Originally Posted by LunaRossa
Hi, I have the same problem with the PF and I’m following your instructions in the thread about the PF. I’d like to know if you had also a bit deflated glans, a reduction of your libido and for how much time you rested and relaxed your PF to fix this problem.
Yes I had these issues.
When the PF is overtensed it restricts the blood flow to the dick so especially the glans that is the tip of your dick can not get the right amount of blood so it can t expand properly.
The libido thing is well known among the people with overtensed PF too… The sensation down there is so anoying that it takes away the mood for sex.
Also if the pf tension reach a high level and become a long term thing then it also affects the brain by making you feel week in your confidence/manliness . ( this is what the scientific reserches has shown and it happened to me too when I had it).
In my case the PF tension was created by 2 things.
1) Upward penis stretching
2) Overkegeling
When ever I am starting using Upward stretching the same happens again… Its because the upward stretching sucks my PF inside like when we are doing kegels.
I have overtensed my PF around 3-4 times in my PE carrier.
All of the times I recovered fast by doing the nessesary things that you read in my PF thread.
The 1st time was a serious case ( a lot of tension) and I recovered in about 2 weeks
the rest of the times I was aware of this situation so I was starting imediately the treatment and in just 2-5 days I was ok again.
Keep also in mind that sentimental issues like grief and anxiety are tensing the PF because these feelings are making your body hold tension in general and its like you are holding a light kegel all day.