The pain in the left lig was not caused by PE.
I had that problem for a few years now, but could never locate the pain. It would sometimes descend into my left testicle, stay there for 5-20 min every once in a while, and feel sore for I while, so I always figured it was testicular pain.
The urologist than said it could be torsion (I think, he spoke to my mother since I was still underage than and not to me directly, and my mother has a tendency to misinterpret everything), so he said that next time I felt such pain to come to him ASAP so he could try and catch it in the act or something. Problem was, when I tried to come to him (twice I tried) it never lasted long enough for him to examine it.
Later, I just stopped caring and tried to deal with the occasional pain.
When I started stretching, I was finally able to locate the same kind of pain to be in my left ligament. When I do right side stretching I feel nothing, but when I pull to the left it hurts like hell. So I finally located the source of the pain.
Anyway, I got an appointment and before I go I was wondering if you could just tell me what to expect. I mean, it would take a penectomy to stop me from PE-ing, but I don’t think I will be persuasive enough to let him know that PE had nothing to do with it.
As for embarrassment, I wouldn’t make an issue out of it, but let me try and explain how the urologist office looks like in my town.
There are always two patients in the room, and there is almost no privacy. There is a curtain that’s dividing the desk from the exam table, and it is half-transparent. Both the nurse and the doctor are too loud for this “discreet” kind of business. Also, the urology dept. in my town is a bit overcrowded, so the doctor is kinda irritable and is trying to finish with you as soon as possible.
And in that kind of environment, it is kind of impossible to try and have a “nice talk” with the urologist.
I was also thinking for that reason to go to some private practice urologist. The problem is, I live in a relatively small town, and my choices are between a guy who knows my mother and I am pretty sure he would check me out for free, and a few others who are WAY too expensive for me.
The problem with that mothers friend is that he is pretty well known for not being very discreet, to say the least. So, my only option still remains to go to the town hospital. :(
EDIT: avocet, sorry, I was already writing a post before I could read yours.