I’m the guy who started the “Bigger balls and damiana - works for me!” thread. I stopped using damiana for awhile and my balls began to shrink again, so I started back on it a month or so ago. I also started a daily regimen of testicle massage, and have noticed a difference when I do this as well.
However, my results may not be typical for the following reason: I’m hypogonadic (which means I have low testosterone) and take testosterone injections. One downside of doing this is that your testicles begin to shrink down to nothing. To counter that, and for additional medical reasons, I inject with HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadatropin). The fact that I’m injecting with TWO MEDS known to affect testicle size means that my results may vary widely from yours. And yes, I inject both under the close supervision of a doctor who specializes in male hormone replacement.
I think a very sensible plan would be to take damiana, which is an herb with a long history of safety, and to also begin a daily massage program. Massaging your balls for ten minutes or so - hard enough so that it just begins to approach discomfort without ever really hurting - should increase blood flow to your boys, and eventually this blood flow should become permanent. But you have to think of it like PE - you’ll have to work at it for a long time to cement any gains.
Bear in mind that I don’t have any direct medical evidence or studies to back up my opinion that eventually your size gains will be permanent. I do, however, have personal experience that massaging increases size at least temporarily. As I’ve only been massaging my balls for a month or so, it’s too early for me to report back that I’ve doubled or tripled my size or whatever, but I’m hopeful that a year from now I’ll be able to report that my balls are much larger, hang much lower, and are much fuller. I’m also waiting for my wife to notice, as she did in the my other thread.
Then again, I may report back that it wasn’t worth the time.
Interestingly enough, I’ve also begun to suspect that the massage is increasing my natural testosterone levels, plus whatever hormones and active biochemicals are created and released via the testicles. Every time I massage, my voice is noticeably lower throughout the day - a sure sign that SOME kind of manly chemical is affecting my body.
11/09 - Egms 6.375, Bpel 6.25; 9/10 - Egms 6.6, Bpel 7.0 1/12 Egms 6.6, Bpel 7.0