Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Source of my length gains.


Source of my length gains.

I think I have figured out how I made my length gains with a pretty short routine and the intensity that I perform these exercises with is not that high.

My routine.
Warm up = wash cloth soaked in hot water (wrap on) .
1min holds in all six directions (with kegels+ RK)
V-Stretch-3min kegels+ reverse kegels .
A-stretch-3min kegels + reverse kegels for some extra pull.
JAI-stretch -2min with kegels and reverse kegels .
and i jelq for 5 min 2/5 sec per stroke.

So as you can see the time i spend on my routine completely is 19min just round it up to 20min.

I actually think that my gains are made due to the kegels+RK that i do in every exercise, when i first started with this routine i was doing kegels separately while i was in class etc.
Then i started to do them in my stretching exercises after a few day i got used to performing kegel’s while holding my stretch .

I don’t know some how i stated to do the reverse kegels too ,I don’t remember why i started doing them. I just used to do a 1sec kegel then 1 sec reverse kegel .

When i do kegel my stretch is being pulled back and then when i do my reverse kegel my PC muscle completely relaxes and the internal penis isn’t being held by the PC muscles hence when i stretch i get a longer stretch and when my pc muscles aren’t holding my internal penis the pressure is directly applied onto the ligaments therefore we are not only stretching the penis that is out side of you body but also the penis that is inside of our body which can help make more and quicker gains.

First do the newbie routine for at least 2 to 3 months then follow this routine if you are interested do not try this routine if you are a newbie please.

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!

Last edited by alivegeta : 03-09-2015 at .

I’m deffo doing this

Have you been doing this since October 2014 (your sign up date I believe)?

To clarify, you’ve added an inch of length in 4 months?



I transferred from MoS to thunder’s i have done the newbie routine for 2 1/2 months in that period i didn’t gain at all , i’ve done PE for a total of around 6 1/2 months well newbie routine didn’t work, so i started doing the above routine since October.

If you are a newbie i would recommend that you first do the newbie routine for at-least 2 months in that period your penis will be conditioned to handle the advance stuff.

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!

Last edited by alivegeta : 01-30-2015 at .

Originally Posted by alivegeta
I think I have figured out how I made my length gains with a pretty short routine and the intensity that I perform these exercises with is not that high.

My routine.
Warm up = wash cloth soaked in hot water (wrap on) .
1min holds in all six directions (with kegels+ RK)
V-Stretch-3min kegels+ reverse kegels .
A-stretch-3min kegels + reverse kegels for some extra pull.
JAI-stretch -2min with kegels and reverse kegels .
and i jelq for 5 min 2/5 sec per stroke.

So as you can see the time i spend on my routine completely is 19min just round it up to 20min.

I actually think that my gains are made due to the kegels+RK that i do in every exercise, when i first started with this routine i was doing kegels separately while i was in class etc.
Then i started to do them in my stretching exercises after a few day i got used to performing kegel’s while holding my stretch .

I don’t know some how i stated to do the reverse kegels too ,I don’t remember why i started doing them. I just used to do a 1sec kegel then 1 sec reverse kegel .

When i do kegel my stretch is being pulled back and then when i do my reverse kegel my PC muscle completely relaxes and the internal penis isn’t being held by the PC muscles hence when i stretch i get a longer stretch and when my pc muscles aren’t holding my internal penis the pressure is directly applied onto the ligaments therefore we are not only stretching the penis that is out side of you body but also the penis that is inside of our body which can help make more and quicker gains.

Lucky a**. I haven’t gained an inch in four years LOL.

BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"

I have personally started experimenting with this myself (reverse kegels as the break between kegels). And have been performing kegels while manual stretching, hanging and during erect bends.

I’ve noticed the initial engorgement of my penis when performing reverse kegels while masturbating a good while back. Never really thought to use then for PE out if fear. Reverse kegels (like so many other things) have 50/50 thoughts and theories both in favor and against it. I fear the dreaded shortening effect that is claimed.

Now with more knowledge of the anatomy, think I am going to apply them to my routine (as I have been experiencing benefits from my current routine; just no concrete length gains yet).

My theory as to why it may work has to do with the relaxation of the bulbococcygeus & illiococcygeus muscle. These muscles are responsible for “pinching” the bulb of the corpus spongiosum and crus of the corpora cavernosa. So a reverse kegels actually relaxes these muscles during erection, thus allowing more a bit more engorgement to take place…along side the lack of pull-back experienced.

Starting size: 6.25" BPEL (5.5" NBPEL); 6.5" BPFSL; 5.0" MEG (3/2014)

Goal: 6.5" NBPEL (7.25" BPEL); 5.5" MEG

Current size: 6.50" BPEL (5.75" NBPEL); 7.5" BPFSL; 5.25" MEG (11/25/2015)

Allivegeta can you exain the vstretch ti me? My routine is long.enough for me to justtag it along there lol

BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"

Correction: the bulbospongiosus muscle closes off the bulb of the corpus spongiosum and the ischiocavernosus muscle closes off the crura (root of the corpora cavernosa) when flexed (from kegels).

So by default, a reverse kegel does the opposite—relax the muscles that restrict outflow of blood during erection. It seems the flexion forces are placed on the lower abdomen wall, which can explain why it is claimed to create shortening (by strengthening the suspensory ligament and fundiform ligament as well).

Starting size: 6.25" BPEL (5.5" NBPEL); 6.5" BPFSL; 5.0" MEG (3/2014)

Goal: 6.5" NBPEL (7.25" BPEL); 5.5" MEG

Current size: 6.50" BPEL (5.75" NBPEL); 7.5" BPFSL; 5.25" MEG (11/25/2015)

Originally Posted by TonyThaTyga
Allivegeta can you exain the vstretch ti me? My routine is long.enough for me to justtag it along there lol

Here you go tony, V-Stretch Video

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!


I gained nothing from Newbie routine as well.

That’s a lot of dick in a short time.

June14: BPEL 6.5; MSEG 4.9; BEG 4.7. Jan15: BPEL 6.7; MSEG 5.3; BEG 4.9.

First Goal: 7 x 5

Originally Posted by Goingthedistanc
I gained nothing from Newbie routine as well.
That’s a lot of dick in a short time.

No not really you look at your dick every day so it will look normal to you, but when you hold your penis in your hand that is when the difference is quickly noticed. You will feel that you are bigger in length and girth.

But if you take before and after pictures OMG you will notice a huge difference. unfortunately i didn’t take a starting picture ,i took one when i reached 5.5 inches.

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by alivegeta

Here you go tony, V-Stretch Video

Oh thank you I did that all wrong I get it A stretch V stretch lol. Been looking for an video to, didn’t know they had videos of exercises on here. Maybe they those DLD blasters too then lol. Thanks. I shall do your routine, at the end of mine lol.

BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"


Great gains.congratulation.

In my eyes that’s a great routine.
Nothing too hardcore.

I experienced a lot of stuff, you explored.

Reverse Kegels, good breathing, posture lead to the relaxation that is needed to ease into a long stretch without resistance.

Great that you don’t go against the newbie-routine.
I think its a great way to condition yourself, learn about your limits by looking out for negative PIs.
Even if you don’t gain in comparision to other Guys who gained a lot in the first months.
In my opinion the newbie routine is great to avoid overtraining in the beginning.
Just don’t pull and jelq too hard to avoid an early frustrating plateau.
Always think in progression and look for PIs.
Really like your reduced Jelq time.

Pretty sick how fast you gain.. Similar to myself.
What I really can recommend you is to integrate BTC-Stretches.believe me, they are hard to execute at first, but they are worth mastering especially in combo with a-stretches and dld-blasters.

Some good food for thought is: German Stallion’s Paradoxical Pullout (google)
I don’t do them, but the article represent a good mindset how to stretch.

Keep gaining;)

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