Radial vs. longitudinal tunica girth proposal
Radial vs. Longitudinal tunica
Alright fellas, I have a lot of good insight on this issue. I am a bit of a PE vet and have done loads of research. I have studied things from the masters such as BIB, Saiyan22 (Kingsnake at MoS), Radiohead, DLD, Namsokiesk at PE gym and a couple others. Some have stated how they gained better at semi-erect jelqing vs. Full erect jelqing. Now I understand many have gained from erect girth exercises and many have gained only from semi-erect. For girth I will explain why semi-erect exercise can in many cases work better.
Perhaps you have heard from some PE’ers that the tunica(s) become very rigid at the highest erection level. Some have made the observation that their semi-erect girth is a bit greater than their fully erect girth. The longitudinal external layer of the tunica (length) becomes taught, and the inner radial tunica layer (girth) pushes against the external (length) tunica at the highest erection level. When you are doing 100% erect girth exercises you are working against both the resistance of the girth and length tunica layers. When you are working girth (via jelqing, squeezes, etc.) at lower erection levels, lets say 60-70-80 % most of the pressure is going to expand the girth layer with out the resistance/reinforcement of the length layer as it is not pulled taught.
In conclusion, my two cents, sates that one should (if they are aiming at girth) work at high, but not too high, erection levels. It is a balancing act. Also the tunica(s) are considered a connective tissue. Whenever we are doing stretch length work or expansive stretching girth work, either way we are stretching connective tissue. Sports trainers have told us that stretching this tissue is a bit different than stretching pure muscle. For connective tissue, lower force longer duration stretches are best. I’d love to hear feedback on this. Peace.
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