Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Measuring correctly.

Measuring correctly.

I found this thread regarding NBEL and Kegeling while measuring (Kegel and NBPEL).

It says that you can’t Kegel when you measure as it is only temporary. Now, I haven’t had sex for a month but I could swear that I use my BC muscle pretty much all the time when having sex - so surely this is my full erection? When I measure like this my NBPEL is about .4" longer, and my EG is about .1" bigger. As my erections are only at about a 7-8 EQ at the moment (when on my own, it’s probably a 9 when I’m with a girl) I feel that measuring while Kegeling is a more accurate measurement - it makes me happier anyway! And takes my NBPEL from 6.3" to 6.7" and EG from 4.4 to 4.5. Wouldn’t that be my measurement if I had a 10 erection?

I appreciate any opinions on the subject.

Here’s the deal on measuring— as long as you’re consist from one time to the next, you’re fine.

NBP is already a negotiated measurement— you’ve picked your base measuring point [sort of] arbitrarily and it will fluctuate with your fat pad.

Even BP is gray— I say measure all out and count that — then whenever you measure to check gains just go full out again and compare.

But otherwise I wouldn’t get too concerned— after all, it’s not like she will care about the subtleties.

Exactly, I totally agree with you - I think. I feel that it would be the most consistent measurement as it’s the maximum size I can manage. The only thing is I wonder how it compares when dealing with statistics on penis size. My girth size has always bothered which is why I’m here. I know I’m being a bit neurotic about .1 of an inch, but whenever you look at the stats it puts me in a different category - a higher one. When they measure and they are not using chemicals to induce an erection how do you think they measure? I mean I’ve read lot of studies but I’ve never seen the instructions e.g I) Subjects were instructed to gain the maximum erection they could and relax while being measured vs ii) Subjects where instructed to gain an erection and then Kegel to maintain the erection at it’s highest point while being measured.

As a side note, would a chemically induced erection be the same as a natural 10 erection? I’ve just reread this and it does seem obsessive, but I hate the fact I’m below the average in girth.



When a penis is scientifically measured (during an official study) I seriously doubt they ask the man to kegel while they measure. Thus, the statistics (which come from many sources, some questionable) are probably from a “normal” full erection, not a forced one. I suspect the measurements are done with a tape measure mid-shaft, but have no proof of how it’s “officially” done.

Westla90069 - “When a penis is scientifically measured (during an official study) I seriously doubt they ask the man to kegel while they measure.”

Yeah, I doubt it very much as well. It’s just a shame that the methods of the studies are not more easily available. Anyway, it’s dumb to get hung up about .1 of an inch. I’ll concentrate instead on consistent PEing and patience!

To put it another way — we measure so that we can track our gains (or lack of them). That way we can adjust our PE routines accordingly.

Just try to do it consistently and eliminate as many variables as you can (especially fat pad, which can be different even multiple times a day).

Personally I measure BPEL and wait about 10 minutes into an erection before measuring. That’s good enough for me to track what’s going on.

Additionally I don’t get overexcited about a 1/16 of an inch. I do get excited about an 1/8 of an inch, but only after I have seen it consistently multiple times in a row under very similar conditions. I won’t count a gain unless I have seen it consistently over multiple measurements.

Anyway that has worked good enough for me. You may come up with something better.

Last edited by sta-kool : 07-21-2008 at .

Doesn’t really matter I suppose but when I stated my measurements above I mean BPEL not NBPEL.

The measuring thing is much ado about nothing, if for no other reason that there is no standard. Westla mentions that it’s unlikely that the subjects in other tests were told to Kegel— but in truth not only do we not know that, we also do not know that they were told to not kegel.

The reality is that the only person that knows how you measure is you, and the only real purpose here at TP is to track your response to your PE regimen- so figure out a method that is replicable for you and rock it out.

I strongly suggest BPFSL for pure tissue measurement and BPEL for total package— tissue plus EQ. NBPEL is useless in my opinion because it isn’t your actual usable cock [unless you are a strict mish guy— which I ain’t] and you can always let her guess and then make it a BPEL measure— she won ‘t argue— trust me.

I strongly suggest not using a ruler— make a tally stick out of a paint stirrer or something similar and simply tick off your length [and girth on the back]— that way you can just do quick comparisons without striving for a level.


Originally Posted by Ben1966
Exactly, I totally agree with you - I think. I feel that it would be the most consistent measurement as it’s the maximum size I can manage. The only thing is I wonder how it compares when dealing with statistics on penis size. My girth size has always bothered which is why I’m here. I know I’m being a bit neurotic about .1 of an inch, but whenever you look at the stats it puts me in a different category - a higher one. When they measure and they are not using chemicals to induce an erection how do you think they measure? I mean I’ve read lot of studies but I’ve never seen the instructions e.g I) Subjects were instructed to gain the maximum erection they could and relax while being measured vs ii) Subjects where instructed to gain an erection and then Kegel to maintain the erection at it’s highest point while being measured.

As a side note, would a chemically induced erection be the same as a natural 10 erection? I’ve just reread this and it does seem obsessive, but I hate the fact I’m below the average in girth.



A chemical erection can stay rock hard (EQ = 10) for a longer time than natural. Also, the head size is smaller when chemically-induced (at least in my experience).


Originally Posted by Invisible
A chemical erection can stay rock hard (EQ = 10) for a longer time than natural. Also, the head size is smaller when chemically-induced (at least in my experience).

That’s interesting. Does glans size have anything to do with arousal, that arousal is necessary for the full blossoming, so to speak?


Measure consistently, mbuc has a nice thread/post about the the difference between absolute and consistent measurements.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by mgus

That’s interesting. Does glans size have anything to do with arousal, that arousal is necessary for the full blossoming, so to speak?

It seems that way to me. The limiting factor in maintaining a natural EQ = 10 erection is arousal. This limitation is removed with injections since zero arousal is required for them. However, this does not seem enough to coax out a full glans size (although it’s possible this could be a function of dosage levels).

On a related but supporting note, some of us were discussing once that our glans shapes appeared different with nocturnal erections vs “regular erections” - maybe the operative variable was degree of glans hardness.

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