Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Intro: Question about girth over length.

Intro: Question about girth over length.

Hi everyone,

I’m new here and just thought I’d introduce myself and ask a question. I’m 6.5x4.4 (that’s a BP erect measurement). While I’m totally happy with my length; if it got longer I wouldn’t complain but I already bottom out in certain positions with a lot of girls so don’t see the point of making it longer. Girth is the issue that really gets me. So, I’ll be starting the newbie routine shortly and want to know if I should bother with stretches. I did read that stretches help keep girth gain even, is that true? This is important to me because I am slightly narrower at the base and do not want to increase the baseball bat effect that I have been reading about.

This may seem like a strange post to a few of you because most people here seem to want 8” dicks! Me? I’d be happy to stay at 6.5” maybe rise to 7”. But I really want to get to 5.25” girth (which seems like a pretty huge increase, but I’d be happy with 4.9”) So any tips for a newbie mainly interested in girth gains? Should I just follow the newbie routine religiously for 2/3 months and see what happens, then move or to clamps? Or is there something I could do to tailor the newbie routine for my particular goals?

Thanks in advance for any advice,


Thanks man! I did use the search button, but obviously not well enough!

Practice makes perfect ;) .

I started with a very similar girth, I have gained pretty well over the past 4(i think) months. I began doing Ulis when I began doing PE, I do not think they are too dangerous to do at this point for you, and they seem to be a staple in most girth oriented manual routines. They are also pretty fun, Your dick looks dominant when yo do them.

Good luck

Sexually enlightening my generation one pussy at a time(sometimes 2 ;) ).

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Improvement, it is the goal of life's search-Carl "Reaper" Sheapards

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