Kegel Fatigue ?
Hi everyone!
So I’ve just crossed into double-digits (12 days!) of the Newbie Routine and everything was going great until about three days ago.
I had a big cup of coffee at work, and then decided to walk home instead of take a cab. A quarter of the way through my walk, I realized I needed to pee. Bad. I knew I had another 15 minutes at least before getting home, but my kegel exercises had prepared me for this, or so I thought.
By the time I got home, unzipped and unleashed the torrent of urine I had an odd sensation down below. Like from deep in my gooch/underside to the tip of my penis felt like I had held a kegel for the entire time. I hadn’t been ‘clenching’ or ‘flexing’ but I definitely was on the brink of peeing in an alley.. It felt like what I’ve heard described as a ‘reverse kegel’.
The next day was a rest day, so I let it be. I also didn’t masturbate to give the area some recuperation time. Yesterday I started back up again, and while there was not direct pain, I could still feel that same penile exhaustion from tip to ABC (ass-ball-connection).
Today, though, it is still feeling drained down there. It isn’t sore or painful, just fatigued. I am going to soldier through today, because it isn’t really painful per se (and the other PI’s are good), and then rest for two days to see if I can shake this lingering kegel fatigue.
Has anyone here ever experienced this? Is it normal? I have a relatively small bladder, so I pee frequently. I should have known better than to walk that far!
Thanks, I hope to hear from you!
Present Stats: 6.75” BPEL x 5.25” EG mid-shaft (6.0" NBPEL) (12/1/2016)
Short-term Target 7.75” BPEL x 6.0” EG (7.0" NBPEL)
Long-term Target: 8.75” EL x 6.75” EG (8.0" NBPEL)