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Penis pills

Penis pills

Hey guys,

I realize that they are probably already forum threads on this, but I could not find any. The age old question—Do penis pills work. I realize that this is a penis EXERCISE forum, but I’m sure some of you have probably experimented with pills. I tried some pills last year for 4 months and I noticed about a 1/2 inch gain in length (and proportionately in girth), but it went away. I’m taking cheap penis pills now, and they seem like a total waste. The only reason I’m still taking them is to somewhat aid in the penis exercises (almost like protein for muscles). Has anyone had good/bad experience with pills? If so, which ones? Any information would be great. Thanks!

Starting stats: 01-25-06


5.25 EG midshaft

I did a search and came up with over 5 pages of threads discussing this very subject.

The vast majority will say the only thing the pills do is maybe increase the blood flow thereby giving the appearance of growth. Try :search: again.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

As stated elsewhere:

“I think you have to disregard any pill that claims to enlarge the penis.

If you consider the make-up of the penis, there are other parts of the body which contain the same elements. How in the world would a pill know to target the penis? Aspirin doesn’t target your headache, it simply thins your blood, among perhaps some other system-wide effects.

Generally, these pills just raise your blood pressure and perhaps dilate blood vessels. As a result, they often carry warnings regarding existing high-blood pressure conditions.

You can get the same effect from unbuffered Niacin without worrying about it killing you. Although, drink plenty of water or have food in your stomach first, unbuffered Niacin can take you on a ride for a few minutes.. I’d recommend 10mg, max 25mg for your first time (derived solely from experience).”

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

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