Newbie question regarding stretches
Good day, gentlemen. I have a couple of questions about manual stretching. I have been doing the Newbie Routine, 2 days on and 1 day off, for two weeks. I stretch in all four directions for 45 seconds (started at 30 and just increased).
First off, my glans is not very big and holding onto my penis throughout the duration of the stretch is challenging. I start to slip, and feel like I need to squeeze overly-tight just to hang on. Is there some better way to grip? Would wrapping the glans in stretchy gauze help?
Secondly, how hard should I stretch? I assume that stretching to the point of sharp pain would be incredibly dangerous, but should I at least feel a little discomfort?
Began Penis Enlargement in August 2016. My immediate goal is 6.25 x 4.75.
Starting health information: Age 46, Weight 225 lbs, Aerobic fitness poor, Muscular fitness poor.
Starting penis information: BPEL = 5.625, EG mid-shaft = 4.375, NonBPFL = 2.25, FG = 3.5