x16 cm (7.5''x6.3'')BP 21º left | 2009: 21x16 cm (8.25''x6.3'')BP 13º left

Current: 21.5x16.5 cm (8.5''x6.5'')BP 12º left | Goal: 23x16.5 cm (9''x6.5'')BP 0º


Hey Ahab!

Noticed it was a while since your last post. Are you still working on the curve correction techniques?

If so how is it going?

My penis curves exactly the same way, I was hoping the hanging and wearing the ADS on my right leg every day would help push the demon back into shape. No luck so far so I’m trying to do a bit of research.

15/03/10 - Starting size (6.0" length x 5.0" girth) Progress Report

03/09/15 - Current size (6.5" length x 5.5" girth)

??/??/?? - Goal size (8.0" length x 6.0" girth) Syler wants a bigger dick to hurt you with!

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Hey Syler:

Almost corrected my curve

Thanks man, I did a search and read some threads but I didn’t find that one :)

15/03/10 - Starting size (6.0" length x 5.0" girth) Progress Report

03/09/15 - Current size (6.5" length x 5.5" girth)

??/??/?? - Goal size (8.0" length x 6.0" girth) Syler wants a bigger dick to hurt you with!

Guys with crooked dicks
I found this article in Consumerreportslab. Com
It addressed the Peyonies disease but if this can cure the P disease , maybe it can work for those of us who have an ordinary curvature.
Anyway, it might be with a try.
It calls for one gram of Acetyl L -Caratine per day. I will try it in combination with my extender and see what happens. Good luck!

Principal Proposed Natural Treatments


L-carnitine is an amino acid the body uses to turn fat into energy. It is not usually considered a nutrient because the body can manufacture all it needs. Two forms of L-carnitine—acetyl-L-carnitine and propionyl-L-carnitine—have been tried as treatments for Peyronie’s disease.

A 3-month, double-blind study compared the effectiveness of acetyl-L-carnitine to the drug tamoxifen in 48 men with Peyronie’s disease.1 Acetyl-L-carnitine (at a dose of 1 g daily) reduced penile curvature, while tamoxifen did not. In addition, the supplement reduced pain and slowed disease progression to a greater extent than tamoxifen.

Another study evaluated the potential benefits of combination therapy with propionyl-L-carnitine and an injected medication (verapamil).2 In this trial, 60 people with severe Peyronie’s disease were given verapamil injections plus 3 months of treatment with either propionyl-L-carnitine (2 g per day) or tamoxifen. Use of propionyl-L-carnitine plus verapamil significantly reduced penile curvature, plaque size, and the need for surgery, while tamoxifen plus verapamil had little effect.

These studies remain preliminary, but their results are definitely encouraging. For more information, see the full Acetyl-L-Carnitine article.

Paraminobenzoic Acid

Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) has been suggested for a variety of diseases in which abnormal fibrous tissue is involved, including Peyronie’s disease.3-5 However, there has only been one reported double-blind study. (For more information on why such studies are essential, see Why Does This Database Rely on Double-blind Studies?) This trial enrolled 103 men with Peyronie’s disease and followed them for 1 year.6 The results showed that use of PABA at a dose of 3g 4 times daily significantly slowed the progression of Peyronie’s disease; it did not, however, reduce pre-existing plaque.

For more information, including dosage and safety issues, see the full PABA article.

Other Proposed Natural Treatments

Vitamin E has also been advocated for the treatment of Peyronie’s disease, as well as for the related condition Dupuytren’s contracture, but there is as yet no meaningful evidence that it is effective.

The herb gotu kola is used to treat various conditions in which fibrous scar tissue causes problems, and for that reason it has been advocated for Peyronie’s disease. However, again there is no meaningful evidence that it is effective.

Herbs and Supplements to Use Only With Caution

Various herbs and supplements may interact adversely with drugs used to treat Peyronie’s disease. For more information on this potential risk, see the individual drug articles in the Drug Interactions section of this database.

References [ + ]

Last reviewed December 2015 by EBSCO CAM Review Board
Last Updated: 12/15/2015

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