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Extremely frustrated about flaccid size


Extremely frustrated about flaccid size

I’m really frustrated. My flaccid size is still the same size as it was when I started PE about 4 years ago. This is really depressing me because a big flaccid hang is pretty much all I want right now.

For the past 7 months I have been following the “never let it turtle” philosophy of PE and have been wearing an ADS or cock ring every single day. I put it on right after my routine in the morning and take it off before bed at night. My current routine consists mainly of dry jelqs and stretches followed by pumping. As of last week I’ve also started trying to work a few clamping sets back into my routine.

Today I decided to go without my ADS to see how I was progressing. I’m still at 3.5 - 4.0 inches flaccid length and a really small girth that I don’t want to measure. The only thing it looks like that I have gained is skin, which I like, but I want more real dick.

My BPEL is around 7.2 inches x 5.0 inches girth. I really want to be a shower not a grower. I want to be swinging 6 + inches all the time, whether I’m in the gym, or just walking around. Looking at other people’s flaccid pictures / guys in the locker room it seems like their flaccid stays more fluffed and full of blood than mine does. It sucks, I feel so good when I’m walking around with my ADS that keeps my flaccid at around 6.5 - 7 inches. It feels so good having a bulge. I have much more self confidence when I’m wearing a cock ring or an ADS, without I get nervous and feel depressed.

What should I do? For those of you who have gone from grower to shower, what was the most effective for you?

I tried hanging for a month or so last summer but my skin kept getting irritated and it hurt really badly. I also tried to build a vacuum hanger but I can’t get the sleeve part to attach correctly.

Any sort of encouragement would be great.

Do a search for fowfers and add them into your routine. Also you can try adding another 10 15 min jelq session

to your day before you go out. Both have worked for me over the years. Also if your nervous or anxious in public that dosent help.

Sept 2 2002 Bpel 6.8 Eg 5.5 Sept 2 2003 Bpel 7.6 Eg 6.0 Yeah i know...5 years..updating soon i hate mesuring...

Taking one day as a check that you’ve grown may give you a false indication.

When I hang intensively and wear an ADS intensively I sometimes get turtling after stopping for a while.
Making me appear to have not gained at all. I find that if I leave it - I.e. Take a little time off to allow my penis to get out of this turtling mode - then masturbate to check my erect size I feel alot more confident that I have made a slight improvement.

Jelqing and clamping give me the adverse effect. I have a full, fat flaccid for a decent period (days, up to a week sometimes)
The one thing that we have in common that produces the smaller or ‘normal’ flaccid is the ADS.
Maybe the flaccid you’re getting is a turtled flaccid due to your ADS usage.
Keep at it, but monitor your penis. Make sure you’re not overdoing the ADS. Or if you really need to see your results then take a break and wait a few days. Perhaps just jelqing. See if this makes a difference to your flaccid.

Last edited by Sacred : 05-20-2008 at .

I’m curious what you’ve gained in these 4 years.. in BPEL and BPFSL.

I’m not sure how to help with your problem other than saying that a traction wrap ADS does wonders for the bulge..

Just curious how your BPEL/BPFSL gains relate to your no-hands balls-to-the-wall no-excuses flaccid gains.


"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

I would say:

1) Relax, drink some wine
2) Fowfers, as already suggested
3) Use an IR lamp

but the most effective is point 1). Check how much do you hang after an afternoon siesta…

red wine

18.02.08: NBP 6.7, BPSFL 7.9, EG 5.9

18.05.08: 6.9" NBP, 8.3" BPSFL, 7.7" BP

my lazy ass is on a break AGAIN, since late may '08

Thanks for the replies guys. Being relaxed and sitting down does help a lot with flaccid size, but only for time while I’m relaxed.

Sacred I took your advice and took a few days off and my flaccid stopped turtling a little bit, however as soon as I start walking around / talking to people / doing things that make up a normal day it goes back to being pretty small. I understand that this could be a result of my mild anxiety, however I want my dick to be able to hang large no matter what the situation. I basically want my dick to never be able to shrink below around 6 inches flaccid, even if I’m jogging naked outside in a blizzard.

Wouldn’t it make sense that If I am actually able to add physical tissues to my dick that the minimum flaccid size would increase ? I’m guessing that I have not achieved much new tissue growth, and have only stretched out the existing tissue.

Since I wear my ADS more or less the entire time I am awake I don’t have time for fowfers. I tried them for a few nights while sleeping but it was uncomfortable and I kept waking up.

Originally Posted by lostracco
I’m curious what you’ve gained in these 4 years.. in BPEL and BPFSL.

I’m not sure how to help with your problem other than saying that a traction wrap ADS does wonders for the bulge..

Just curious how your BPEL/BPFSL gains relate to your no-hands balls-to-the-wall no-excuses flaccid gains.


Since starting PE I’ve gone from 6.2 inches BPEL to 7.1 BPEL and around 4.2 inches EG to 5.0 EG. I don’t measure flaccid stretch because when totally flaccid my dick does not like to be stretched. A while ago I measured while jelqing / stretching at around 15% erection and I could measure around 7.2 - 7.3.

My flaccid is strange, it is like there isn’t as much blood flow as in other people’s flaccid. When I see other people’s flaccid they look similar to what I would consider a 5-10 % semi-erection for me.

The ADS I use is an ACE bandage traction wrap by the way.

Sorry you haven’t been able to see any change.
Only other thing I can suggest is start taking something like ginkgo biloba, L-Arginine, etc. These help blood circulation. Give you better wood and a fuller hang.

These take about 2 weeks of one-a-day doses to see a difference (I’m using the 120mg capsules as an example, adjust accordingly)

Confirming what sacred said. I take 240mg ginkgo biloba and 6 gram of Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AAKG) daily. This has helped with both flaccid hang and erection strength.

How do I know this? Because I stopped taking for a while and noticed a big difference when off of it.

I used to take a lot of arginine. Didn’t do much for my flaccid, but it helps keep the erection harder for longer thats for sure. Best arginine based product I’ve tried was called White Blood. They sell it on body building sites, it has ethyl ester arginine and coq10 and some other stuff in it. I stopped taking arginine a few months ago though because I felt like it’s effectiveness had gone down.

I actually have some ginkgo biloba laying around that I bought but got too scared to take after I read something about someone having an adverse reaction to it.

How does it compare to arginine in terms of improving erection quality?

This is the same advice I posted on another thread.

#1 Drink a lot of water. Helps flaccid, and is good for you too.
#2 Use supps, the best for flaccid hang in my experience are cialis and L-arginine
#3 Read the thread ‘EVO Oil’, make yourself up a batch and apply that twice a day
#4 Experiment with the Flaccid wrap, which keeps your penis slightly more engorged throughout the day (while still maintaining good circulation - very important) - this is said to help flaccid hang over time.

Another would be #5 Limit your ejaculations.

Originally Posted by drew_2003
I stopped taking arginine a few months ago though because I felt like it’s effectiveness had gone down.

The AAKG I use suggests cycling off of it every 60 days, so that makes sense.

Originally Posted by drew_2003
How does (ginkgo biloba) compare to arginine in terms of improving erection quality?

I started the AAKG and the Ginkgo at the same time, kingpole recommended them to me for erection support. So it might be hard to separate out what is doing what.

HOWEVER — before I was taking L-arginine alone. So I am kinda of confident in saying that one thing the Ginkgo did for me was make my glans more sensitive. So much so that I had to dump my cotton/poly boxers for fine weave 100% cotton ones.

Originally Posted by Yataghan50
#3 Read the thread ‘EVO Oil’, make yourself up a batch and apply that twice a day

Yataghan50, can you do me a huge favor and help me find this thread? It sounds very interesting.

The search engine rejects ‘EVO’ and will not search for it. It says this:

The following words are either very common, too long, or too short and were not included in your search : EVO

Consequently it just spits back a million threads on ‘Oil’

Do you remember anything else about it that might help me search for it? Maybe it is in your “recent posts” list???

1. put quotes around your search query like: “evo oil” - gives 13 results

2. use google to search like: evo oil

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

Tube — Thanks —

I typed “evo oil” into advanced search and got:

Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.

The following words are either very common, too long, or too short and were not included in your search : evo

So even with quotes, no dice.

I am not sure why the search engine does this — I can understand filtering “the” ‘a” “of” etc.

However your google tip lead me to this:

Eroset's Vein Oil - for thrombosis and more
/forum//showthr … ad.php?p=500059

So I think we are set.

Thanks again.

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