Thunder's Place

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New to PE with a couple of questions.

New to PE with a couple of questions.

Hello all. I am brand new to PE, currently using the Newbie Routine, and had a couple of questions.

I am overweight and had trouble getting all the way to the base for jelqing. I could but it was very uncomfortable getting into a position to do it along with my weight getting in the way. Are there any suggestions that people may have regarding this? Yes I know lose weight, but I mean something in the meantime while I am losing weight?

I also have Multiple Sclerosis so there are sometimes it is very tough for me to get an erection. Is there anything I can take to try and increase my blood flow down to my penis so it can help with getting semi-erections and full-erections needed for some of the exercises?

I also just wanted to say thank you for this site and all of the contributors. When I was 18 I used to have an erection that was about 9” but as I got older, gained weight I lost most of it. So, I would say I would be 6” if that. It has really damaged my self-esteem. Especially since my wife of 8 years is African American and the smallest guy she had been with had been 9” with the norm being around 12”. There have been times when she would say she could not feel me. Again, thank you. This site has given me hope in increasing my size a little and more so, the quality of my erections.

Nitebreed, Welcome to the forum and good luck on your PE journey.

Go to the gym, that is the best advice. In the mean time work with the penis you have, even when you can’t go entirely to the base.

Watch some porn while doing the exercises. Maybe taking Viagra when you need a full erection is an option.

Honestly, for her to say the smallest guy she’s been with is 9”s and the biggest was 12”, I don’t buy it. How many people has your wife been with? If it’s only been 2, then she got lucky and found to guys with huge packages but if she’s been with several guys there is no way everyone of them was packing 9”s or more. I have found that most women have no clue how a penis measures in inches. They can obviously tell it’s small, big, or huge but as far as knowing the exact measurements, most do not. My wife told me she knew mine was atleast 7 or more when I’m actually right at 6.25 in length and 4.75-5” in girth. So unless she used a tape measure on everyone of those guys I’d say it’s just a guess and an exaggeration.

Thanks for the advice TPS and Bird2. I googled the L-Arginine and looked at the Homemade Power JELQ schematic. I got my work cut out for me.

Bigger, she didn’t tell me those measurements. She indicated by using her hands. I am the one who translated that into inches. If anything she underestimated so she wouldn’t hurt my feelings. How it came up was I stated that is is a fallacy that African American men have big penis’, to which she replied it wasn’t. She had never been with anyone except for African American men, and quite a bit more than 2.

It’s strange for me since I have never been self-conscience about my member, until my wife. Then again, I was also skinny, was measuring a lot bigger, and didn’t have MS before I met her.

Thanks again for the feedback.

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