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Massive gains by different form of measuring

Massive gains by different form of measuring

I’ve usually used a ruler to measure but I decided to use a cloth tape to do it this time.

My BPEL is 8.1” and my NBPEL is 7.5”!!

WTF? This is great because I’ve been feeling like I haven’t been gaining all that much bar some girth.

Can there be a massive difference in using ruler vs tape?

03/04/12 BPEL 7.7 NBPEL 7.1 EG 4.8 05/05/12 BPEL 8 NBPEL 7.5 EG 5.1

Short term Goal: BPEL 8.5 NBEL 8 Long term Goal: BPEL 9 NBPEL 8.5 <-Hope to reach that in about a year.

I'm going to up the intensity and hit PE hard!

No. 8” on a tape is exactly the same as 8” on a ruler! :D

So you have changed how you measure. If you have a curve and are following it with the tape, you may well get extra length. If you are draping the tape over your glans and measuring to your meatus (end of urethra) you will get extra length. But the tape and ruler give the same reading if you measure the same way. :D

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Yeah I have a slight curve so I never really could get my dick flush to the ruler. I always thought my dick was slightly bigger than what it the reading would say. This is unreal!! I’ll measure this way from now on ;)

I’m not totally draping the tape over my glans either (I thought that was cheating!)

That’s for the reassurance man!:D

03/04/12 BPEL 7.7 NBPEL 7.1 EG 4.8 05/05/12 BPEL 8 NBPEL 7.5 EG 5.1

Short term Goal: BPEL 8.5 NBEL 8 Long term Goal: BPEL 9 NBPEL 8.5 <-Hope to reach that in about a year.

I'm going to up the intensity and hit PE hard!

It doesn’t matter how you measure, as long as you always measure the same way every time. The only reason for measuring anyway, is to see if you have made progress.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

There shouldn’t be, but there could be a couple of things going on here.

1. Most rulers have a small amount of length prior to the 0 reading. A lot of them don’t begin with 0 on the very edge of the ruler; so your ruler could have been slighting under measuring your size.

2. A ruler is rigid, cloth tape is not. A ruler will measure the absolute distance between the tip of your penis and the base; but cloth tape can bend with the shape of your penis; it’s a bit like the difference between distance and displacement. You can walk a mile but if you end up where you started then your displacement is 0; in a similar way the ruler is telling you the displacement between two points, while a cloth tape is more likely to give you the distance along the length of your penis. If your penis is perfectly straight though then they should read the same value; but most people have at least some curve to their penis (usually up).

3. There is a possibility that the two scales aren’t the same; this isn’t very likely though because we’re pretty good at manufacturing things to meet specifications. Plus it’s pretty easy to check this out; just put your ruler and cloth tape up against each other and see if their readings match up.

4. Maybe the cloth isn’t perfectly stretched. :)

It’s hard to accurately measure BPEL with a cloth tape. To be able to bone press it, you have to bend the tape a little at the end. There’s also the drape at the glans. Either way, you are large. If the cloth tape measure makes you feel better, just go with it! It doesn’t matter!

Originally Posted by carrotsrorange
It’s hard to accurately measure BPEL with a cloth tape. To be able to bone press it, you have to bend the tape a little at the end. There’s also the drape at the glans. Either way, you are large. If the cloth tape measure makes you feel better, just go with it! It doesn’t matter!

Haha I think I need the boost to keep me goin!;)

There is a metal bit at the end of the tape so it’s easy to push it in to BP. I make sure to keep it stretched and taut because it’s pointless to try to edge out a few millimetres and fuck up your actual gains.
I do have a curve so it was always awkward for me to BP with a ruler.
This is great news guys! It’s got me pumped to make my dick a monster!:D

03/04/12 BPEL 7.7 NBPEL 7.1 EG 4.8 05/05/12 BPEL 8 NBPEL 7.5 EG 5.1

Short term Goal: BPEL 8.5 NBEL 8 Long term Goal: BPEL 9 NBPEL 8.5 <-Hope to reach that in about a year.

I'm going to up the intensity and hit PE hard!

I achieved massive gains by measuring from my anus.

Of course it depends on how you use your tape or ruler.

if you have a strong upward curve like me, the tape would give longer measurements. On the other hand, its really hard to measure with a tape I think.
Damn that curves…

Starting size Sept 5 2011: BPEL 6.5" (16.4 cm), NBPEL 6.01"(15.3 cm), baseErGirth 6.1", midErGirth 5.78"(14.7 cm), BPFSL 7.1"(18.1 cm)

First Goal: BPEL 7.2", NBPEL 6.7"

Ultimate Goal: BPEL 8.5", NBPEL 8" :)

Originally Posted by UnderSavage
Of course it depends on how you use your tape or ruler.

If you have a strong upward curve like me, the tape would give longer measurements. On the other hand, its really hard to measure with a tape I think.
Damn that curves..

I measured again using a ruler and tape. The old ruler didn’t start exactly at the bottom, never fucking noticed!
It still came out 8”-8.1” using the tape but I was very close to that with the new ruler regardless of the curve.
Time to change the stats in my signature!:D

My new long term goal is 9x6 BPEL:p

03/04/12 BPEL 7.7 NBPEL 7.1 EG 4.8 05/05/12 BPEL 8 NBPEL 7.5 EG 5.1

Short term Goal: BPEL 8.5 NBEL 8 Long term Goal: BPEL 9 NBPEL 8.5 <-Hope to reach that in about a year.

I'm going to up the intensity and hit PE hard!

I’ve found the measuring tape to be misleading. It’s what I always used to measure up until just over a month ago, when I noticed that a ruler was giving me different measurements. Ofcourse, the lengths are the same, but the way you use a tape and a ruler affect the measurements. There’s not much you can do to screw up measuring with a ruler, so I would advise using a ruler instead of a tape.

Originally Posted by eponymous
I’ve found the measuring tape to be misleading. It’s what I always used to measure up until just over a month ago, when I noticed that a ruler was giving me different measurements. Of course, the lengths are the same, but the way you use a tape and a ruler affect the measurements. There’s not much you can do to screw up measuring with a ruler, so I would advise using a ruler instead of a tape.

I was aware of that happening, considering I can’t get my dick flush to the ruler. I find that the tape goes with my curve so it gives an easier reading. But I made sure to keep it taut and tried multiple times during the day.
It seems to stay the same and more consistent. I’ll hold off for a while before I change my stats so.
By any chance, were you bigger using a tape as well?

03/04/12 BPEL 7.7 NBPEL 7.1 EG 4.8 05/05/12 BPEL 8 NBPEL 7.5 EG 5.1

Short term Goal: BPEL 8.5 NBEL 8 Long term Goal: BPEL 9 NBPEL 8.5 <-Hope to reach that in about a year.

I'm going to up the intensity and hit PE hard!

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