Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why everyone's going for 7 MSEG

Why everyone's going for 7 MSEG

7 inch girth is the new 6 inch girth. Nowadays if you’ve ever seen an x rated movie or something like that, those guys are all pumping (I try to never watch porn, but have occasionally looked for a few moments).

I hate to say it, but 7 is the new 6. From what I read on this website everyone’s blowing up and pe’ing. So in ten years, 7.5 will be the new 7. It’s like football, baseball. We always must push it higher. Thats what we do.


I would have to disagree. It’s not like vagina’s are getting bigger. 7 MSEG is fucking huge. Sorry but I don’t see it.

Not yet, my friend. Perhaps in the future. Take a measuring tape and visualize a 7 inch circumference… A bit too huge to be ”the new 6”, isn’t it? :)

Dec '09 : NBPEL: 6'' x EG: 5.1'' x FL: 2" -----> Aug '10 : NBPEL: 6.3'' x EG: 5.6'' x FL: 2"

Yeah, don't worry. It did not take me 8 months to get these gains. I was more off than on when it came to PE :O

Goal: EL: 7.25" x EG: 6.2" x FL: 4"

Well you have seen 7 but it’s rare .. And the women in porn are also “selected” so a man with 7 in girth is very rarely seen like the women that will take it without problems are rare

I dunno, I kinda want 7” girth, I just don’t wanna be to big for sex. Just because 6” feels so good. I would like another inch or two as far as length goes, but yeah I’ll probably get fatter if I do that.

Originally Posted by davendz
7 inch girth is the new 6 inch girth. Nowadays if you’ve ever seen an x rated movie or something like that, those guys are all pumping (I try to never watch porn, but have occasionally looked for a few moments).

I hate to say it, but 7 is the new 6. From what I read on this website everyone’s blowing up and pe’ing. So in ten years, 7.5 will be the new 7. It’s like football, baseball. We always must push it higher. Thats what we do.


Sorry, but you have no idea what you’re talking about. Average girth is still below 5”, porn is not the real world and PE is still underground. 7” will never become the new 6” because most guys with even 6” can forget about comfortable blowjobs and are already big for quite a bit of girls. Like Soja said, vaginas are not getting bigger. Why should “standard” girth increase then? 7” is so big and rare that it can be considered an anomaly if you have it naturally.

Originally Posted by Shortnthick33
I dunno, I kinda want 7” girth, I just don’t wanna be to big for sex.

The irony.

Originally Posted by davendz
…I hate to say it, but 7 is the new 6. From what I read on this website everyone’s blowing up and pe’ing.


You must be new here :)

On a website full of guys who have decided to attempt to make their dicks bigger, yes, there’s a pretty good chance everyone’s gonna be making their dicks bigger.

Luckily, we’re a pretty small group of people who seek out PE and there’s an even smaller number who actually stick to it consistently enough to get any results.

Originally Posted by davendz
7 inch girth is the new 6 inch girth. Nowadays if you’ve ever seen an x rated movie or something like that, those guys are all pumping (I try to never watch porn, but have occasionally looked for a few moments).

I hate to say it, but 7 is the new 6. From what I read on this website everyone’s blowing up and pe’ing. So in ten years, 7.5 will be the new 7. It’s like football, baseball. We always must push it higher. Thats what we do.


Good luck! ;)

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

I don’t see that everyone is goign for 7. It depends on where they started. Very few guys who started at 4 think 7 is possible. We are all just looking for gains, if they started thick they just wanna be thicker.

I never get tired of the reaction and look on her face when I first slide it in. It’s Priceless!

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

I’ve been away from this site for a few months and I must say I’m quite shocked that 7” girth is being talked about.

Back when I joined thunders probably 2 plus years ago 6” girth was seen as big and the ideal.

This is where the internet can cause an issue, if the average girth is 5” (remember many are smaller than this average) the efforts to get 2” of girth gains for the average male is almost impossible. Gains must be finite and I have never seen someone proving gains of 2” on girth.

Porn and it’s mass available on the net is causing a distortion of belief of what is realistic from PE, in my view.

Someone trying to get gains of 2” on girth is much more likely to damage themselves than obtain it, in my view.

01/08/07: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" EG ::: 26/05/10: 7.3" BPEL, 5.4" MSEG, [My Progress Pics] - [My Routine]

Revised Min Final Objective: [/b] 7.75" BPEL (33% increase), 5.5" MSEG

Originally Posted by UpTo7
Sorry, but you have no idea what you’re talking about. Average girth is still below 5”, porn is not the real world and PE is still underground. 7” will never become the new 6” because most guys with even 6” can forget about comfortable blowjobs and are already big for quite a bit of girls. Like Soja said, vaginas are not getting bigger. Why should “standard” girth increase then? 7” is so big and rare that it can be considered an anomaly if you have it naturally.

The irony.

In my opinion and experience, there is a lower percentage of women who cannot handle 5.5” girth than those who can handle 6.5” girth. My mid girth is 5.5 and base is 6. With a cockring, both of those figures go up by .5 and only a few women I have been with were uncomfortable with the thickness.
Vaginas are not getting bigger but we know they change over time. As women age, have more sexual experience and bear children, they can accommodate a much larger penis. I have no doubt that the average 20 year old girl can easily handle an extra inch or more of girth by the time she is 30. As men age and get into their 30’s and older, odds are they will become better lovers. The whole sexual experience changes. The buildup to sex is much longer and more intense which better prepares their partner for intercourse and potentially larger girth.

But you can’t deny that 7” would be overdoing it.

Originally Posted by UpTo7
But you can’t deny that 7” would be overdoing it.


Originally Posted by ddolphin
As women age, have more sexual experience and bear children, they can accommodate a much larger penis.

And as they continue to age, their vaginas can get smaller.

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