J123, because of the holiday’s and everything my PEing got side tracked and I stopped for about 3 weeks! I can tell that my erections have not been as hard and I feel that my gains have gone down some! Does this mean that I did not cement my gain good enough!?
Yesterday was my first day back of PEing! However, I did a “Refresher Session” where I did about half the stretching and jelqing that I was up to before I stopped.
Now in the last post that you wrote to me you said that,
“From your picture fingers on the side looks like to have less pressure to veins.
By the way, when I jelq fingers on the sides the thumb seems to produce much more pressure, than the forward finger. I compensate this by switching the direction of OK grip towards me and away from me. Then the location of the thumb on the side of my penis changes to other side.”
What did you mean when you said, “I compensate this by switching the direction of OK grip towards me and away from me. Then the location of the thumb on the side of my penis changes to other side.”
Did you mean that you compensate with an overhand grip?
Anyway, I feel that when my thumb is on top of my penis it causes more pressure which I feel works my penis better than if I did my thumb to the side. Which way do you feel is better for jelqing for girth gains?