Newbie With No Confidence
I’ve been on and off with PE for about a year and a half, mostly off. I think the longest I’ve done it is maybe 3 weeks. I’m a mess with commitment but in tired of being average.
I have no confidence at all so I think it’s small even though my girlfriend yells at me whenever I bring it up saying I’m not at all and its above average. I stand at about 6 inches BPEL (maybe a little more with good EQ, which is rare nowadays). I’m only 20 and I am on anti anxiety meds so I think that’s a contributing factor to my EQ problems.
Recently, my girlfriend and I have gone on a break but for a month because of certain circumstances and it’s breaking my heart. Of course, my anxiety is putting a terrible knot in my stomach telling me my penis has something to do with it OR if she sleeps with someone else, they’re going to be hung like a horse and she leaves me for him; although that would be pretty cold considering 2 years of dating and being with each other for 4 (she’s 19 I’m 20).
I’m fed up though with no confidence. I know PE works because this would be the greatest scam of all time with the amount of success stories if it wasn’t.
I’m going to start the newbie routine and stick with it. I think a reasonable goal would be 6.5 BPEL as I would be satisfied there knowing that’s pushing large and bigger than average.
Would you recommend me buying a pump to incorporate into my newbie routine, like 5 minutes warm up, pump, stretch, then jelq and then finally warm down? Or for 3 months would you recommend just the newbie routine?
I have extremely tight ligaments. Like really tight where it causes pain if I try to push my dick down. So I know if I get them loose, that could lead to potentially significant gains, no? My erections stick straight up and hug my stomach basically.
I would really appreciate any info or feed back.
Last edited by kmac122 : 01-08-2016 at . Reason: Spell check