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Question about newbie routine

Question about newbie routine

I started a week ago with this routine..

5 min shower warm up
Stretch (left, right up down) 3 x 30 sec each
Stretch (around in circle) 3 x 30 turns each way
Jelqing (overhand, underhand, both hands) 3 x 30 sec each
And PC muscle exercise 3 x however many I can do

I plan to do this 3 days on 1 off

^ Does this seem like a good variation to the newbie routine, and also is there any other stretches I could add or anything I can do to ensure a good increase after time?

—I am only about 3.5 x 3 when flaccid and 5 x 4 when erect

Anyone have any opinions or additions to my routine, please help

It looks ok. Train the PC muscle about 10 minutes a day.

>>Jelqing (overhand, underhand, both hands) 3 x 30 sec each<<

I don’t get your jelqing part of the routine. Maybe start off with 100-150 strokes for the first week. Gradually increase the amount of jelqs over time.

I am in my third month and I am only doing 120-130 jelq strokes.

Start: 7.2" BPEL, EG = 5"

Current: 7 7/8" BPEL, 7" NBPEL, 8" BPFSL, EG(midshaft) = 5 5/8"

Goal: 8" NBPEL, EG = 6.5"

I met I do 30 upward pulls 3 times of each jelqing type.any stretches I could possible add that will enhance my length over a period of time? Or is this the routine that most people follow

Originally Posted by amo9812
I met I do 30 upward pulls 3 times of each jelqing type.any stretches I could possible add that will enhance my length over a period of time? Or is this the routine that most people follow

Your stretching routine looks fine for now. Slowly increase time for the next 3 months. After 3 months you should be up to 15-20 mins of stretching.

Start: 7.2" BPEL, EG = 5"

Current: 7 7/8" BPEL, 7" NBPEL, 8" BPFSL, EG(midshaft) = 5 5/8"

Goal: 8" NBPEL, EG = 6.5"

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