Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

what to focus on?

what to focus on?

OK, I know that some exersices help girth and some length and some both. Whici is optimal to do? First focus on girht/length gains or do exersices for both. I want first gains and what mixture of exersices is optimal. I want length gains first, but then I do not want my girth gains to slow down, so I want both but first I want length.

Starting stats: (12/08/2005) BPEL -------- 5.5 Girth -------- 4.5 Target: BPEL -------- 7.5 Girth -------- 6

5 min warm up

30 sec stretches all directions

200 jelqs

100 kegels

This routine should give you some good newbie gains in both length and girth, And after a few months on this routine you could increase it or add a few other exercises.

Originally Posted by nickm84
OK, I know that some exersices help girth and some length and some both. Whici is optimal to do? First focus on girht/length gains or do exersices for both. I want first gains and what mixture of exersices is optimal. I want length gains first, but then I do not want my girth gains to slow down, so I want both but first I want length.

The newbie routine.

Length is harder to get if you gain girth first, so get most of your length taget before you go for girth. But dont worry about extra exercises until you’ve been PEing at least 3 months, to condition your penis.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

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