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Multiple questions about PE, measuring, and jelqing


Multiple questions about PE, measuring, and jelqing

First my stats and my goals:

Current stats are 6.5-6.7”NBP x 5.2”

Goal is 8”NBP x 5.5-6”

OK I have a couple questions so I’ll post a paragraph about each:

1. Measuring: I read the measuring thread and I have a few things I’m confused about. First of all, should I have the ruler to the side of my penis or on top of it? I normally have it on top. Also, how hard should I be pressing into the skin where the penis is attached, as hard as I can or what? Also, by pressing in as hard as I can is that the bone pressed length everyone talks about because I never understood that. Oh yeah should I measure standing or sitting down?

2. PE/Jelqing: For the past couple months, I had done random routines when I got the chance (normally around 3 times a week of different stretches). Then for the last couple of weeks, I started a more basic routine that I have been dedicated to. I have done it around 5 times a week, which brings me to my first question, how many times and week should I PE? I personally don’t like taking that many breaks so how much can I do without breaks? Also, my routine for the last couple weeks has been 5 basic directional stretches for 3 minutes each then 1 5 minute “fowfer.” However I left jelqing out because I thought it was mainly for girth and right now I want to get some length. However I have read that jelqs can be helpful for length if coupled with stretches so I would like to know how much jelqing I should do in my routine. I was thinking do 5 basic stretches for 3 minutes each then a 5-10 minute jelq session. Also, my LOT is currently at around 8:00 because I just checked, which stretches would be best to maximize my gains? Low angles right? So like sort of a downwards stretch? Should I do these standing, sitting, or lying down? Basically I just want these awesome newbie gains everyone talks about or in a nutshell whats the best way to get my dick bigger?!

3. When am I able to post in other forums like the main member one? I haven’t posted much because I mainly read but I couldn’t find a rule saying when I can post in the main member forum. Do I have to reach a certain post count.

Thanks for your time people.

1. Top. Hard. Yes that’s bone pressed length. Either sitting or standing. The important point is that you do it the same way every time.

2. A consistant routine. Why not start with the Newbie Routine now and add reps to it gradually? Forget about your LOT for awhile, concentrate on getting a consistant workout going first. A good thread to read that will help you determine how often and how long to workout, is sparkyx’s PI thread in the Main Member Forum.

3. 20 posts and 14 days of membership. You have the time, now get the posts. :)

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

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Hello LJ001,

1. Measuring: I read the measuring thread and I have a few things I’m confused about. First of all, should I have the ruler to the side of my penis or on top of it? I normally have it on top. Also, how hard should I be pressing into the skin where the penis is attached, as hard as I can or what? Also, by pressing in as hard as I can is that the bone pressed length everyone talks about because I never understood that. Oh yeah should I measure standing or sitting down?

The answer is somewhere here because I’m not sure… Help me out… please
People use different methods to measure

2. PE/Jelqing: For the past couple months, I had done random routines when I got the chance (normally around 3 times a week of different stretches). Then for the last couple of weeks, I started a more basic routine that I have been dedicated to. I have done it around 5 times a week, which brings me to my first question, how many times and week should I PE? I personally don’t like taking that many breaks so how much can I do without breaks? Also, my routine for the last couple weeks has been 5 basic directional stretches for 3 minutes each then 1 5 minute “fowfer.” However I left jelqing out because I thought it was mainly for girth and right now I want to get some length. However I have read that jelqs can be helpful for length if coupled with stretches so I would like to know how much jelqing I should do in my routine. I was thinking do 5 basic stretches for 3 minutes each then a 5-10 minute jelq session. Also, my LOT is currently at around 8:00 because I just checked, which stretches would be best to maximize my gains? Low angles right? So like sort of a downwards stretch? Should I do these standing, sitting, or lying down? Basically I just want these awesome newbie gains everyone talks about or in a nutshell whats the best way to get my dick bigger?!

I’m sure you know it better than I do, for me 2 days on and 1 off. People have different gains on girth and length by Jelqing and stretching, don’t you think you should do it both or add some other routines? People has mentioned lot about LOT, which is just a theorie.
Hmmm… Some ideas about sitting or stand while PEing
Check this out

3. When am I able to post in other forums like the main member one? I haven’t posted much because I mainly read but I couldn’t find a rule saying when I can post in the main member forum. Do I have to reach a certain post count.
Thanks for your time people.

You need 20 posts AND two weeks to be able to start new thread in other forums.

Best regards,


7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Last edited by daboogies : 06-22-2005 at .

OOPS! There you go…ThunderSS

I just saw your replies when I already submitted mine :)

Best regards,


7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
:) You doing extremely well here daboogies. Another good post from you.

Thanks Bro,

You know how happy I was when I got a reply from Petitfaun for my first post here? Extremely HAPPY!
I believe no matter what the answer is, I’d love to read it because it’s a guide for me! So I believe even if I can’t help much (I’m newbie, I know :D ) but I still want to participate and I hope JL001 is happy to read my replies :) -> JL001, aren’t you, bro?

Best regards,


7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Thanks to everyone for your responses and yes daboogies I appreciate your replies I would just like to point out that my name is LJ not JL but thanks for the help. Now I know how to measure and I know when I can post in other forums. I read sparkyx’s thread and it helps alot I would say I only have neutral and positive PIs so I will PE as often as possible unless I get negative ones. The reason I was wondering about LOT was because it said try low angle stretches if you have a high LOT? I guess I will try that tonight. I don’t think I’m varying that much from the newbie course now that I’ve taken out the fowfer and added jelqs. Also I think I’ll do the stretches standing and the jelqs sitting. Thanks for your help everyone but if I need help again or I have trouble gaining then you can expect me to be back! (Actually I’ll probably be back anyway I love these forums)

OH you’re welcome my bro LJ! And sorry I typed your name wrongly :D , I was probably thinking of JLo at the time I replied to your thread.

Me too, I love this forum! It’s fun and happy to learn new things everyday.

Originally Posted by thunderSS
It was a long, long time ago when I got my first reply daboogies, but I remember it like yesterday. It sticks with you.

Bro, you have had 12,521 posts, that’s massive!!! It told me by that :D

Best regards,


7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Last edited by daboogies : 06-22-2005 at .

OK I just measured to see where I’m at for the start of my program right now I’m 6 5/8-3/4” NBP x 5.25”. My BPL is 7 1/8-1/4 ” so about a 1/2” difference. I figure my program for the last couple weeks has given me a solid 1/8-1/4”, hopefully I can get more results like that. However, I’m just wondering, do most guys when they measure use BPL or is that like something mainly people at Thunders do, and most regular guys use NBP length? Just wondering you know because I’m curious.

Originally Posted by LJ001
OK I just measured to see where I’m at for the start of my program right now I’m 6 5/8-3/4” NBP x 5.25”. My BPL is 7 1/8-1/4 ” so about a 1/2” difference. I figure my program for the last couple weeks has given me a solid 1/8-1/4”, hopefully I can get more results like that. However, I’m just wondering, do most guys when they measure use BPL or is that like something mainly people at Thunders do, and most regular guys use NBP length? Just wondering you know because I’m curious.

The “standard” is BP measuring.

Its also essential for measuring gains properly.

Oh, and hi! :)

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Hello, and thank you for your help. It makes me happy knowing I have the 7 inches I’ve always wanted, now my target will be 8 inches.

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