So I guess I'm a newbie?
so realistically I’m no newbie by any means, I’m 24 now. I started PEing back in high school and I graduated in 03.
Too be perfectly honest i really do feel like a newbie because I’ve been going about it this all wrong.
I can’t post in the members section, probably because I haven’t posted on this site for quite some time.
Pe’ing really is a marathon and not a race. That is key
I’ve sustained several injuries some more painful and grotesque than others but injuries one the less.
Everything from ingrown hairs to thromboised veins. You name it; my penis has endured it.
I’ve had brief strokes of ED, from over training and heard all kinds of snaps and pops..
I’m not trying to scare anyone. This is great website, with some great people who are more than willing to assist you on your journey for a bigger johnson, just be aware of things like discoloration, bruising, over training. Watch the video’s and really work on mastering your technique.
Put in some research and start slow.. Don’t barrel in to this thing full force.
I’m definitely not the guy you should be asking for advice.
With that said,
Here’s where I’m at.
BPEL: 8.0-8.5 depending on quality of erection.. Call it 8 to be fair..i finally learned the right way to measure. Before it was like woah i got a 9 incher!
my girth varies between 6 and 7..
my goal is 9+ in length.
Honestly with all the damage I’ve done to myself from clamping, I’m not really gunning for girth anymore. I’m at least going to take a break to see if some of the discoloration and stretch marks go away. See if I can’t get some of the turkey neck underneath my shaft to dissipate.
When i started PE i was somewhere around 7.0 -7.5, and on those really shitty days I still am.
The ruler is can rule against you some days, so only measure on those days where you think that you have made some gains.
My biggest problem with PE right now is my porn habit from clamping… holy hell do I need to get a handle on that.
I’ve always kind of been a perv, haha, but when i started clamping it became a serious problem. There are days where I don’t leave the house and edge for hours several times a day. I actually lost my last girlfriend over it. She thought I was comparing her to the female pornstars, when in all actuality I was comparing myself to the males… She would even say oh you’re bigger than him or i don’t like porn because all the guys are ugly… which is just not true according to almost all the other girls I’ve talked to about it.
anyway for my routine..If you can call it that consist of a
a sock, two cable clamps, (one is broken though, it just keeps some of the extra skin out of the way.) and the power jelqer to do my bends. I usually cum after each session. I don’t really keep track of how many times I do this, I know that I do it at least once a day.. I edge for as long as I can. sometimes it’s couple of hours, sometimes it’s only 10-20 minutes.
I’ve been thinking about purchasing a weight thing with magnets called the anchor it looks like it could work, but i haven’t seen enough evidence to shell out 80 bucks for it.
I’m leaning more towards a pump or a ADS device.
clamping has produced some incredible results but do to the fact that i never give myself more than day to recover I lose my gains from over training. I can’t seem to cement my gains. I warm up occasionally but a lot of times I’ll just use the laptop as a heat pad and then go at it like a bat out of hell. I’ve become more and more lazy over the years and thus more discouraged. On top of that after trying cialis for recreational use, i’ve become dissatisfied with my erection without use of medication.
So I’m ready to maybe take a short break and do this thing the right way. See if I can’t get my erections back to normal without meds.
I’ll probably shed the snake a couple times to get rid of the discoloration.
I really wish I had a camera but due to my financial situation i can’t afford one at this moment. I had a camera, along with some photos to actually had a few photo’s to prove my stats that is until someone stole it..
I like my size, but I want to be huge.. My last girlfriend said I was crazy and that the biggest she’s ever been with but to be honest that’s just one girl, and she was kind of a ding bat anyway. I’m not egotistical by any means. I’m just self-conscious about my dick and the rest of me, and i really shouldn’t be. I constantly compare myself to pornstars… the big ones like scott nails and all those abnormally large fellas who pretty much can get any girl they wanted. I’m constantly telling myself things like if I was as big as him I’d get more girls because I’d have more confidence and blah blah blah..
I’ve developed a nast case of penis dimorphism. I should just be happy with what i got but I’m not. Recently I’ve grown to hate the extra skin underneath the shaft.
It’s starting to look like a turkey neck. I didn’t notice it until recently after staring at naked in front of the mirror.
I’ve got some issues to say the least, depression, anxiety, cystic acne. Some how I get pimples on the underside and sides of my dick. They look like Genital warts but I’ve been tested and looked at several times, it’s not an STD. I Just happen to be one of those guys that breaks out on his unit.
I really do like my size, it’s just the skin that bothers me, it’s gross looking.
I also can’t grow a decent beard and I’m about as hairless as they come except on my pubes and a little on my lower legs… but that really doesn’t have anything to do with PE’ing.
I’m slowly learning to just love myself or at least except who I am and learn to just let the small things go, the depression plays a huge role in all of this, but I’m learning to cope with this disease as well.
I spent the whole day researching different products and reading threads on here and the big penis forum.
Okay well that’s all for now.
More to come,
take care fellow PE’ers