Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Lose your Thundersplace posting virginity here!

Hello to all,

I am just starting PE and have found this site to more than informative. I am a week into the Newbie Routine and plan to use that until my gains stall.

My current stats:

BPEL 7.75” MEG 5.625”

I tried to post pics in the Member Pictures Forum but was not allowed. Does anyone know when I will be able to post in that forum?

Thanks for a great site!

Welcome tjp. Open a new thread making clear in the title that it will contain your pics, and a mod will move it in the right section.

Good luck on your gains (not that you need more than you already have, IMHO :) ).

What up guys, new guy here. Been lurking on and off for a year, just got interested again and saw registration was open. Never took the time to do even a single day of a routine before. Today I did my first day of the Linear Newbie Routine today and things feel good :)

I’m between 6.25/6.5 NBEL and 4.5 MEG. I guess on the small side but I’d be completely happy with 7x5.. Maybe in a year or so.

Welcome zeus. “A good start is half a win”, we say. ;)

Your volume is in the average, being longer than average and very slightly under average for girth, if my memory isn’t playing a trick to me.

In a year or so you could reach your goals, with consistency and a bit of luck.

First post here,

I’ve been lurking for a few months waiting to register and have been doing the newbie routine. So far I’ve noticed a better flacid hang as well as better EQ/morning wood, but I’m still patiently waiting for those erect gains :) .

I’ve been keeping a log on paper and I find it really helps me stay motivated, especially when I see all my entries and think of the many, many more to come.

BTW, I love this place :D

Last edited by propel : 05-11-2009 at . Reason: spelling mistake

It’s so great to know that PE works. It is increasing the quality of my life.
After 7 weeks I also recognized 4mm length and 1-2mm girth gains.

This is so awesome :)

PS.: starting stats were 6,8inch BPEL and 4,7 MEG (5,2 at the base but only 4,3 behind the glans *sigh*)

Last edited by 8inchnails : 05-11-2009 at . Reason: spelling error

Hi everyone!

Newly registered, but browsing this site since November 2008, PE-ing for more than 5 months now. I found this wonderful site by accident, searching the web for “muscle gains”. I was never concerned about my size and knowing the official medical dogma about the impossibility of penile training, I was also very skeptical about PE. It’s the merit of this site, the quality of posts, the good job done by moderators and the wonderful community here that I gave it a try and the results were beyond the wildest dreams! Almost 0.7” of length gained in two month and still gaining! I’ll come back with details and comments.

Welcome and congrats, cervixhunter.

NewBie thats not so new

Hey guys would just like to say I am happy to finally have become a member of such a great forum!
I have been P.Eing for about 6 months now and have read and got some great tips off of these forums.
I start off with a 10 minute stretch plus an extra 2-5 minutes of helicopters, than I hit it hard lol!
Since I have surpassed my 6 months I have begun to go advanced..

1. 3 erect squeezes 20-30 seconds each, after each erect squeeze I follow with a 1-3 minute 10 second and squeeze jelq session/or clamps
2. Than I follow with 2-3 horse squeezes with the jelqs or clamps in between each one than have a 5 minute warm down

I know it does not seem like much but the routine takes about 20-30 minutes and needs to be done carefully since I am 90-100% erect with both the erect squeezes and the horse squeezes
I am also on two supplements.. Vimax male enhancement and Argenine.. The girlfriend notices the size increases but she shall never find out haha!!
But guys I wana get more info and advice from everybody more advice the better and please quote on my workouts to say if I should add anything.thanks guys!

Weclome ItMatterz. I don’t think you should add anything, not that you should ‘hit it hard’. :)

Horse squeezes with clamps in bewteen? Maybe horse squeeze alone are enough, or even too much for your poor penis. It could be worth lightening up a bit. If any, increase the number of jelqs and stretches - 10 minutes are not so much after 6 months.

Good luck.

Greetings. It’s nice to be a member now. I found your site nearly 8 months ago and have been doing PE ever since. I was always VERY self conscious about my size and found this site by searching for ” real ways to increase penis size.” I was amazed at the simplicity behind this and decided why not. My wife of 11 years at the time never complained but has since been amazed. She called this my mad science experiment and later told me she had expected nothing to happen. I started out with modest goals but after the progress so far I’ve decided to see it to the end or until my wife can’t take it any more. I started in Sept ‘08 at around 4.75 BPEL and girth I’m unsure of because of no measurement but I would guess around 4.25-4.5. I’ve been working length and girth ( mostly interested in girth) and now come in at almost 5.75 BPEL and 4.75 EG. This is still nowhere near impressive to me but still QUITE a confidence booster. And my wife is really enjoying the gain as well. She is quite surprised and amazed that this has worked. It feels good to be able to share my progress and enthusiasm. The only thing I can think now is “where was this info 20 years ago.” Thank you for this wonderfully informative website. You have and continue to change my life. Keep up the good work. And before I forget: Does PE REALLY work?

Welcome and congrats, slestak, impressive gains.

Slestak, you are an inspiration my friend. I joined thunder’s last year, did some PE for about a month, then dropped it. Finding 15 minutes extra every other day or so was a chore, and my motivation was low because I was in a relationship with a girl who worshipped my cock anyway. I also got some small hemotomas in that little fat pad area behind the penis after doing O-bends, which scared the hell out of me.

However, I’ve always felt that I’d like a little more girth to facilitate some positions better. My length is just fine by me, but on the girth side I’m tending toward the skinny. I’ve set a fairly reachable goal I think.gain 0.3 inches of girth in ~4 months. And as far as making time, I’m going to cut down on masturbating. Every time I touch my penis, I am automatically programmed to I have to find a way of breaking that pattern. Thoughts/suggestions appreciated. Happy gaining to everyone.

March 4, 2011: BPEL: 6.5", MSEG: 4.25-4.5"

Goal: April 1, 2011: MSEG: 4.5" , May 1, 2011: MSEG: 4.7"


I’ve been a member for years.. Tried PE for maybe a month sporadically when I first joined. Didn’t follow through because I was in a relationship that took all my time. Started back up again a few days ago, this time I’ve told myself I’ll do it consistently for 4 months and see what happens.

This forum is a great resource, and I hope to be a contributing member.


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