I'm So ConfusedDepressed
I have been pumping/jelqing for 9 months now and have seen great improvement in EQ, even perhaps small gains. But then bottom and sides of my penis, just below the circ scar is really discolored. It’s black/purple-ish color, that I’m not sure is hemosodirin or just broken capillaries. It’s really bumming me out and depressing me. I hate the way it looks. I’m thinking of stopping all together or just going with manual PE for now on because I’m pretty sure it was the bathmate that caused the discoloration. But I’m also pretty sure that the bathmate helped me the most with my EQ and gains. So confused. I just need some advice here. Manual PE only? Stop the pumping and try to get rid of the discoloration? Anything I can use to clear it up? I really need some help here.