Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A Primer to Clamping & the OLF/OLR Method

Originally Posted by sparkyx
The stress should be a slow but steady descent into lowering your EQ. You are accumulating tissue fatigue, and as a result you will begin to see a drop in EQ. I haven’t seen LV put a number to it, but I would guess (LV correct me if I’m wrong), if your best EQ is a 10 on a 1-10 scale, I would say you are dropping down to about 5-6.

Note that this will happen in a nonlinear fashion, in practice. Your EQ will go down over the phase as you carry more and more fatigue, but due to the variance in recovery rates (I suspect) EQ will bounce up and down while going down in general.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Its a lot like weight training, where you are really doing a bit too much, and over a period of 2 weeks, you begin to get increasingly fatigued. You begin to get some joint soreness, muscle soreness and strength starts to drop. This is because the cumulative tissue damage is collecting. If you continue at that rate, you are going to end up with an injury.

If at the end of those 2 weeks, you say “screw it” and take a week off from training, you will notice that you may grow like crazy for a week, and when you go back into the gym, you are stronger!

Good analogy, except that from what I’ve seen weight trainers tend to work out when they are fully recovered from the previous workout. Our workouts are daily, and we are intentionally going back to the gym with sore muscles, for a period of time, and then backing off, which most weight trainers don’t do (unless you consider the sets of an exercise, or exercises in a workout, instead of the workouts themselves).

Originally Posted by sparkyx
So with this approach, you want to slowly ramp up the fatigue accumulation, which will be indicated by feel of “fatigue” as well as slow drop of EQ. [Xeno had used a multiplier to accomplish this, but didn’t use a physiologic feedback indicator,which is a fatal flaw IMO]

I did not know Xeno did this actually, I posted about it in my log (I think we are talking about the same thing). I understand what you mean by it being flawed, it’s flaws run deeper than I realized when I wrote the post on my log. Maybe a mix of the two would be ideal (reply on log, preferably).

Originally Posted by sparkyx
You don’t want to try and overwhelm your tissues with a huge massive shock, as that (I assume) can trigger toughening, but rather slowly pushing it toward “over training”. You want to time this so it peaks about 2 weeks into it, then recover for a week.

Exactly! Gentlemen, this is what has frightened us off of carrying fatigue - people like to go on 2 day marathons and then cut off, and then they see no results. The key here, which I missed during my first 8 months of clamping, was to draw that overload out for a few more days - then the gains will come. Of course, you have to lessen the fatigue per day to draw it out, to avoid injury.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Its also important not to overwhelm your tissues completely, not only because of the tissue toughening aspect, but the greater the tissue damage, the longer it will take to recover. If you push the time needed to completely recover out past a week, yet only take a week, you won’t grow.

Exactly, don’t get too close to injury levels, you need something that you can recover from within a week (this takes practice, but hopefully with more people participating we can begin to define the right levels of fatigue using some indicators).

Excellent and helpful post, sparkyx.

I have been working out the rest of my body for strength and I do an extreme short set twice a week and I notice that this builds strength quick then the size comes.. The rest is just as important as the work out

I will try this method as the 2 days on 1 day off method does not seem to work very well for me when it comes to clamping. I do not easily hurt myself (should know after more than 1 year of PE) and believe I have gotten the best gain from changed routine/exercise or during periods of very intensive PE and then a rest. I will prolong my clamp period to about 15 minutes, starting today, and see how many repetitions I can do today, tomorrow and next coming days until I reach the limit of fatigue. Then take a break until I feel fully recovered. I will try this October out and see how I react on it. Intuitively, this feel right but somewhat more dangerous. Only problem is that I work full time, have a lot of things planned and a family to take care of. That will more likely restrict the number of reps rather than fatigue ;) .

Historical graph since start including all Measures and Goals -

Start 2008-09-01: 5,9" X 4,5", 2012-03-31: 7,3" X 5.4" - Goal 7,5" X 5,5"

This Primer is incredible. But, I’m left with a question. What exactly is this clamping device/Cable clamp?! What does it look like? Where can I get one?

Initial=> Bpel: 6.75 Nbpel: 6.25 EG: 4.6 Current: Bpel: 6.9 Nbpel: 6.5

Post (girth) pumping: 5.25, Post (girth) pumping with c-ring: 5.5

Goal=> Pre-pump Nbel: 7.5 Eg: 5.5

Originally Posted by PerrinG
This Primer is incredible. But, I’m left with a question. What exactly is this clamping device/Cable clamp?! What does it look like? Where can I get one?

Depends on your country (I’m not familiar with "my house") but I got mine at Walmart. Get the medium size.

Wait let me get this straight, if you do 2 weeks of hard OLF you take 2 weeks off of OLR? If you want my opinion you just did some shock routines which helped alot. Generally if you try and balance it so you’re not to fatigued before you start your session that’s less risky and probably for the best and will yield gains over time, just every now and then throw in a shock routine which may require abit more time to rest. What I just said is simplistic but with everything I’ve read makes alot of sense and it’s what I shall be doing.

Oh and did Red Zulu say he uses a rolling pin on his dick to thicken it out? Sounds like a nice idea almost abit like jelqing. But an actual big thick wooden rolling ping?

Hey man, AMAZING post. I just cannot figure out for the life of me what you are talking about with the theraband wrap thing? Any pics possible?

Have been trying to implement this.

But every fucking weekend I go out friday and saturday all night (when I usually PE) and miss my sessions! By friday I’ve had 5 days and worked up some good fatigue and by Sunday night I’m pretty well healed. Do you think that’s okay for a truncated sort of version of this theory?

Originally Posted by Audacia
Wait let me get this straight, if you do 2 weeks of hard OLF you take 2 weeks off of OLR? If you want my opinion you just did some shock routines which helped alot. Generally if you try and balance it so you’re not to fatigued before you start your session that’s less risky and probably for the best and will yield gains over time, just every now and then throw in a shock routine which may require abit more time to rest. What I just said is simplistic but with everything I’ve read makes alot of sense and it’s what I shall be doing.

It’s not 2 weeks. That was a hypothesized ideal period to carry fatigue. I’ve since moved away from that and been carrying fatigue for 2-3 days at the maximum. The point is that you don’t recovery fully for a period of time, and then recovery fully for a period of time. The actual period of time depends on a number of factors; I originally thought 2 weeks was ideal, but it turns out that shorter time periods might be better.

This has nothing to do with shocks. The body adapts when it needs to. If you stop growing with clamping, the idea isn’t to shock it, but rather to use another method to change the penis and then go back to clamping (where the penis would now be inefficient due to the new changes). Clamp for a while then hang, or do something else.

Sparkyx pointed this out a while ago and it makes sense.

Originally Posted by Audacia
Oh and did Red Zulu say he uses a rolling pin on his dick to thicken it out? Sounds like a nice idea almost abit like jelqing. But an actual big thick wooden rolling ping?

It’s a thread on the MOS forum called “The Secret of…” and he names some porn stars, I think Shane Diesel. He does this clamped, but his clamping style causes less pressure than mine does, so he can do it.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
Hey man, AMAZING post. I just cannot figure out for the life of me what you are talking about with the theraband wrap thing? Any pics possible?


I don’t post pictures. However, I think you would not need the Theraband method due to your base girth. I don’t really need it anymore either, but I sort of got used to it. Buy an air clamp instead.

Originally Posted by Tweaking
Have been trying to implement this.

But every fucking weekend I go out friday and saturday all night (when I usually PE) and miss my sessions! By friday I’ve had 5 days and worked up some good fatigue and by Sunday night I’m pretty well healed. Do you think that’s okay for a truncated sort of version of this theory?

Of course, you’ve just set your OLF period to five days and your OLR period to two days with 0 fatigue. I didn’t mean to say that 2 weeks was ideal, but it was what I had hypothesized might be ideal due to various members’ experiences. I’ve now changed my opinion on this and begun implementing micro OLF/OLR phases within macro OLF/OLR phases, which seems to work much better.

The essence of this post was to do three things:

1. Explain clamping in a more rigorous manor for newbies.
2. Create a method of thinking about clamping through fatigue and recovery, as while as time spent in clamp and time spent clamped overall.
3. Point out the importance of OVERLOADING fatigue and then overloading recovery. I believe this is the key to girth gains.

With time, I’ve changed my views on some of the variables:

1. I believe OLF/OLR phases should be cut into micro and macro cycles, so that absolute OLF phases are 2-3 days long during the major OLF phase.
2. I strongly believe that expansion is the cause for true girth gains, not deoxygenation or pressure build up at the clamped area.
3. I no longer believe that lymph fluid build up is a negative sign, but it should still not be mistaken for true gains.

Last edited by LongVehicle : 02-18-2010 at .

Originally Posted by kooljohn
In a nutshell..

In short period , let’s say 2 weeks, you want to train your penis with enough intensity that it doesn’t recover sufficiently within a 24 hour period between workouts.

After this 2 week period you then take a prolonged amount of rest, possibly up to a week, to allow full recovery and growth.

Once this period is over and you have fully recovered you then resume the process.

Am I right in my summarising?

LV, during the OLR period, does this period end when your PI’s are good and your EQ is normal? So if it takes me less than a week to overload recovery should I resume with overloading fatigue? Also, during the OLR period if I do light amounts of PE while recovering (in the OLR phase), and my PI’s and EQ return to excellent levels while still doing light amounts of PE, does this contradict the whole idea. I remember you mentioning that during the OLR period you will do one clamping set a day and it wont effect your recovery I think.

So basically in plain terms I clamp aggressively every day and continue to clamp for up to two weeks, clamping my over worked dick and when the two weeks are complete I do extreme light amounts of PE or no PE until my PI’s and EQ are back to normal and repeat the process. Im I on the right track of thinking here? I actually think this is what I have intended to be doing with PE since the beginning, but I usually just stay in the OLF phase for up to 3 weeks to 4 weeks, then just go very light until I recover. But this period of recovery is more forced because my EQ and penis become very tired after a month of clamping. So far this is what I have been doing, along with the water pumping and bends in addition to clamping, and I have gained a lot and have lost a lot which is confusing to me, but overall I have gained far more then I lost. Any suggestions?

I read this thread all the way through and it does make a lot of sense to me. Hopefully, my gains will become more permanent if I pay more attention to the OLR phase, which is lacking.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

To make this simple for people. I’d simply say PE every single day, obviously after PE’ing for some time you’ll know your limits. When you are really fatigued or sore from yesterdays and previous days then take a rest day, if you still feel fatigued the next day take another rest day.

Simply rest when you need it but I wouldn’t recommend full recovery ideally.

Oh and can you PM the MOS forum link please LV? I’m intrigued about the rolling pin and there could be some other good ideas there.

Originally Posted by Audacia
To make this simple for people. I’d simply say PE every single day, obviously after PE’ing for some time you’ll know your limits. When you are really fatigued or sore from yesterdays and previous days then take a rest day, if you still feel fatigued the next day take another rest day.

You’d say, I wouldn’t. In fact, that is close to the opposite of what I’m saying.

Originally Posted by Audacia
Oh and can you PM the MOS forum link please LV? I’m intrigued about the rolling pin and there could be some other good ideas there.

I’m sorry Audacia, I think I’ve forgotten the link. It’s pretty easy to find, check the threads started by Red Zulu in 2009 and you’ll find it in one of the last ones - the title includes the worlds “Shane Diesel and Shorty Mac.”

He describes an accelerated version of the rolling pin. I would not recommend it due to the force it would apply to blood vessels.

Originally Posted by Clubber
LV, during the OLR period, does this period end when your PI’s are good and your EQ is normal? So if it takes me less than a week to overload recovery should I resume with overloading fatigue? Also, during the OLR period if I do light amounts of PE while recovering (in the OLR phase), and my PI’s and EQ return to excellent levels while still doing light amounts of PE, does this contradict the whole idea. I remember you mentioning that during the OLR period you will do one clamping set a day and it wont effect your recovery I think.

So basically in plain terms I clamp aggressively every day and continue to clamp for up to two weeks, clamping my over worked dick and when the two weeks are complete I do extreme light amounts of PE or no PE until my PI’s and EQ are back to normal and repeat the process. Im I on the right track of thinking here? I actually think this is what I have intended to be doing with PE since the beginning, but I usually just stay in the OLF phase for up to 3 weeks to 4 weeks, then just go very light until I recover. But this period of recovery is more forced because my EQ and penis become very tired after a month of clamping. So far this is what I have been doing, along with the water pumping and bends in addition to clamping, and I have gained a lot and have lost a lot which is confusing to me, but overall I have gained far more then I lost. Any suggestions?

I read this thread all the way through and it does make a lot of sense to me. Hopefully, my gains will become more permanent if I pay more attention to the OLR phase, which is lacking.


Your posts are always welcomed.

The essence of the idea is to HOLD fatigue over a period of time (couple of days, two weeks, whatever), without allowing your penis to fully recover, and then to HOLD recovery for a period of days, until your penis is fully recovered. So in essence:

OLF: fatigue implementation rate > recovery rate
OLR: fatigue implementation rate < recovery rate

How high should the fatigue be done? Depends on how long you want the OLF to last - you have a set amount of time before you are getting dangerously close to injury, etc. The individual variables should be tried by trial and error, the point is to think of your workouts in terms of fatigue and recovery, and intend to overload on fatigue.

I have never lost any gains, and I don’t expect to. I believe you did because of the stimulus. You used the temporary expansion from pumping to fuel a long period of battering your dick. While your enthusiasm is commendable (identical to mine, we are both obsessed), lymph gains are NOT real gains! You lost both lymph gains and temporary pump expansion - those are not gains.

My major advise would be two things:

1. Lymph fluid is good, but don’t get it confused with gains. Same for post pump expansion (few days of thicker/longer dick without lymph) - this is temporary. True gains do come from pumping, but they come over time. I think the best thing about pumping is the post pump expansion - this is creep and can be used to further deform the tunica with clamping/hanging.

2. Do NOT ignore RECOVERY. You will only gain girth during recovery. Length might be debatable, but I can guarantee you that you will only make true gains while recovering. I know you have made gains, but I bet those occurred (physically) while your recovery > fatigue, even for a few hours.

The key, for girth, is to overload fatigue (expansion), and then rest. I am using a 2 day mini-OLF and 2 day mini-OLR now, the same as EquineRooster did - I suggest you try it.

The hardest thing in PE for me is to recover and not do any PE. Truly, it is the hardest thing.


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